Ashes of a Lost country, is a historical novel that tells the story of hostilities between the Israelis as invaders, and Palestinians as defenders of their homeland. The book is a story about the loss of one’s country and the victory of a man over this event. The main character in this novel is Alghadanfar, who at the age of 14 suffers two disasters; the first is the loss of his mother, and the second is the loss of his homeland, Palestine. Alghadanfar finds himself alone in this world with no parents to look after him, he travels more than 40 kilometers on foot, under the scorching sun of June to finally reaches his boarding military school, his last shelter. All he possessed in the world was some shabby clothes and not a single penny in his pocket, but he possessed one effective weapon; his determination to survive. Through the book, Alghadanfar narrates in a gripping story style the history of the Middle East, the most turbulent region in the world, and the ongoing war between Israelis and Palestinians. Yet, in spite of all the suffering the Israelis have inflicted on him and on his people, the author rejects violence and decides to fight with the pen as his father had taught him. In brief, the book preaches peace, understanding, love, coexistence; and rejects hate, violence and calls on enemies to bury the hatchet and sharpen their pencils.
Terrymig –
Very interesting to read you
Good luck to you
Sumaia Ali –
The words can’t describe this masterpiece, it was a beautiful book, and the stories were very interesting. I sometimes felt intense sadness, shock, joy, and sadness in each chapter. I felt a heap of feelings, and I could not believe what you through in your life, but I am sure that what makes you successful now.
I enjoyed reading the book; I learned a lot about history and gained a new vocabulary.
The book had a deep meaning, I agree with you about” the pen is stronger than the sword”, also I think I will never forget this “If God wills, everything in the world will support you to make your dreams come true”
I carried the book with me all the time to read, whenever anyone will see the book they asked me about the content of the book, they were attracted by the cover. I proudly answered: “the author of the book is our doctor”, and they felt so interested to read it.
You mention in chapter 8 that “If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honor for me”
I believe we all did, I was enjoying your classes and you have a special Charisma.
I hope that our beloved Palestine will be liberated one day, and you will finish the last chapter by returning to your homeland.
I’m proud of this book, and I hope one day to have your signature in the book, and I wish for you the best and more success in your life…
Best Regards
Sumaia Ali