Five Book Genres to Compliment Your Mood

Five Book Genres

The true alchemists do not change lead into gold; they change the world into words.

William H. Gass

Believe it or not, books have that amazing aura about them which transcends you to places you’ve never imagined before. It takes you on exhilarating adventures and lets you meet innovative characters full of life. Books have the power to make you cry out of joy, and make you appreciate the little things in life. There are so many moods and emotions you can associate with books. Today, we bring you five book genres for five distinct moods.

  • If you feel like getting lost in your imagination, read these fantasy books.


A Mysterious Marking

Book: A Mysterious Marking
Author: Taiba Albahrani

Amara’s world rattles when she finds out that her brother has been touched by a deadly disease: The Morbus Touch. Amara knows where to find the cure. But her path to finding it is filled with life-threatening obstacles and menacing encounters. Will she succeed in saving her brother? Or will time run out for her brother? Buy this fantasy book now.





Legacy of Foggy Village

Book: The Legacy of Foggy Village
Author: Mezoon Alnaqbi

Being the best fighter in the village is Akhiro’s dream. To become the man he always dreamed of, Akhiro has to go through countless challenges of friendship, loyalty and trusting his trainer’s methods. Hiroushi considers Akhiro as his brother. Little does he know his blind trust on Akhiro will come to haunt him.  Get your hands on this fantasy book now.




Searching Adventures

Book: Searching Adventures
Author: Mezoon Alnaqbi

Kyle is kidnapped by a mysterious guy and taken to Renion Island. From there, a new adventure begins for Kyle which will alter his life for good. Why was Kyle kidnapped? Will his life get better or spiral downwards? Buy this book here.






  • If you’re feeling poetic and brimming with emotions, read these poetry books


Ahmed’s Dreams

Book: Ahmed’s Dreams
Author: Ahmed Ashujaa

A beautifully written poetry book which promises to grasp the attention of its readers. The intricate poetry highlights feelings of love and trust. Buy this poetry book here.







Book: Why?
Author:  Khaled Hazem Nusseibeh

Written by an author that has acquired the flavours of the East and West. This poetry book revolves around themes of religion, philosophy and, politics. Buy this poetry book now.






On Loss

Book: On Loss: A Daughter’s Journey
Author: Razan H. Abdul Majeed

This poetry book is straight from the heart where readers can connect to it. On Loss: A Daughter’s Journey is an acknowledgement to those that have loved deeply and lost greatly. You wouldn’t want to miss this poetry book.






  • If you’re feeling the love in the air, grab one of these romantic books.


Osaka Sunset

Book: Osaka Sunset
Author: Solomon Li

Thomas is a lost soul and wants to regain his spiritual consciousness. His parents want him to get married soon, but he has other plans. Just before his birthday, Thomas undertakes a personal pilgrimage to Japan to discover what’s missing in his life. Buy a copy of this romantic book here.




Secret Concern

Book: Secret Concern
Author: Ibtesam Hashim Farhan

Roa’a has to fight the inner voice which persuades her to commit suicide. She is placed in a mental institute after suffering a severe type of psychosis and paranoia. Doctor Omar and Doctor Hanan have taken the responsibility to treat her. Will they save Roa’a or will she do what she intends to? Get yourself a copy now.





In Love with Dracula

Book: In Love with Dracula

Author: Nadine Jameel Omar

Two people are brought together by fate. Their love story begins intertwined with good and evil. The pot of buried secrets resurfaces which destines to have severe consequences. This book is a must-read for those looking for an enjoyable romantic read.  Order this romantic book here.




  • If you’re in the mood to relive your childhood, pick a children’s books.


Munir the Millionaire

Book: Munir the Millionaire
Author: Zainab Ali Albahrani

Munir is a bright kid who observes everything around him. A series of events allows him to ponder on the importance of money. From then onwards, Munir begins his search to find astonishing ways to have good money when he grows up. What ideas does Munir have in mind? Get this children’s book now.





The Little Nurse

Book: The Little Nurse
Author: Dr. Reem Bent Nasir Aldosari

While playing outside, Hima injures her knee badly. Her mother consoles her and calls Reem, the nurse next door. Reem cleans Hima’s wound and eases her pain. Hima likes Reem and asks her to tell her more about nursing. Hima gets so inspired by Reem that she wants to be a nurse too. Buy here.


The Strange Ring

Book: The Strange Ring
Author: Ahlam Yahya Jhaaf

This book is an exciting tale about three young friends who find a strange magical ring. The strange ring fulfils the wish of anyone who finds it. The kids wish to explore Arab countries. The kids begin a journey full of adventure and fun. Get a copy of this book here.



  • If you’re craving to solve a mystery, have a look at these mystery books


The Devil Also Knows the Truth

Book: The Devil Also Knows the Truth
Author:  Amro Algendy

What if you woke up and suddenly discovered that the life you just lived was nothing more than an experience? What if you realized that it was one of many experiences you have already gone through? Read this mind-blowing mystery book to find out.





The Royal Falconer

Book: The Royal Falconer
Author: Norbert Van De Hemn

After the death of her husband, Lady Adela, a lady of noble birth is allowed to return home. Her journey back to her hometown is filled with danger and conspiracies. She is arrested and made to stand trial for murder and theft. Her only saving grace is the King’s royal falconer. Can he save Lady Adela before it is too late? Buy the mystery book now.






Book: Grandmother Fran’s ACCIDENTAL ARSONIST
Author: Carol Moxham Boot

This is an intriguing story which addresses the real world. This twisted story is about Frances Plum, her grandson Mitchell and Jerry. From bullying to domestic violence, this book will keep its readers on the hook.





Catch our newly released books on our website and keep yourself updated about our books and authors by following us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Discover how you can make your dream true to become a published author by clicking here.

6 Romance Books That Build A Better She

Every woman loves to read. And when it comes to reading, romance books can revolutionise a woman’s      life miraculously. Take the first step right now. Start reading good romance books that teach you how to live your life to the fullest. Stuck in past thoughts? Your thoughts and feelings follow a persistent pattern. Probably, they will appear, reappear and… It is only you who can get yourself out of comparative reasoning threads like well or unwell, optimistic or pessimistic, and cynical or credulous.

Our prolific writers at Austin Macauley Publishers compose books that promote the well-being of our valuable feminine readers. From their pen, you get insightful romance books that help you get in touch with your inner self. Their eloquence empowers you to embrace your feelings and emotions, not to seek escape from them.


Robbery of Another Kind

Robbery of Another Kind by Dr. Najat Sultan’s

Dr. Najat Sultan’s      Robbery of Another Kind is a post-modern love novel. It relates the story of Rovan, a      teenage      romantic girl, who has no choice but to let technology drift into her life. Like every one of us, she receives      gazillions of emails every      day – solicited and unsolicited. The shrewd author      carefully selects the earthy human theme of love and romance as manipulated by information technology in our times. Soon, Rovan daydreams about her soul-mate. Love is in the air. She finds herself in the warmest arms, carried by and spun into the air. Deceived by the fake lover, she cries bitterly, jailing herself in poisonous thoughts of self-prison. Now she is stuck in her past bitter thoughts. She decides never to fall in love again. The story twists when a future email inspires the heroine and the reader to rediscover their lost authentic selves. Light of romance shines always. It guides those lovers who seek their true selves. Rovan sets on to rediscover authentic true-self. Robbery of Another Kind teaches you to observe adverse effects of information technology on your personal feelings and emotions, and then embrace them openly. Ironically, robbery empowers you to accept your feelings and emotions as influenced by technology. Could this technological way of strengthening feelings and emotions be justified? Get your copy of the book to find out.


Secret Concern

Secret Concern by Dr. Ibtisam Hashim Farran

Are you stuck in your feelings and emotions?      Secret Concern      by Dr. Ibtisam Hashim Farran is a unique postmodern love story novel that challenges scepticism      caused by      psychological penetration into your romantic familial life. The novelist merges medical      science and literature as part of the healing process of Roa’a – a 30-     year     -old married school teacher, suffering from chronic personality disorders. Roa’a stands for every modern working woman paralysed by the nuisance of modern jobs and familial disorganisation. She symbolises every modern household who has turned pompous, sullen, self-centred     , and quarrelsome. Like every modern girl, Roa’a is stuck in an inconsistent pattern of romantic feelings and emotions that cause chaos, confusion and havoc in her life. Symbolically, Roa’a teaches young girls how to live a free life – a life filled with feelings and emotions, a life full of romance, joy and abundance. She encourages you to embrace your feelings and emotions, and not to      avoid      them.


After a While

After a While by Ghaim

Ghaim’s      After a While      is one of the best romance novels. It tells the      story of a hundred winters old lady. Did you ever notice when the sun shines early in the morning, you too start shining? Definitely, yes. We human beings are predominantly driven by changes in days, nights, and seasons. The lady in this story is winter-obsessed. Winter shapes the way she lives; how she sips coffee; how she breathes a sigh of relief; how she hugs him; how she trembles in downpours without him. Deviating from the days of a fragmented lady, the winter lady offers you more humour     , sense of happiness, candlelit romance, and warmth during blue winter.



Behind My Strength is a Weakness, Loving You

Behind My Strength is a Weakness, Loving You by Dina Al-Saigh

Behind My Strength is a Weakness, Loving You is a poetry book.  It takes you on a journey of self-romance. It is through self-romance that you love others.      Dina Al-Saigh’s pen uplifts you by opening you to your true self. You’re a holy temple of love, built by pains, suffering, screams, tears and sighs. When you start engaging with sorrows     , you take the first step to beautify your life. You begin strengthening yourself, thus regaining the lost kingdom of love.      Pain teaches you to embrace your feelings and emotions, in the first place.





Momentums by Majd Radwan

Momentums      are an irresistible set of  poems on love      that play on divine music. In recent years, there’s been a strong urge to sing, ring and listen to such super, sublime music. Majd Radwan composes      perfect poetic verses, filled with divine romance, mesmerized by human passion. Short rhyme, flowing with consistent rhythm initiates the singer and listener alike to move on to a higher world.





On Loss

On Loss by Razan H. Abdul Majeed

On Loss      stands out as best poetry book that becomes a beacon of light for all of us – we all love, loose, and grieve to make sense of our losses. Razan H. Abdul Majeed interweaves themes of life, death, and time to rediscover lost paternal romance. Would she succeed? To find out, get your copy here.





Feel free to choose some of these ultra-modern books and reflect on them to transform your mindset. When you’re resisting inner war, there is another way too – open yourself to your limitless infinity by reading a good book.

Catch our newly released books on our website and keep yourself updated about our books and authors by following us on Facebook,  Instagram, and Twitter. Discover how you can make your dream come true to become a published author by clicking here.

10 Smart Book Promotion Strategies for Authors

10 Book Promotion Tips for Authors

Writing and publishing your book is one part, promoting it is another. While the sense of accomplishment that comes with publishing your book is unmatched, you will have to maintain this feeling by investing just an equal amount of time and energy in marketing your book. The good part is you own and love your work and the effort required to promote your book will not feel like a loathsome job. With some simple and easier book promotion tips listed below, you will begin to enjoy the whole process. Have faith and read on!

Invest time in promoting your book

For successful book promotion, you will have to dedicate your time. Now that you have authored a book, you do know that there is no shortcut to success. Invest time every day! Yes, there are smarter ways to go about promoting your book, but even smart work requires time. Whenever you have a chance to meet acknowledged writers, ask them about the strategies they have employed to get their book to a wider audience.

Increase your online presence

Remember, online book marketing is key. You might not be used to social media and other online platforms, but it is essential to promote your book online. So, gradually start building your presence online and try to maintain author profiles on Amazon and Goodreads, alongside your regular social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Build online relationships and engage with your online friends. This will be rewarding in the long run.

Have your own website

Make and maintain your own website, this will give you a feeling of running your very own project. Make your project as interesting as it gets. Publish daily blogs on your website. You may put down your reflections on any current event. This will take you farther along in your writing journey, while also bringing you the satisfaction that you are not out of your writing practice.

Create unique content

Offer free and interesting content on your social media. Share such excerpts from your book which may arouse the reader’s curiosity and pull the reader into reading the complete book. Do not just talk about your book, make your account diverse, so that your audience and fan club is generated. Once you attain a reputation, people will want to read your work.

Keep an eye on the engagement you get. This will help you gauge an idea of your audience and what they like to see and read more.

Hype up your upcoming book

Ideally, book promotion should begin before the release. You can run an online pre-order campaign. Try to create a hype around your upcoming book on social media so that the audience can see that something big is coming. Make your audience look forward to your book’s release date. Also, try to get pre-release book reviews from various online book review services before the release and share them on your social media.

Compile a mailing list

In the process, you will be contacting a lot of people and will find some to be encouraging; showing an inclination towards the theme of your book. Include them in your mailing list. Make sure to update your mailing list club whenever you are undertaking any new project or arranging any event related to your book. This is one of the best tried and tested book marketing strategies. You can start with using an email platform such as Mailchimp to capture your mailing list and promote it across your social media or website.

Make use of both paid and unpaid collaborations/services

If you have published your own book, do not hesitate to contact a specialized company to help you with running a book marketing campaign. Hire professional services whenever needed, for example getting the book cover designed. You will not regret making this financial investment. However, you can also collaborate with your PR list if you have a tight budget. Your blogger friends will love to give a shout-out to you and your masterpiece.

Organize online promotional events

As soon as your book is out, start preparing for one or two promotional events. Given the current scenario, you will have to arrange the events online. You can make maximum use of Facebook and Instagram live. Online promotional events will not hinder the prospects of your book, since such events also do pretty well. The important part is to engage bookstores and private libraries into being a part of your event. You can collaborate with book bloggers to help spread the word about the event or about going live.

Keep pamphlets ready

Get handy pamphlets (related to your book) printed! Keep them in your bag all the time. Being in a gathering is a good chance to let people know about your book through these pamphlets.

Cash your strengths!

Do all it takes to promote yourself and your book but do not let go of your unique self in the process. Keep your uniqueness intact and let it show through all the content you create and all the blogs you write. Just know your exclusive strong points and utilize them to the maximum in all the activities related to book marketing.

We wish you all the best with your book promotions!

Check our book collection on our website and keep yourself updated by following us on Facebook,  Instagram, and Twitter. If you want to become a published author, send us your manuscript by clicking here.

Business Books to help you Achieve Success and Reach your Goals!

Business Books

A business might look simple enough as buying something and selling it at profit, or providing a product and selling it to the masses, except it isn’t that simple. A business, be it of any kind, is filled with intricacies most of us have no idea about. There are secrets to success that are only divulged to those who have been working relentlessly for years, learning through trial and error, never giving up and learning from their mistakes.

They say there’s nothing better than to learn from your experience… or is there? What if you could jump ahead, skip all the years of hard work and find perhaps… a cheat code to getting your business on the right track? Well, we have the answer for you! Books. In particular, business books, written by experienced professionals who revealed their business tricks and strategies that led them to the apex of success in their books.

In reading and analysing these books, you will learn before you make any mistakes. You can fix your business model, make your user interface more friendly, explore new avenues of marketing that you previously hadn’t thought of and much more! There are many different ways to use business books; just start by asking yourself what you want to learn and what your weaknesses are. Then, find the solutions to those and learn from them!

Here are some recommended business books that will save you from the trouble of making mistakes by helping you learn from the experiences of business tycoons.


The Octopus Director

The Octopus Director
Eng. Aisha Al-Ali

In any business,  administration is key. Without the logistical and technical support of administration, no business can take off. In this book, the author aims to elevate the readers’ ability to engage in, oversee and manage workplace resources. The book provides an excellent opportunity to help readers manage technologies in a non-technical way. This book is for those wishing to achieve high administrative positions and develop their careers further!

The author, Aisha Al-Ali, has a bachelor’s in engineering, majoring in IT from Sharjah University in 1997 on a scholarship given only to high achievers. The author earned the Distinguished Employee award from Sharjah Government in 2009.


Symbiosis in Hospitality Management

Symbiosis in Hospitality Management
Peter Alatsas

This book is based on the concept of mutualism, within the broader concept of Symbiosis in a business context. Mutualism in Symbiosis is when two organisms share resources and benefit from the outcome mutually. In a business setting, this is when stakeholders treat one another as partners for mutual benefit.
This book, in particular, focuses on hospitality management and the relationship between key stakeholders. The book is written for hotel operators, owners and their representatives as a guide to help manage and oversee the business operations and also guides how to further consolidate partnerships that benefit the parties involved mutually.

The author is an expert in hotel management, having done his bachelors in Tourism and Hospitality Management from Ryerson University, and anMBA in Management Consultancy from Sheffield Hallam University. He has travelled the world and has a quarter century of experience in hospitality tourism and education. Currently, he is the COO of Frontel Group and General Manager of The Venue Hotels in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Engineering Project Management Highlighted from Design to Execution

Engineering Project Management Highlighted from Design to Execution
Eng. Abdullah Theeb Qandil

A book perfect for engineering and construction enthusiasts looking to streamline their businesses. This book talks about the entire construction process from start to finish; including the designing, project submission, major and minor mistakes that are usually made by the owner, contractor and project consultancies. It also explains the dangers and obstacles observed in each step of the construction process and gives solutions to such problems. An all-in-one guide for business owners and enthusiasts alike!

Born in Jordan in 1978, the author has a major in Architectural Engineering and a Masters in Construction Management. Having years of experience working as an Architect in the Contracting and Engineering Consultancy field.


To stay updated with our newly released titles, follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. If you are an aspiring writer, submit your manuscript to us and make your dream of becoming a published author come true.