Amara is a young girl of fourteen, living in the land of Kumilaka, where she constantly has to deal with being different. Her world is shaken when she finds out that her little brother, Neo, has been touched. The Morbus Touch, a deadly disease, kills the child before they reach their seventh birthday. Amara is determined to save her brother by finding the cure rumored to be in the Mountains of Emberose. But to do so, she must venture outside the little island she calls home. She will soon learn that the journey will not be free of life-threatening obstacles and shocking encounters. In the midst of it all, Amara will find within herself the power she never knew existed. But will she find the answers she is looking for? And will her bravery be enough to help her through the unforgiving dangers she must face to save her brother?
Sonia –
The story is amazing!!! I love how the book is short to encourage new/young readers to start reading. Yet so much happens in the book that you feel it is a big book. It is full of many different events that vary from excitement to drama to action and adventure. I love how the book is suitable for all ages. Once you start reading this book, you won’t put it down until you finish.
I really love the characters and how unique they are. I would love to see illustrations of each of the characters. I absolutely love the cover illustration. Seeing the book as a movie or animated film would be great. It would be exciting to have a sequel to this book.
The story is very inspiring and the readers can definitely relate to it. It is about finding your role in the community. I don’t want to spoil the story further so I will leave the rest to the reader.