This saline drop which flows from your eye sockets is priceless, wipe it by your right hand and push it with your left hand to the edge of a cliff.
That inorganic c
This saline drop which flows from your eye sockets is priceless, wipe it by your right hand and push it with your left hand to the edge of a cliff.
That inorganic contraction and pain will be choking you in one day, but don’t think it’s the end.
You have to remove it by your hidden and unhidden feelings, to convert the pain to pleasures to light your brain cells.
How much are they happy who light the lamps of their heart to light their lover’s path.
Loyalty, fidelity, goodness and honesty, the only return of the pulses of a healthy heart.
They may fade, may throw them in denial wells, those feeling of their heart one day.
Don’t wait for them to come back as they were, don’t tear yourself up, renew the breath of the lungs of a fresh and pure air and smile to the life, make for every night a dream, make from the sunlight ropes helping you to achieve those dreams. Don’t be surprised from the love of anyone to you, this one may see what you didn’t see in yourself, just trust you deserve those feelings.