Fiction Novels, Do They Shape the Reality or Make You Escape It?


“People talk about escapism as if it’s a bad thing… Once you’ve escaped, once you come back, the world is not the same as when you left it. You come back to it with skills, weapons, knowledge you didn’t have before. Then you are better equipped to deal with your current reality.”
― Neil Gaiman


There has been an extensive series of debates around people consuming fiction books, television, music and other sources of entertainment as an escape from the realities of their life. With the current ongoing situation of a global pandemic, many people have resorted to escape the horrors of life’s realities by binge-watching shows on Netflix, spending their nights downloading and watching movies, reading novels from romance to science fiction to contemporary fiction. Some of us are often guilty of doing this. We find an escape from life’s difficulties and challenges by hiding ourselves behind entertainment.


While this behaviour can be detrimental to the wellbeing of a person if it becomes a learned behaviour, it is considered a harmless coping mechanism when in times of difficulty. We all go through these phases in our life where we need to unwind for some time before we can face the circumstances and find out a way to solve those problems. In such times, escapism through various forms of entertainment comes to our rescue. We indulge ourselves in the world of novels we are reading, lose ourselves in a movie we are watching or find a relatable character in a drama that gives us a new perspective to look at our problems and find a solution to them. Even if we don’t get to learn something new from such sources of entertainment, it is believed that engaging in a healthy type of entertainment can help a person loosen up his stressed-out brain and body.


It is believed that reading contemporary fiction and fantasy novels plays a huge role in providing an escape from the stressors of life. We have piled up some of our contemporary fiction novels and books to read so one can unwind after a stressful week at work or escape the bitter realities of life in general. So, let’s dive into the world of books!



After a While

After a While

A romance novel from the contemporary fiction genre, this is the story of a winter-lover lady. She comes to life in winter and is fascinated by the legislative storms. She cries and longs for her lover and believes they are meant to be with each other. To buy this fascinating love story of longing, rains and pains, click here.




Ashes of a Lost Country
Ashes of a Lost Country

This is a historical account of the author’s early life in the war-torn country – Palestine. Born in the year 1950, the author’s childhood was a mix of joy, mischief and misery. When his mother died, he was sent to a boarding school in Jordan. Later in the year 1967, when Israel took hold of Palestine, he became homeless. After completing his secondary school, he was awarded a scholarship to study in Algeria. There, he found new friends in some French individuals and they, later on, invited him to France. Currently, the author lives in the United Arab Emirates. To read more of this historical fiction book about personal struggles and life in a war-torn country, buy it here.



Hiam Is the Life
Hiam Is the Life

Our next pick is an interesting short story about a young and lonely man. He is frustrated all the time and is not happy with his life. He lives inside his mind, thinking and fidgeting restlessly. Then fate brings a girl into his life who he falls in love with. This love turns his life upside down and makes it better in some ways and worst in others. Will he become a better version of himself after all the new developments in his life or would he end up being even more lonely and frustrated? To find out, buy this book here.




This book is a perfect pick from the contemporary fiction genre for escapists. The story takes us on a journey from loss to a safe harbour. From that safe harbour, we are shown what it feels like to experience boredom. It then shows us the world of fantasies, dreams and discussions. It is a simple but deep journey that takes us into a parallel reality. Grab a copy of this mesmerizing book here.




The Store of Creative Minds

The Store of Creative Minds

Our last pick for this list is a science fiction book about artificial intelligence taking over our lives and industries. In the year 2017, the world started discussing an industrial revolution where humans will live a more relaxed lifestyle because of technological advancement. This is a story of a group of young men and women who got isolated as a result of some social events. When they tried to return to their social life, they found themselves stuck. Would they be able to break free of the unseen shackles and return to what they believe is normal? To find out more, buy this fascinating sci-fi book here.




As we are in the middle of a global pandemic that has brought a lot of other miseries and horrors with it, escaping in the world of literature or movies and TV for some time is a harmless activity to bury ourselves in. Reading a book or two, binge-watching your favourite season or watching movies is the best way to de-stress from the bitter realities of life all around. Enjoy and take care of yourself and your mind in any way you think is best for you.


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10 Young Adult and Fantasy Novels We’re Reading on International Youth Day

International Youth Day is celebrated annually on 12th August by the United Nations. This day is dedicated to the young women and men and the role they play in tackling global issues and bringing change. The International Youth Day also serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about the problems and challenges our youth is facing. This day recognizes every young person’s right to have access to education, employment and healthcare. It also celebrates their right to dream big and hope for a better world. So to celebrate this day, we have gathered a list of some amazing books that you can read or gift to some young souls around you. So, let’s dig in and discover the best books of all time.


Jabeen Kingdom: Between the Eye and the TearJabeen Kingdom: Between the Eye and the Tear

This is a story of happiness and sadness. Tear is sure she won’t go back to her old life and the castle. But when there is news about the kidnapping of Princess Ray and the death of the two kings, Tear decides to go back and avenge the troubles in her life. Tear hopes for a new life with Eye as she witnesses there was sadness and happiness in their relationship. Buy this unique story for your young adult kids here.




Night Catchers

Night Catchers

Our next pick is one of the best thriller books on the list. This is the story of Aya and her stepbrother, Joe. When Aya moves away from the city to a new countryside with her step-brother, they discover a mysterious world with dark forces at play. Their dream life soon becomes an adventure and they witness myths and legends coming to life. The Night Catchers are challenged into fighting deities, giants, unicorns and warriors. This fight is between good and evil, which becomes a threat to Nature, bringing it on the verge of environmental disaster. Will Aya overcome all the challenges and win the fight against all odds? To unveil further, buy this young adult fantasy book here.




The Forbidden Tree

The Forbidden Tree

Hajar wants to take revenge for the death of her father who was assassinated in the huge massacre at the kings’ path. She is fighting the allies who brought her own dynasty to end. Hajar was known for her silent nature as she was never the one with the loud voice. She will now confront the Scorpio family with the same silence she is known for. But will she overcome the obstacles of her way and settle the score with her father’s killers? To read more of this mystery and thriller novel, buy this book here.



Tales from Al Baha

Tales from Al Baha

Our next pick for young readers is a collection of short stories. These stories are the childhood memories from Ghamed and Zahran. The stories are written in an easy and modern novel style so people from all kinds of backgrounds can read and understand them. A suitable gift for your young reader on this International Youth Day; grab a copy of this book here.




Nooras and Her Black CatNooras and Her Black Cat

This story of a bewitched cat will be the best present for the young blood, someone who loves fantasy and horror. Nooras’ parents bought her a pet cat but little did they know this cat would become a headache for them. The catch is bewitched and has strong powers. When Nooras’ parents try to kick the cat out of their house, they realise it isn’t that simple and easy to get rid of it. Join Nooras and her parents in their struggle to get rid of the spooky cat. Buy this book full of adventures here.



I Believed You

I Believed You

What happens when there is one love and two different faiths involved? How can one believe in faith and love together? How do you pray to God when you are in love and whose prayers are closer to God? This is the story of a love that is challenged by the test of faith. It is a perfect choice for young adults who want to see love in the light of religion. Grab a copy of this romantic book here.





The Elvish Bride

The Elvish Bride

This is an unconventional love story between a young man and an elf maiden. Tommy Trickett is a young and handsome farmer, who is sought-after by many village girls. But he is waiting for the right one to come into his life. One sleepless night, as he goes out of his house to investigate the source of some strange lights, he finds a group of elf maidens dancing on the misty sea. As they see him coming, the group marches back to their secret place. The youngest of all, however, had to be gently led away as she seems to be fascinated with Tommy. Then, right before the next full moon, she sings to him in Elvish. They start meeting each other after midnight, fall in love and get married. But just when they think everything has settled down, life throws a curveball. You can read this magical story of love by getting a copy here.


The Last War

The Last War

The last war is going to decide who the victor is. As the universe is destined to be dark and chaotic, there is light until there is hope. The story of power, calmness, strength and light, this book is a perfect gift for the visionary youth around us. Don’t forget to grab this inspiring book here.






The Kingdom of the Forehead

The Kingdom of the Forehead

Diaa is still haunted by his battle with the shadows when he was taken to the dark world. Diaa doesn’t want to talk much about the subject of that battle as it has drained him of all his energies, but deep down in his heart, he knows the war is not over yet. Buy this fantasy novel here.






Our last pick from the list of books for young adults is this contemporary fiction novel which is based on the contradictions we live our lives in. We are born to die but we fear death, we seek peace on the battlefield and are searching for integrity on the land of corruption. This thought-provoking book is a must-have for young minds who are searching for answers to life. You can buy this book here.





We hope you will enjoy International Youth Day with this list of books for young adults. You can also give these books as gifts to the young kids in your family.

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How Effective Writing and Strategy Yield A Good Book?

Writing a book that will keep its readers hooked is not a piece of cake but an art that you can learn over time. But it doesn’t mean that you should sit back and wait for the time when you will be skilful enough to write a good book. Of course, it will take some time, but meanwhile, you can learn those skills that will enable you to write a good book. Writing a good book is just one part of the process. Once you are done writing your book, there comes the most important stages; publishing and marketing. Now, you need to plan which publisher you are going to choose and how well your book marketing strategy will be. Knowing what makes a book worth reading is not just enough. On the flip side, identifying what can turn your book into a disaster is also important. We will tell you all the dos and don’ts of writing a good book that will not only make it to the bestsellers but will also be remembered for decades.


How to Define A Good Book?

Before answering this, let’s ask a few questions! Does a good book only mean the best seller? Do we love all the best-seller books? How many books that you read were not bestsellers but touched your heart? A good book is not only a best seller but also one that captivates the hearts of its readers in a way that makes them fall in love with the characters and theme of the book. On the contrary, some books might make it to the best sellers through good marketing and distribution, but you regret reading them. A good book will always be worth spending money on because reading is an investment, right?


How to Write A Good Book?

Now that we have established what a good book is, let us explore the elements of writing a good book. We have picked the three most important elements that you should always focus on while writing your book. These are:

  1. Plot
  2. Characters
  3. Pacing



The theme you are going to write about, or the plot of your book is the most important element of the book that you can’t afford to neglect. A poorly designed plot will lead to a number of loopholes in the story. Writing a good plot requires a critically appraised outline that connects the dots of the story in an engaging yet smooth way. Always take plenty of your time to brainstorm a plot. This way, you’ll write a great book.


We all remember characters from our favourite books, don’t we? What makes characters worth remembering and inspiring? It is their personality that a writer builds in a way that mesmerizes us? Be it is a hero or a villain, the appropriate personality build-up while writing a great book makes its readers fall in love with them.

Always build the personality of the characters as per the requirements of the character. One bonus tip, do not introduce unnecessary characters into your book as it will only confuse your readers.



You often pick a book, read a few pages and then put it aside and say, “Ah! It’s so slow, can’t read it.” We all have been there and simply can’t read a slow-paced boring book that is leading nowhere. We want a book to be interesting and well-paced.

Writing a book is not a child’s play, but we should not write a book merely for the sake of writing but making it engaging and worth reading is the real job. Set the pace of the story with twists and turns that eventually build up curiosity and excitement in readers and keep them hooked to the story.


How to Adopt a Good Publishing and Marketing Strategy?

A book without having a post manuscript writing plan is like you make a really good movie, but nobody knows about it, ultimately wasting all of your hard work. Writing a good book is not enough. You have to choose the right publishing services and do well-executed book marketing.  We are aware of the fact that a writer cannot do all of the work all alone. There come good publishing companies and book marketing experts that will do the rest of your work. Always go for those publishing companies that will give you maximum freedom and royalties.

Book marketing is the backbone of your book’s success. The right genre for the right readers is a must to consider before marketing your book – market wisely. Besides, online marketing, collaborations and book reading events are other ways that you can incorporate in your book marketing strategy.


We hope that following these will help you write a good book. After all, your book should reach its readers. Austin Macauley is a leading book publishing company headquartered in the UK, US and UAE. We are currently accepting manuscripts, and you can submit your manuscript to us for review.  For online submission of the manuscript, click the online submission form.


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