Best Books for International Children’s Book Day 2023

Top Child Reads for International Children’s Book Day 2023

International Children’s Book Day is just around the corner, an important day celebrated worldwide since 1967. The day is April 2 on our calendars and falls on Hans Christian Anderson’s birthday.

Hans Christian Anderson is one of the most well-known and loved children’s authors. He is well known for writing tales like The Little Mermaid, The Ugly Duckling and the Emperor’s New Clothes.

This year, the country chose to sponsor International Children’s Book Day 2023 in Latvia, and the theme is ‘the small is big in a book.’ The host country selects the theme, and a famous author from the host country pens a message for young readers worldwide.

Celebrate Children’s Books this International Children’s Book Day 2023

Celebrating children’s books and literature is an important aspect of International Children’s Book Day 2023. It’s something that may be overlooked when marking the day. You can do your part by purchasing popular and not-so-popular children’s authors for children in your community and among your friends and family members.

Reviewing children’s authors online or sharing books written for children on your social media accounts is another excellent way to promote children’s book authors. The fact is that some of the most instrumental books that influence great leaders, thinkers and even great writers are introduced to them at a young age. These books shape their perspectives and approach to life and, in some cases, will motivate them to choose their career. Put simply: children’s books are essential.

Why Encouraging to Read Children’s Books is so essential for Children

Knowing the importance of reading for children and children’s books is the first step in marking International Children’s Books Day.

Let’s see why you should be reading to your children and promoting literacy among younger age groups:

1.     Introduces Basic Phonics

Reading to children at an early age is not only setting in place a good habit, but it is also introducing them to basic phonic sounds that they may otherwise not be exposed to. Before children start school, they depend upon the environment in the home to learn new things. Opening a children’s book and slowly reading phrases while pointing to letters helps to form a connection between sound and written words. It will be a long time before they learn to put sounds together to read but introducing the concept at an early age is a great way to support children’s reading.

2.     Teaches Children to Value Books

Having books in the house and letting children see how you care for them is an important lesson. The value children will give to readers comes from what they see at home. Knowing they must value children’s books and care for them is just as important as learning how to read them.

3.     It helps Children Learn to Focus

Focusing on things is difficult for children primarily exposed to the phone, screen and other low attention span activities. If you want to introduce focus and mindfulness at a young age, sit and read with your child. It is fantastic to see how, over time, children will learn to sit and take an interest in the best children’s books. This is imperative today when more and more children have problems with screen time and attention spans.

4.     Helps to Teach Children the Difference between Make-Believe and Real Life

Reading a book helps children know what is real and what is not. Reading about fantasy and make-believe lands lets children’s imaginations run wild and think about things they might otherwise not. Introducing faraway lands and characters they cannot find in this world is very important for young children and can have positive effects later in life.

5.     Helps Children Feel and Understand Frightening Events and How to Deal with Them

How do you deal with death, the loss of friendship, or even having to leave your home suddenly due to war? These themes are explored in children’s books, allowing children to feel and know what it would be like to deal with these specific situations.

6.     It helps Children Learn About Different Cultures

Promoting literacy and exposing children to books from around the world also helps them learn about new cultures and ways of life. How else would they know how other children play, eat and go to school in countries across the planet? Books are the gateway to exotic places they may never get a chance to visit.


Children’s Books to Purchase this Year

Now that you know the importance of encouraging children to read and the importance of reading for children, why not buy some great books today?

Here is a list of children’s books you can gift your child or purchase to read with them. You can buy these and more on the Austin Macauley Publishers website.




Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs, and submit your manuscript if you want to publish your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form. You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram.

8 Children’s Books to Cozy Up with This December

Winter is in full swing with the colder days starting to creep in, and while we miss the long, bright days of summer, quiet winter nights are ideal for book lovers. It’s the perfect weather to enjoy a crackling fire, a cup of hot chocolate, and a good book.

This December, warm your hearts with our curated list of holiday stories for young readers covering important themes like generosity, self-esteem, and gratitude. Whether you’re looking for last-minute holiday gift ideas or good books to add to your child’s bookshelf, you can’t go wrong with these must-have children’s titles. So, cuddle underneath some cozy blankets and lose yourselves in these imaginative illustrations and unforgettable stories.

Be Careful What You Wish For

Not only does this story have a great message, but it is also full of drama, fun and relatable characters! Siblings Arthur and Martha don’t want to do their chores. Instead, they want to spend time with their friends playing. When Martha casts a spell to make their nagging mother disappear, what was supposed to be a carefree day turns into a disaster.



Cookie and Cream Investigate

Let your cat lead the way to adventure! Packed with humour, excitement and surprises along the way, this novel follows Cookie, a 9-year-old girl and Cream, her 3-year-old cat, on one of their visits to Dubai to track down Cookie’s dad. The amusement continues when they stumble upon a thief carrying some stolen documents.



Ginger and I

People and their relationship with their pets is an attachment that often involves mutual affection and deep emotional bonding. Ginger and I is a heart-warming novel that captures this deep bond between Sofia and her pet cat, Ginger. It illustrates the unconditional love that children can feel for their furry companion.



Let’s Learn How To Eat Healthy With Layan

This children’s book focuses on a little girl who loves to eat sweets, but when her excessive eating causes health concerns, she visits a nutritionist who helps her develop healthy eating habits. Filled with kid-friendly recipes and games, this informative read is perfect for teaching kids the importance of a healthy lifestyle.



I Have a Hump

If your children are tired of being stuck at home, this book might let them know they are not alone. Following a story of a little girl who wants to go to school to meet her friends, this book touches on the difficulties of quarantine – specifically for children. It explores the changes taking place due to the COVID-19 crisis and how best to adapt to them.



Jude And Maymoun The Monkey In The Circus

Celebrate the joys of family gatherings with Jude and Mayoun in this heartwarming book. It perfectly captures how a family reunion helps a child connect with their roots, celebrate family accomplishments, and feel bonded with those they love. It can get a little loud and crazy but the everlasting memories are worth it!



Just Imagine

How about something different for a change? Switch up your pace and discover what lies under the sea while learning mindfulness along the way in this underwater-themed yoga book. It opens your imagination to the world of wonderous underwater sea adventures and illustrates easy-to-follow yoga poses to help kids unwind.


Santa Doesn’t Break House Rules

Christmas is right around the corner, and Grace is super excited! From playing in the snow and decorating the tree to singing Christmas carols, she wants to enjoy all the holiday festivities, but not everyone is embracing the spirit of the season. She is determined to spread the festive cheer to her friend Theo and restore his Christmas spirit, but will she succeed?



That’s our take on the best children’s books to read in the month of December. We hope you found a few gems that will be worth adding to your kid’s books-to-read pile.

Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs and submit your manuscript if you are looking for publishing your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form.

You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

How to Set Your Children’s Reading Routine?

children's reading routine

Are you juggling work and personal commitments and struggling to make time to impart important life skills that you are aware your children require? Instilling a love for reading in your children from an early age can prove immensely beneficial as they grow up. You’ll cherish the joy your child experiences in reading, and the time you spend helping your child learn to read is worth every minute.

If you’re looking to help your child become an avid reader, there are a few things more crucial than keeping up with the habit of reading for your kid. It can assist in helping to build stamina for reading and inspire a lifetime fascination with books! With just a few easy steps, you will be able to transform reading into one of your child’s most-loved activities for the year ahead.

Here are some tips to help encourage reading at home. They will not only help your child across all subjects but also reintroduce them to the pleasure of reading for enjoyment independently.

Make Reading a Daily Habit

You can ensure to raise a reader as soon as your newborn gets home. DO you know why? Well, babies love the gentle sound of a reader’s voice and being snuggled on a warm lap. If you incorporate reading into your routine, your child will likely adapt to reading while growing up.

Children can begin developing a good habit of reading at home, and if you wish to learn more on how to encourage good reading habits in kids, check out the linked blog.

Read in Front of Your Kid

Let your child watch your reading if you are a fan of magazines, books, or graphic novels. Children benefit from their observations. If you’re enthusiastic about reading, your child will be able to sense your excitement.

Taking Fun Library Visits is a Must

The library is an excellent spot to find new authors and check out books at no cost. A lot of libraries offer reading sessions as well as other reading programs designed for children. Going to the library gives your child an opportunity to build excellent reading habits and observe other children who are doing the same.

Create the Space for Reading

The first thing you should remember when planning routines to read to your child is to designate the space as a separate area for reading. Ask your child’s opinion about what they find most effective. Help them organize the area and personalize it to their taste and interests. Is there any special pet to use as an ideal reading companion or a blanket or hat that you can use to read in? Even the smallest of details can create a more welcoming space to relax while reading a book.

Let Your Kids Decide the Books to Read

The trip to the library is more memorable if you allow your child the opportunity to browse and discover. Children are more likely to desire to read something they select for themselves. If you’re worried about getting the right book or subject for your child’s reading ability, then provide your child with a set of books available to select from.

Create a Schedule

Making a schedule that you adhere to when reading encourages your child to be more inclined to read independently.

“Work with your child to set a specific time each night that supports a regular routine where other things aren’t scheduled,” says Burke.

Remember that this doesn’t need to be a strict process. It can instead be a relaxed family time.

Lead by Example

One of the most significant actions is showing your child good reading behavior. Switch off the television and put down your mobile and enjoy time reading a book. Your child will discover that reading books can bring them pleasure.

Make Use of a Calendar

We recommend using visual tools so your child can see the progress they make using a calendar. You can use calendars where your child can write down the amount of time they spend reading and the days they read on, and it can be a visual aid for them.

Talk About It

While having the meals together, engaging in a lively discussion on the book your kid is reading will bring enthusiasm to their reading habits. This encourages your child’s reading habit as you discuss what they’re reading, and you can both connect over reading books. This is a fantastic method of assessing your child’s reading comprehension. It is important to talk about the book in a way that feels natural and conversational instead of taking a quiz.

Expose Your Child to Different Genres of Books

Find a book that seems interesting to your child. Explore various genres such as mystery, science fiction, comics, science-fiction, etc. The more engaged your children are with the subject, the more they will want to read!

Support Your Child

If your child is struggling with reading and becomes annoyed, step back and look at what areas he or she may be struggling with. Speak to your kids about the issue and resolve it as earliest as possible.

Reading Should Be Fun and Should Not Be Forced!

Follow these steps to help your children become excited about reading so that you can help them become more effective readers. With a bit of concentration and direction, it is possible to get your kids the boost in reading they need.

You can incorporate storytime into your child’s daily routine to encourage the love of books. The book can be a great resource when getting ready for bed. Sitting down to read with your children can signal to them that it’s time to go to sleep. It could also be at the end of the day or whenever you think they need silence. If you’re searching for good children’s books to read to your kids, check out the books from our children’s genre.

If you do this during the exact same period each day, your child will become familiar with the routine and look for pleasure in reading. If they begin to enjoy books, they will be more comfortable with them when they are able to read on their own.

Make sure you stick to your plan. The occasional day off is acceptable, but you should be sure to stick to the routine most of the time.

We hope that you enjoyed reading about our suggested tips to set up you children’s reading routine, and they will be useful to you. If you wish to be a part of Austin Macauley Publishers, then you’re welcome to share your manuscripts here for review. You can also submit online by filling out this Online Submission Form. Stay connected with Austin Macauley on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more updates.

10 Interesting StoryBooks to Get Your Kids Excited About Summer Reading!

StoryBooks to Get Your Kids Excited About Summer Reading

Summertime is the favourite time of the year for many kids, especially because the schools are closed and they have plenty of time to play with friends and spend days with family. Many like to go on vacations or for picnics at a nearby park. Some like to spend their afternoons swimming while others find it amusing to go for walks, ride their bicycles or read storybooks. Reading is a fun way to learn about new things and increase one’s knowledge. It is a proven fact that kids who are avid readers tend to become more focused and learned when they are older. Reading also increases their attention span, vocabulary and creativity.

Keeping in view these amazing benefits of reading, we have some books suggestions for your little ones so they can enjoy the long summer days by reading these exciting books. So, let’s splash into the world of reading.


Aisen’s School Diary

Aisen’s School Diary

The first book we have selected for your little one is a children’s story about a girl named Aisen. She along with her friends attend an international school. This school has students from different ethnicities and religions. This story takes us through the journey of Aisen with her friends in a diverse environment. They love their school and enjoy playing and having fun. But one day, something unusual happens which teaches them an important lesson. To find out more about Aisen and her journey, buy this book here.


Blossoming Kindness

Blossoming Kindness

Our second choice for kids’ books is a story with a lesson. Grandpa Hadid has taken four of his grandchildren on a journey to teach them about a valuable lesson of kindness. Together they learn to be more compassionate and kinder to each other and the world around them. Join Grandpa Hadid and his grandchildren in this inspiring journey of learning empathy and kindness. You can buy this book here.





Clementine and her SUPER FOOD Friends

Clementine and her SUPER FOOD Friends

If you have picky eaters in your home, then this book is a must-read for your little ones. This book is about crunchy vegetables and fruits which are superfoods but many kids reject to eat them. So, buy this book here and teach your kids about the importance of making healthy eating choices.




Expo 2020 Dubai Mascots Activity Book

Expo 2020 Dubai Mascots Activity Book

Most 6-year-olds or above are very much into activity books where they can solve puzzles and get creative. Austin Macauley’s activity book is the best choice for these little geniuses to indulge themselves in. So, to help your kids improve their concentration and problem-solving skills, buy this engaging activity book here.





Is It Uncool to Go to School

Is It Uncool to Go to School?

Another one from our amazing storybooks is the story of a boy named Peter. He doesn’t like to go to school. The reason behind his aversion is simple; he hates getting up early. After complaining multiple times to his mummy about this rule, his mummy decides to help him out. But how does she help Peter in a way that doesn’t make him skip school? To find out how his mummy solved this problem, buy this book here.





Lennie & the Three Paper Boats

Lennie & the Three Paper Boats

This is another great pick from kids’ books. The story of a little girl, Lennie who wins a golden ticket. She is immensely happy but this golden ticket turns her happiness into a nightmare. Lennie is trapped on a stormy island. Would she be brave enough to reach her dreams? Does she have the patience to conquer the obstacles she will face? You can read about Lennie’s journey by grabbing a copy from here.





The Lady of Colors

Peek-a-Boo, I See You!

An inquisitive bear sets out on a journey to explore the beauties and wonders of nature. The bear is amazed to see different creatures in the forest around him like a bighorn sheep, a group of bees who are busy making honey and a salmon in a creek. Join this nature-based journey by a little bear who learn about different animals, their habitats and instincts. Buy this informative book here.



The Lady of Colors

The Lady of Colors

A beautiful story about the environment – this tells the tale of an exquisite butterfly who has colourful wings. Her friend, the daughter of Eid, takes her along on a journey to see the colours and beauty of the forest. Interesting events start to take place as they roam around the forest. But some disasters are about to hit the forest. Will the Lady of colors and her friend help the forest fight off the disasters? Grab a copy of this book here to find out more.


Larry the Leprechaun

Larry the Leprechaun

This is another one of the interesting storybooks from our summer reading list for kids. Larry is a leprechaun who lives on farmer Murphy’s farm. He is the youngest of all the leprechauns, the funniest and also very cunning. He has a big crock of gold and is the only leprechaun to be ever caught by a human. Joan, farmer Murphy’s daughter, has been planning to catch Larry for a long time. But will Joan be able to get hold of the gold crock? Buy this book here to find it out yourself.




Glimpse of Jordan

Glimpse of Jordan

Our last selection for kids’ books is a fairytale adventure, set in the beautiful city of Jordan. The heroes are lime plaster statues from Ain Ghazal. Read this unique and interesting story by getting a copy of it here.



So, this summer, get hold of these fascinating books and take them with your kids wherever you go. Let us know which one was your kids ultimate favourite. Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

If you aspire to become an author, share your work with us by clicking submit. You can also send it to us by filling our online submission form.

5 Ways to Inspire Your Children to Read

Top Tips to Encourage Children to Read

As parents we envision our children to be well-mannered and want them to engage in activities that push them to have a fresh and unique perspective on life; what better is there than reading? Reading is not only necessary for academic purposes, it is a fundamental need for them, providing them with a gateway of various opportunities. Reading is essential to teach thoughtfulness and imagination in children and helps build their critical thinking, analytical, socialisation and communication skills.

Sometimes it can be difficult to get children to read, especially if they do not enjoy it which can feel like a losing battle, however, reading can be fun and exciting and it is our roles as parents to show them how.

Below we have outlined 5 ways in which you can encourage your children to read regularly.

  • Be Your Child’s Reading Buddy

Children are the mini version of us, they like to copy us in every way. We know they want to do whatever we are doing, they won’t even let us use the bathroom in peace! Reading with them is a great way to encourage children to read. Reading regularly can inspire them to also read on their own. Taking turns to read sentences, paragraphs, or even short stories is a great way to spend time together and get your children comfortable with reading.

  • Encourage Them to Read on Their Own

Have a lot of reading material available at home that will encourage your children to read on their own. Purchase books with intriguing front covers which will grab their attention and draw them in.

  • Recognise Their Achievements

Recognising and celebrating their achievements can help with reading too. Praise them when they have finished reading a book or a school project. This positive reinforcement will work a long way and will motivate and push them further to accept new reading challenges.

  • Expose Your Child to Different Genres

Every child is different, and that being said, they all have different tastes and preferences. Learning a skill becomes easy when you enjoy what you are doing. You can help your children to become good readers by exploring various genres with them. Because the more they like it, the more eager they would be to read it.

  • Buy Books That Interest Their Taste

After exploring these genres with your children and figuring out what they enjoy the most, you can ensure you are purchasing books they like. There are only so many times you would read the same book and this is same with for children. Giving them access to different stories will keep their excitement levels up. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a new book?

Here is a list of our top children’s books to we think will encourage your children to read at home more often:

The Little Nurse

Book: The Little Nurse
Author: Dr. Reem Bent Nasir Aldosari

A delightful and endearing story of a young girl as she finds herself interested in becoming a nurse after she injures her knees while playing. Embark with Hima’s journey as she discovers her interest in nursing after her encounter with Nurse Reem, who later explained the nursing profession to her. Moreover, a great read for instilling your children with nursing knowledge as it makes an introductory exhibit of career they can opt for in the future.


Munir the Millionaire

Book: Munir the Millionaire
Author: Zainab Ali Albahrani

It is a book of adventure, exploration and intrigue; it takes you on Munir’s journey, who is an intelligent kid and a keen observer. His curiosity lands him to realize the significance of money for a prosperous life. So, he starts to manifest unique ideas that will make him a lot of money.






The Strange Ring

Book: The Strange Ring
Author: Ahlam Yahya Jhaaf

It is a fascinating yet enticing adventurous story of a strange magical ring called The Great Name’s Ring, which leads our three heroes on a journey across the Arab countries after finding this ring in an old box. This book is excellent for introducing the spirit of adventure in your children and to ignite the theme of exploration in them.




Book: Diversity
Author: Maryam Saqer Al Qassimi

It can be one of those perfect bedtime stories to read to your children as it aspires to raise awareness regarding appreciating differences and integrating a sense of equality in them. This book is a thought-provoking and classic example of mindful reading.





To stay updated with our newly released titles, follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. If you are an aspiring writer, submit your manuscript to us and make your dream of becoming a published author come true.

Make Your Kid an Avid Reader with Austin Macauley’s Incredible Reads


Book reading is a habit that not only helps children and young adults with their academics, but also helps them to explore their imagination and adventurous minds.

Inculcating book reading habits in children is of utmost importance for their learning and should not be missed at a younger age. You can develop this habit by reading children’s books together whether it be a bedtime story, or a daytime adventure! Set a reading time and demonstrate the love for books to them.

Austin Macauley brings a collection of interesting and moral oriented children’s books to help your children develop a reading habit.


Book: At Grandmother Hissa’s House 
Author: Abdulrahman Mohammed Almahimeed

The amazingly written children’s fictional story that is going to teach your children about different colours and shades of life and how to tackle difficulties that will occur over the span of their life.

Get a copy of this book at 30% off!


Blossoming Kindness

Book: Blossoming Kindness
Author: Yasmine Hammad

Some if not all people have the habit of speaking unkindly about themselves. Grandpa Hadid will teach you the real meaning of kindness and tolerance. Use your heart, thoughts and hands to make this world a better place.

Grab a copy at 30% off!



Munir the Millionaire

Book: Munir the Millionaire 
Author: Zainab Ali Albahrani

The inspiring story of an intelligent child, Munir, with a unique ability of keen observation. He stays updated with his surroundings and wishes to have huge sums of money once he is older. Follow his journey as he makes plans to achieve his goals.

Get a copy today and enjoy 30% off!



How a Whale and the Moon Helped Me

Book: How a Whale and the Moon Helped Me 
Author: Sarab Al Ani

The main character of the story, Yasmine, wants an electronic tablet but her father is reluctant to buy her one. Read the book to find out what she will do to get one and how a whale and the moon helped her complete her mission.

Grab your copy and avail 30% off!



To The Circus Lights

Book: To The Circus Lights 
Author: Richard Anthony Chudzynski

Marlee, Danny and George woke up one day and find out that a circus has come to their town. They decided to visit the circus, and their journey gets filled with many adventures. They are mesmerized by the events at the circus. The spectacle finishes at night, but their mother is waiting for them at home. Will they make it to home in time?

Buy your at 30% off!



Get all our amazing books at 30% off on our website.

We hope that our suggested children’s books will help your children to develop a habit of book reading.

To stay updated with the newly released titles and share your favourite reads, follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram. If you are a writer yourself, why not submit your manuscript to us and make your dream of becoming a published author come true.