6 Inspiring Book Blogs to Follow

6 Best Book Blogs

If you are an avid reader or are working towards professionally writing, then following writing and book blogs is essential. Book blogs not only give you sneak peeks of new books but also provide a great platform to share feedback on books you have read.

Blogs are also a free resource available online for anyone to browse and read. You can find book blogs that are themed according to genre or just general ones that explore all kinds of books. Writers’ blogs are usually written by writers who want to pass on their wisdom to new writers and those who are not sure how to get their first book published.

Below is an excellent list of suggested blogs that you can follow to learn more about new and upcoming books and tips for new writers.

Book and Writing Blogs That are a Must Follow

Writers’ blogs for freelance writers and those who are looking to publish are a great resource to gain advice and essential information on how you can publish your first book. Book blogs will provide insight into how you can get your book mentioned and reviewed. Let us look at six books and writing blogs that are inspiring and essential follows.

1.      The Broadcast by Reedsy

The Broadcast by Reedsy offers book recommendations and stories in addition to articles on anything from bookshelves to the best haiku poems. If you are looking for a blog that provides different genres of books that you can explore, this is the blog for you. For example, they have indie and epistolary novels you might not see in other blogs. The book reviews are written by professional reviewers who read unpublished work and share their critical opinion on the book.

2.      A Life in Books

A Life in Books is a blog that shares book news, reviews, and recommendations. It has been set up by Susan Osborn and features fiction, non-fiction, travel, and other genres of books. Susan usually reviews books she has read that might not be widely known in the mainstream market. She will consider looking at drafts that people have written but might not be able to read cover to cover.

3.      Brewing Writer

Brewing Writer was set up by Sonia, who loves reading and is a content writer. She loves coffee and reading her favorite books. She writes about anything that is book related, including book reviews, book recommendations, and her favorite quotes. She works full-time as an SEO digital marketer and content writer and shares articles on content writing, SEO optimization, and digital marketing in addition to book reviews.

4.      Literary Hub

Literary Hub is the ultimate book blog. It features authors, books, films about books, podcasts about books, news about books, and everything book related. The Literary Hub is divided into craft and criticism, fiction and poetry, communication and culture, lit hub radio, reading lists, bookmarks, and crime reads. If you love books, then this blog is for you. You will be able to find everything from the best-reviewed books of the week to Netflix reviews on the adaption of books to film.

5.      BookPage

BookPage is a book review blog that suggests what you should read next. It solely focuses on book recommendations and what is new in many different genres. If a book has a star next to it, it is considered an excellent book. The blog is independent, and it is clearly indicated if there is any publisher-sponsored content. This blog is a simple, straightforward book recommendation blog that does not clutter itself with other items.

6.      Jane Friedman

Jane Friedman has over 20 years of experience in writing and publishing. If you are looking for a writer’s blog, this is the one you should follow. As a new writer and one that is looking to publish a book, the journey may seem confusing and daunting. With guidance from someone who has been through it all and knows the ropes, Friedman generously shares her wisdom through her self-titled blog.

Popular Books to Blog and Brag About

Now that you know the most popular book and writers’ blogs on the net, why not check out some popular books you can post about too? Below are six books you can purchase today on the Austin Macauley site.

Best Book Blogs of 2022

There you have it, some of the best book review blogs you can start following today. Subscribing and following can help you stay up to date with the latest literary trends. Why not follow some of them before the start of the year? That will give you a headstart on what you should read this winter.

Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs, and submit your manuscript if you are looking to publish your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form. You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Tips on How to Effectively Promote Your Book on Social Media

As social media continues to gain popularity, it has changed the way writers connect with their readers and do book marketing. Now we see all kinds of fiction and non-fiction books being promoted on different platforms. Some online marketing campaigns really help the authors and are truly successful in terms of creating awareness. However, not every campaign works. A well-thought-out and effective social media marketing strategy is what makes the difference.

You might be wondering how to effectively promote your book on social media. As a writer, you wrote the book and now your work is done. Shouldn’t your publisher and marketing team take care of the rest? No. You must be hands-on in this process to turn it into a huge success.

We’ll give you some fantastic tips on how to develop an effective social media marketing campaign for your book.

Use TikTok to Build an Audience 

There are currently over 1 BILLION active users on TikTok and if you think it’s for teenagers and all about dancing, then you might be missing out on a huge opportunity for your book marketing and promotion. There are two really cool things about TikTok that makes it a perfect place for authors to promote their books:

  1. TikTok users create communities, and one of them is #BookTok which is for readers, authors, and basically anyone who loves to talk about books.
  2. On TikTok, if you create attention-grabbing videos, you have the potential to reach thousands of people in no time, and not just those who follow you like many of the other social media platforms.

Create Great Promotional Content

As a writer, you may think that creating a fan page and interacting with them would be enough, but that’s not the drill anymore. You have to be the one triggering interaction with your audience through the most effective platforms, and you’ll be able to achieve that with great promotional content published regularly.

Start a Facebook Contest

To show some appreciation to your Facebook followers for supporting you on your journey, you can give away a few copies of your book. It’s super easy! Simply ask them to share why they want the book, tag a friend who would also like it, and send free copies to the winners.

Start an Instagram Campaign

Instagram provides many opportunities to successfully promote books through images, tags, live videos, stories, comments, and connections. This brings a great opportunity for authors to keep the readers updated and connect with them by giving them a little sneak peek into their lives and upcoming projects. So use Instagram well!

Offer a Free Chapter

Free chapters offer deep insights into the storyline and what the book is all about. So a free introductory chapter can also be a valuable marketing strategy.

Use Medium

Medium is an amazing platform for authors as it allows them to publish content and share it with a large reading audience. It’s like having your own new blog, but the only difference is that the audience is already there and you don’t have to worry about the traffic as much.

Instead of sharing promotional posts on Medium, you should be sharing high-quality content related to the niche of your book so that it triggers people’s interest in you and what you have to say in your book.

Austin Macauley is a leading book publishing house headquartered in the UK, US, and UAE. We are currently accepting manuscripts. Click submit to send us your manuscript.

For online submission of manuscripts, click the online submission form. Connect with us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

With World Mental Health Day coming up on October 10, now is a good time to discuss what role you can play in promoting awareness. Learning about mental health disorders, their treatment and how you can support those who are suffering, is an important part of mental health education.

It is important to realize that mental health issues are pervasive, and the statistics show its a global issue. The World Health Organization predicts that by 2030, depression will be the leading global illness worldwide if urgent steps are not taken.

Making mental health awareness a priority can help family members and the community at large, support those who need treatment. Let us see how you can support someone you know who is suffering:

How Can You Support Those Who Suffer?

One of the hardest things is seeing someone you know suffer from mental illness. Often loved ones feel helpless and at a loss as to how to support someone who is spiralling and has not sought medical help. It can be frightening and quite frankly, intimidating if you do not know how about mental health as a disease.

The most important thing you can do is educate yourself. You can do this easily by looking up local resource centres where you can learn more about mental health disorders and read mental health books.

Here are some great ways to lend support while encouraging them to seek treatment:

Do Not Shame Them

The most important thing is to not give your loved ones the feeling that they should be ashamed for having a mental illness. It is not only words but your facial expressions and body language that can often shame mental health sufferers into not wanting to talk or seek help. If you commit to opening your heart and mind to listen and support, your facial expressions and body language will automatically become compassionate. Mental health sufferers cannot control their actions or thoughts, it is a medical disease that requires treatment.

Lend Your Ear and Reassurance

Taking the time to listen to those who suffer from mental health disorders is essential. If you want to lend support, lend your ear. Sometimes you do not even need to offer advice but must listen to what they are feeling and going through. This makes all the difference when it comes to being an ally for mental health sufferers. Your reassurance and words of comfort can make a difference in someone’s life. We have all heard the stories of individuals who call suicide hotlines and how they were convinced not to end their life because of someone’s words. Do not underestimate the importance of verbal moral support.

Avoid Confrontation

Whenever you are trying to be supportive, it is always important not to confront the individual but rather try and offer reassurance and access to important treatment and resources. If you feel that you are entering into an argument or confrontation, it is better to walk away and give the person some time to cool off and contemplate. It may also be a good idea to then have someone else talk to the individual if you feel that you cannot communicate with them.

Suggest Treatment Options and Resources

Suggesting treatment and access to important resources is an essential part of offering support to people who have mental health disorders. You should have a list of mental health resources ready to share when you are sitting down to talk. If you do not have them on you, then you can offer to look up some resources and share them at a later time. The most important thing is to explain that there are treatments for these issues and that many people have received professional help and are doing great.

Suggest Mental Health Books Read

A great way to show support is by suggesting some mental health book recommendations. These books are not only informative but can also help those who suffer learn about others who also have mental health disorders. If they feel they are not alone when it comes to a mental illness they will realize that this is not something to be ashamed of. You can learn about treatment options, self-care and what kind of latest medical management plans are available.

Below are some suggested books:

Lend Your Support to Those Who Need It

Learning about mental health is the first step in showing support for those who suffer from mental illness. World Mental Health Day is about setting aside your preconceptions of the disease and showing solidarity with our friends, family and co-workers.

Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs and submit your manuscript if you are looking for publishing your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form.

You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

World Teachers’ Day 2022: Celebrating Educators

World Teachers' Day

When you reflect on your childhood, your teen years, and well into adulthood, there will be people who have made a difference in your life and helped you become who you are today. A few of them could be your family members or close friends. However, many of them would be your teachers. They demonstrate compassion, encouragement, and love and stand by our side. While we believe that teachers deserve to be honored every day, World Teachers’ Day is dedicated to honouring teachers every year.

When is World Teachers’ Day?

World Teachers’ Day is celebrated on the 5th October every year. It’s time to buy gifts, write letters, or even tweet on social media your love for the teachers who are in your life!

What is the history of World Teachers’ Day?

In 1994, UNESCO declared the 5th of October to be celebrated as World Teachers’ Day. The day commemorates that year’s ILO/UNESCO resolution regarding The Status of Teachers. This recommendation sets standards for teachers’ rights and responsibilities and sets the standards for their advancement of the education system, job opportunities, recruitment, and learning conditions.

What’s the significance of World Teachers’ Day?

Observing World Teacher Day is to create awareness about teachers’ issues and ensure that respect for teachers is integral to the world’s order. In a more general sense, we must celebrate World Teacher Day because of the enormous impact teachers can have on us.

How to Observe World Teachers’ Day

What is the best way to be celebrating World Teachers Day? There are many methods, but we’ve put together a list of suggestions to help you choose an appropriate celebration for the teacher you know.

Sending them something sweet

Sending them a sweet gift is a wonderful method to show that you appreciate them and how grateful you are.

Send them a sincere note

Perhaps you’ve sent them a thank-you note previously or have written an appreciation note in their yearbook, but trust us when we tell you that giving cards never get old and will never go unnoticed.

Send a bouquet of flowers

Flowers are an elegant gesture showing the appreciation and love you feel for the person you love.

Be aware that no matter how you choose to commemorate World Teachers’ Day, we’re sure that the teacher in your life will appreciate it and be extremely appreciative.

Books to gift:

Here are some fantastic books you can gift your teachers to show them your love and appreciation.

We wish that the teachers you have in your life are properly celebrated this year during World Teachers Day.

Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more blogs and submit your manuscript if you are looking to publish your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form.

You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.