Austin Macauley’s Gifting Guide

Austin Macauley's Gifting Guide

Everyone wants to make their loved ones and close acquaintances happy. Buying your loved ones gifts is a great way to show them you love and appreciate them. But the question is—how to decide on the perfect gift for a close person or a special friend? Arguably, books are considered to make one of the most perfect gifts for many people. As there are a huge number of books available in the world, it is easy to find a book on every topic. But again—the problem arises—which book to buy for someone?

With so many options available, choosing the perfect book as a present can be overwhelming and a daunting task. But don’t worry, we have got you covered. With our gifting guide, you can choose a perfect title for the right time. So, let’s begin.

Books for Little Munchkins

Kids love to receive gifts, and nothing can beat the feeling of receiving an interesting and fun-filled storybook as a kid. They mostly love books that have a fascinating story, are colourful, and have illustrations and pictures. To help you find the perfect book for the little munchkins around you, our list has some very interesting and fun-filled storybooks. so, let’s dig in to find the perfect book for the little friends.

  1. Glimpse of Jordan by Danah Tuffaha, Hanan Al-Amad and Nedaa Elias
  2. Diversity by Maryam Saqer Al Qassimi
  3. Expo 2020 Dubai Mascots Activity Book by Austin Macauley UAE
  4. Blossoming Kindness by Yasmine Hammad
  5. The Strange Ring by Ahlam Yahya Jhaaf

To find some more amazing and wonderful books for children, read our blog here about perfect summer reads for the kids.

Books for That Special Friend

We all have that one special friend who loves to read and would love to be gifted a book. But again—the difficult thing is to decide what kind of book should you buy for your bestie. When you give someone a book, it strengthens the bond between you and that person. So, it is always important to put some thought into buying a book. It should be a useful book which is also enjoyable for your friend. So, to help you out here, we have collected 5 books from our famous titles. These books are from different genres—such as fiction, health and wellbeing, biographies, and also some romance novels. Let’s check out the titles.

  1. Diving with Seven Livelihoods by Ahmed Mohammed Bin Thani
  2. Overpower Your Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Hanan Al-bastaki
  3. Homes by Dr. Nuha Talal Ibrahim Zelai
  4. Carnival by Yasir Alsabali
  5. The Silence of London by Muna Alsuwaidi “Salfat3shg”

Books for Mom and Dad

Well, you love your parents. Everyone does!! But nobody knows for sure what their parents would love to have as a present. To make things harder, your parents wouldn’t even help letting you know what they would like to have as a present. So we need to think a lot before buying a book that would become mom’s or dad’s favourite. To help you in this regard, we have curated a list of books that has some exciting titles—books about travel, health and fitness, novels, and also some crime fiction. So, let’s delve into our list of books we have specially chosen for the moms and the dads out there.

  1. Fly by Sithara Palavar
  2. A Piece of Fabric by Khalid Bin Khalifa Al-Qanbar
  3. Heading East by Abdulla Nasser Sultan Alameri
  4. The Descent by Fatma Hussein
  5. Is Life as We Know It? by Palak and Pooja

New Year Specials

Are you someone who loves to put things in order and organize important stuff in life and your surroundings? Or do you know someone who may be the kind of person who loves to write a New Year’s resolution and stick to it all year? If yes, then we have gathered some really inspiring and helpful books for you. From organizational books to educational ones—our list includes each one of them. Any book you choose from this list is guaranteed to make a very special gift to the disciplined one in your social circle. So, let’s check out what titles have we added to our list of New Year’s special books.

  1. Toward Creating Organizational Organization by Maitham Y. Almaskeen
  2. Philosophy of Excellence by Dr. Abdullah Attoun
  3. Dot by Lubna Mohammad Altamimi
  4. So Many Hats (or Veils) by Wid Kattan
  5. Momentums by Majd Radwan

Books for Your Loved Ones on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is the best time to show your special someone how important they are. You can send your significant other a bouquet, along with an interesting novel, so they can enjoy the read and think of you every time they pick the book. With Romance books being the most popular genre, it may become overwhelming to buy the perfect book for Valentine’s day gift. But worry not, we have got it all sorted for you. We have chosen the 5 best books from the Romance genre. All the titles in this list are romantic fiction. So, let’s check them out.

  1. Rose Marie by Badriah Al-Ahmad
  2. I Believed You by Laila Bashar Al-Kloub
  3. She Was by Nura Alhamadi
  4. What Do You Know About My Love, Baby? by Shaikhah Kaseb
  5. In Love with Dracula by Nadine Jameel Omar

Books for Religious Occasions

Many people love to spend religious occasions and festivities by reading books from the religion and spirituality genre. They enjoy spending Ramadan reading spiritual guides and even their Eid holidays reading books. To help you out here, we have gathered 5 of our best books for you to give away as gifts on religious occasions. These include titles infused with the element of spirituality. So, let’s check them out.

  1. Oh My God! by Wad Hangol
  2. Pillars of Islam by Ahmad Mouhammad Alkharraz
  3. Sada-e-Haqq by Jameel AbdusSamad
  4. The Modern Statistic of the Most Beautiful Names of God by Dr. Daifallah bin Safar
  5. The Impact of Production Costs on Zakat of Agricultural Crops and Exploited Items by Mr. Abdullah Hamoud Ould Abdi

We hope this blog about books from different genres, you will find it easy to choose a perfect gift for your loved ones. From this list, you can choose a book as a present for the little munchkins in your family, your parents, a special friend, or even your significant other.

Happy gifting!

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Which Book Genres are the Most Popular in 2021 and Why?

Most-Read Genres of 2021

When it comes to books—there are a lot of genres out there to read from. There are romance books, thrillers and mystery stories, science fiction, poetry books and many more. Different people like different kinds of books to read and would almost involuntarily reach that aisle of a bookstore, where they can find books from their favourite genre. The three most popular book genres which people like to read in the UAE are;

  • Romance books
  • Crime and Mystery books
  • Science Fiction and Fantasy books

Romance books are the type of fiction books that revolve around feelings of love. A romantic novel is based on the relationship of love between two main characters. It may include many other characters as well who play a positive or negative role in the love story of the main two characters. Although most romance novels are read by women, it is slowly gaining popularity among men as well.

Crime books primarily revolve around criminal acts such as murders or grand thefts. Books included in this genre are mostly murder mystery novels, dark fantasy, and thrillers. They primarily focus on the investigation of a crime, mostly murder.

Lastly, sci-fi books, as is clear from the name, deal with the topics of science and technology. Whereas, the stories in fantasy books are a form of speculative fiction that is inspired by myths of the real world.

To know more about the trending book genres in the year 2021, read this detailed article here. This article gives the readers a forecast of what to read and what to publish in 2021. Reading about the genres in detail may overwhelm you, but worry not. We have gathered 3 books from each genre for you to read, so you can decide which genre best suits your liking.Thus, without further ado, let’s get started.

Romance Books—Our Top 3 Picks:

From The Heights Of Heaven To The Depths Of Despair

From The Heights of Heaven to The Depths of Despair

The first pick from our romance books is this story about a Greek girl named Kacey. She was the kind of girl who wants to live her life to the fullest and enjoy it. She would look at the lives of her Australian friends and co-workers and wish to spend her life like them. But her mother wanted her to get married to a Greek boy soon. This makes her defiant and she leaves her house. She eventually meets and falls in love with an Irish boy, who loves her equally. But their love brings with it many clashes and disputes. Will their love win the tests of life or will they let go of each other? To find out what happens to the love story of Kacey, buy this book here.



Fragrance of September’s

Fragrance of September’s

The next one from the romance books is the story of unrequited love. This book asks the readers to find the answers to all the difficult questions of life and love. Does the love for a particular person makes its way in our hearts as if it was decided in the heavens? Or do we let his love into our hearts on our own? And what happens when we love someone and their love makes the way in our hearts? What happens when their love sweeps over us and engulfs our minds and bodies? Does the heart heal after all the sins we commit? Or does it remain filled with negativity and toxicity till we die? To find out answers to these thought-provoking questions, get the Fragrance of September’s here.



For the Bound Hearts

For the Bound Hearts

This last book we have added to the genre of romance books is not about traditional love, but about self-love. This book talks about the sad moments we all go through in our lives and how we feel once we encounter those feelings. This book is written in a bid to help people overcome the sadness and hardships of their lives. You can get hold of this amazing and inspirational book here.





Crime and Mystery Books—Our Top 3 Picks:

The Guardian

The Guardian

The first one we have picked for you from the crime and mystery books’ genres is The Guardian. This newly released book tells the story of a man and his 7 children. They live in a small and peaceful town. But one fateful day, a fire breaks out and engulfs one of the houses, causing the father of the 7 children to die. His death brings misery and hardships to the lives of these children and also brings along some greedy and selfish relatives. Their main motive is to get hold of the orphans’ money and other properties left behind by their father. But the town’s merchants get together and give refuge to the orphans. They also appoint the chief merchant to become the orphans’ guardian until they reach the age of maturity. Will the orphans and their wealth be kept safe from the clutches of their greedy relatives? To find out more, buy this crime and mystery book here.


A Thug in the Corridors of the Past

A Thug in the Corridors of the Past

This book revolves around the motives and mental traits behind a criminal mind. It talks about how a person starts a crime on a small scale as a small dishonest act. But eventually, one gets used to deceiving people and using unfair means. Before one knows it, one gets so used to doing wrongful deeds that it’s difficult to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. This spreads like poison in one’s heart and eventually results in numbing a person’s morals completely. People seem alive on the outside, breathing, talking and thinking—but on the inside, they feel dead and senseless. To read more of this bone-chilling narrative about crime, get hold of this book here.


Come On, Let’s Chase Him to Tunisia

Come On, Let’s Chase Him to Tunisia

This last crime book on our list is a story of revenge. Salem returns to London, expecting Brigitte to wait for him in their apartment. But she is not there. Upon inquiring, he finds out she was with another man named Peter. He drops her off at Salem’s apartment. When she returns, they argue and in the heat of the moment, Salem punches her in her face. The unexpected blow makes her fall, and the back of her head hits a coffee table that is made of steel. She dies, and Salem flees the country. Salem’s father has ordered him to stay in his country because Interpol had requested the Yemen authorities to hand him over to the British Police. They have refused their request because of his father, who is an influential person. After some time, he is allowed by his father to go to Tunisia. On the other hand, Peter is keeping an eye on Salem’s movements, and when he knows Salem is going to Tunisia, he also plans a trip to Tunisia. He convinces his beautiful and charming sister, Antonia, to accompany him so he can use her beauty to seduce Salem. He, then, would revenge the murder of his lover Brigitte. To find more about this gripping revenge and murder mystery book, buy it here.


Science Fiction and Fantasy Books—Our Top 3 Picks:

Labib and the Freakish

Labib and the Freakish

The first book is an interesting one from the sci-fi books. It takes the readers on a unique journey. This journey is an educational one, that takes us through the human body. The courageous Labib travels inside the human body with his mythical friend named Freakish. Together, they unravel the mysteries of the human body. This story will definitely intrigue the readers and make its place among the good sci-fi novels. Get a copy of this fascinating and unique book here.



The Forbidden Tree

The Forbidden Tree

This book is a fantasy story about deception, the breaking of promises, and manipulation.

Hajar wants to revenge the death of her father, who was killed for the crown and his position. Hajar doesn’t want the crown or other valuable possession. Instead, she wants to avenge the death of her father as it ended her family’s dynasty. Would Hajar and her son be able to succeed? To find out more, buy this book here.




The Flower of January: The myth of Flowers, Stones, and Trees

The Flower of January: The myth of Flowers, Stones, and Tree

The last book on our list is a story about the flower of January. When the breeze of life blew, the flower was motivated to escape, so she ran. During her special journey, she witnessed the beauty of the universe, the days and the nights. You can read this beautiful fantasy story here.





We hope that you enjoyed our recommended books from the most-read genres.

Happy reading!

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