How Hybrid Publishing Can Be The Best Publishing Method?

After writing the first manuscript, many new authors believe they will soon be among the published authors, but the road to successful publishing is not so plain. There are a lot of things that need to be taken care of before a book is made available to the masses. From choosing a cover to printing and marketing on the right platforms, the checklist is far from short. But here is when the book publishing house comes into play.


The process of taking a manuscript from the writer and making it publically available to read is what we call publishing. It includes several steps such as providing editorial services, designing, production, distribution, marketing and promotion. Most of the book publishing houses provide you with all of these services. There are different types of publishing which we will discuss as follow:


Different Types of Publishing

The three most commonly known types of publishing are (i) traditional, (ii) self/Indie and (iii) hybrid publishing.


  • Traditional Publishing:

    A traditional publishing house does all of the necessary work involved in publishing a book. They take care of the editing, printing, publishing and marketing of the book, without any cost to the author. Once the book is published and the sales are high, the publishing company make its money out of it. The authors also profit from the books and in some cases, they are even paid advance money before the book is published. But this model of publishing has some disadvantages such as; less creative control, low royalties, and little marketing and publicity efforts.


  • Self-Publishing:

    This is the second widely used publishing model. It is primarily the do-it-yourself publishing process where you do everything on your own. You find an editor, a proofreader, a designer and then pay them from your pocket. You will also take care of all the marketing and distribution for promoting your book. Although there is more profit-earning in self-publishing and more creative freedom, many successful authors will not recommend going through this road as self-publishing is more time-consuming.


  • Hybrid Publishing:

    If you look up ‘what is hybrid publishing?’ on the internet, you will find out that there is a kind of confusion about it. Many new authors are clueless about this relatively new kind of publishing model. This publishing model is a combination of both, the traditional and the self-publishing models. The hybrid publishing model is similar to self-publishing in a way that it has more control over the production process and desired quality. But unlike the traditional model, there is no financial risk involved for the publisher because the author contributes to the publishing cost. So, it’s a fruitful situation for both; the author and the publisher.


    Hybrid Publishing Pros and Cons:


    • Hybrid publishing offers more creative freedom to authors.
    • They typically offer better royalties than the traditional publishers.
    • A professional team works on your book who know about the technicalities involved in the successful launch of a book.
    • This type of publishing can be a bit costly.


    Why Choose It? What to look for in a hybrid publisher?


    According to IBPA (Independent Book Publishers Association), there are nine criteria set up for the publisher to fulfil in order to become a professional hybrid publisher. These are as follows:


    • Define the mission and vision for its publishing program.
    • Vet submissions.
    • Publish under its own imprint(s) and ISBNs.
    • Publish to industry standards
    • Ensure editorial, design, and production quality.
    • Pursue and manage a range of publishing rights.
    • Provide distribution services.
    • Demonstrate respectable sales.
    • Pay authors a higher-than-standard royalty.



    How Hybrid Publishing is Your Best Publishing Method?


    As we have learnt about publishing and its types, we will now look into which one can be your best publishing method? We know about the pros and cons of hybrid publishing and also know about the other publishing types. So, let’s see why you should choose hybrid publishing for your manuscript.

    • If you don’t want to handle the time-consuming publishing tasks on your own, then going up to hybrid book publishers will be your best bet. By doing so, you won’t have to worry about all the editing, designing and marketing required for the successful launch of your book. They’ll do all the hard labour for you with an expert team who will carry out the publishing tasks for you.
    • If you want to have a say in every step of the book publishing process, then hybrid publishing is for you. Unlike traditional publishing, you get to have creative control of your book and can give your input.
    • They will offer you more royalties on your books than the traditional publishers.
    • Mostly, hybrid publishers are a branch of larger presses and thus have connections to people in their marketing areas. This can help you reach a far bigger audience if they make your title appear on the parent company’s catalogue.


    We hope this informative piece would help you in clearing out your confusions and making a smart decision regarding your book publishing process.


    If you are an aspiring author and want your work to be published, then choose Austin Macauley, as we are one of the top hybrid publishers in the UK, US and UAE. You can submit your manuscript with us by clicking here. You can also send it online by filling our online submission form.


    Stay with Austin Macauley and be the first to know about our new releases by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.



10 Important Tips and Tricks for Writing a Book

Writing your first novel is nothing less than a exciting adventure to embark on; it seems daunting yet exhilarating. It excites you to breathe life into the creative machinations of your mind by putting it on paper. It is a craft that gets your heart going yet fill you with worry, and have you questioning every passing word or sentence. Several published authors have spent months and years perfecting the process of creating their first novel – and it is understandably so!

The key to stepping your ante in the novel writing phase is formulating a plan. Like organizations create strategies before launching a new product, authors create their strategies to proceed with structuring a novel. Granting a formal structure to your plan allows you to be focused, offer clarity, and fill any gaps that may go unfulfilled.


To begin your novel writing journey, here are 10 tips to fall into your writer mode:


Plotting a Novel Idea

The initial step prompting you to jump into writing a book is an eclectic idea which gains precedence in your mind. These can be cues taken from your actual life or within the creative portions of your mind. The idea is to connect the absurd limits of your imagination with the mundaneness of reality and build a bestselling story.

Storyboard Your First Novel

Storyboarding your ideas seem the most effective in setting your narrative, effectively visualizing your sections of the book or characters, and connecting different elements within a book. This is particularly true for fiction writing. A typical storyboard will allow you to organize your narrative, effectively directs you to points of suspense, and sets in motion a much smoother process of writing than a bumpy one without a storyboard. When all your ideas and time of introducing elements are mapped out, it will make the writing easier and less time-consuming.

Research is The Key to Structuring a Novel

To grant structure, objectivity, and an element of mystique, any great plot demands 3 things – research, research, and research. One of your primary writing resources is the plethora of information awarded through extensive research. Research allows the reader to have a glimpse into creating active associations with history, actual events, or any symbolism.

Work on Character Development for the First Novel

Before you start writing a book, it is important to ponder upon and sketch character profiles to ascertain their roles in the narrative. This will allow you to build the story more vividly. Each character needs to serve some purpose within the story. Character profiling can help to build dialogue sequence, develop their auras, and build a certain perception for the readers.

Establish a Routine to Write Book

The key to maintaining consistency in writing a book is establishing a routine. Routines help to clear away any mental cobwebs which may creep up when there are dismal delays between writing conflicts or different scenes. Your creative juices are being used in the process of creating your novel, helping your mind to connect the dots. However, pushing yourself too much and not taking much-needed breaks can result in burnout and mental and emotional pressures and insecurities.

Editing and Rewriting in Novel Writing!

Editing and rewriting are the heart and soul of novel writing. It might not be the most desirable point in the steps to publish a book yet it may allow you to look at your writing from the reader’s point of view.

Whip a Striking Ending in the First Novel!

Be it a cliff-hanger or killing off your main character, the ending needs to be striking enough to maintain a stronghold in the reader’s mind. The progression towards the climax needs to be smooth, not rushed, and well-developed to grab the reader’s attention. Books belonging to any genre should end on a proper note which gives the reader a proper closure upon finishing the book. It should grant the novel some logic and structure which resonates with the reader.

Gather your Writing Resources for Novel Writing

Gathering your writing tools is crucial to entering the writer’s mode. Either you’re a pen and paper person or someone who likes to type away; it needs to be ensured that writing is not a frustrating process but a pleasant one with the right tools in hand. Most of the writers primarily use tools like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. However, online writing software like Scrivener and Focus Writer is also prominently used. Lastly, creating a writing corner that is without any distractions or humdrum is perfect to continue typing away your ideas.

Set Daily Milestones for Novel Writing

Setting realistic goals and milestones helps you centre yourself, and take you out of the dilemma of writing too little for the day. These realistic goals allow you to accommodate all of your tasks, including writing. Writing should be a fun activity, not taxing. These goals will motivate you, provide a proper schedule, and help avoid being guilt-tripped over the pace of your novel.

Lastly, Achieve the Objective of the Published Book!

Getting a published book is the most thrilling phase, it allows your readers to have a glimpse into your mind. There are two main types of publishing that writers often pursue; through a publishing house or self-publishing. In the case of self-publishing, the writer is responsible for handling the specifics, from the cover design to printing to marketing. In the case of mainstream publishing, publishing houses take responsibility for these specifics. They screen your manuscript and, if they find your novel has potential, you are on your way to entering the “world of the published.”

These are some of the tips to start your first novel. Meanwhile, for some inspiration, follow up on these exciting reads to have you intrigued!


Wake Up and Open Your Eyes

Wake Up and Open Your Eyes

By Karim Abdulaziz Hasan

Yasmin is a young girl with big ideas. She tries to search for meanings within her mundane life and travel through the highs and lows of her inner emotions. She tries to find the connection between her reality and her dream world; trying to break apart from the monotony of her life until the alarm rings. To read this novel, click here.





New York Underground

New York Underground

By Mohamed Abdul El-Bahrawy

New York Underground is a collection of short stories, combining elements of undergoing the dilemmas of human emotions and realizing the truths while reconciling with life. These are depictions of the struggles that the author went through – and the readers can relate to. There are transitions from reality bites to the creative limits of one’s vivid imaginations. To read this novel, click here.





Dead Uprising

Dead Uprising

By Faisal Khalaf Almukhlifi

In the age of war, Nabil, in his child-like innocence, questions the notions of war. In this story of greed and hate, Nabil navigates through the deeper constructs of human actions that contribute to humanity’s annihilation. To read this novel, click here.






The Kingdom of the Forehead

The Kingdom of the Forehead

By Abdulla Hassan Al-Farsi 

Set in the fantasy genre, Diaa sees her son, Salem, fight the battle with shadows after being captured in their dark world. Even after returning from it, Salem knows that the battle between the light and the dark has still not ended and may likely continue. Delve into the story of Salem’s fight against the darkness threatening to claim his world. To read this novel, click here.





Joy Series

Joy Series

By Soumaya Fadli

The Joy series by Soumaya Fadli paves the way for 12 different stories which are intertwined with the events that have taken place in reality. It narrates the challenges faced by powerful and dynamic personalities in attaining their goals. Curated for children, these stories aim to exemplify the idea of salvation through adherence to the principles of morality and social principles. To read this novel, click here.





To see our wider range of books, please follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram and keep yourself updated about our latest releases. Also, if you are an aspiring writer, you can submit your manuscript to us. For more details on becoming a published author, you can check our website.

Horror Books: How to Outline a Scary Story Plot?

Writing a scary story plot is no easy feat. It needs practice and a good command over your craft to write something that can send chills down your readers’ spines. But like any story, writing horror books follow a basic pattern of developing an outline, setting the environment and creating characters. We have listed some basics of writing a scary story plot and have laid out the anatomy of a horror story. So let’s dive into writing your best horror novel.


Setup an Environment

First things first, you have to set up an environment for your readers. In a movie, it is easy to frighten the viewers with the help of visuals and background music, but in writing, you will need to explain the environment in such a way that it creates a feeling of fear. Write about an empty house with unusual sounds coming from a room, the main character getting trapped in an empty elevator or visiting a new town in a forest where everyone looks peculiar.


Tap into Your Own Fears

One useful tip when writing horror books is to first write down your fears and then use them in the story plot. You can better explain your fears and can write about them at length. Don’t try to frighten your readers with something you are not afraid of because then you won’t be able to properly explain it.


Use Fear of Unknown

One of the frequently used tricks to writing successful horror books is to instil the fear of the unknown in your readers. We, humans, are designed in a way that we are afraid of the things that are out of our control. So by adding an element of unknown fears, you can craft out an engaging horror storyline for your readers.


Add A Horrifying Element to an Ordinary Moment

As every story you write should be close to reality to make it more believable. The same goes for a scary story plot. It is more frightening when you add an element of horror to an everyday situation. The main characters go out for a walk but loses their way and end up in front of an abandoned old house with their names written on the house walls or door. Or a young mother is alone in her house but she hears unusual sounds coming from their old storage room. Take such everyday scenarios that people can relate to, and then add an element of horror in it.


Show – Don’t Tell Your Story

We have already discussed how in writing horror books you have to create an environment for the readers to go through a certain emotion you want them to feel. A good story shows the readers where to go, without telling them. Avoid over-explaining a scene. Let the readers connect to your story and picture the scene in their minds.


Don’t Go Overboard with Gore and Violence

Avoid using excessive violence and giving gory details. It can become distasteful after a certain time. If you keep giving the same details about a violent act in a story, your readers will feel bored and lose interest. Instead, add these details in a place where they will impact your readers.


Read How Popular Horror Stories Are Written

It is always wise to keep a check on the kind of stuff that is trending in the readers’ community.

Read about the popular books and novels available in the market so you get an idea of how the stories are written and what makes them popular among the masses. We have selected our 3 popular horror books to help you get an idea of the stories that are readers’ favourite these days.

Is It A Ghost

Is It A Ghost? by Lienah Higazi


This is a story of a young girl Erika Darlington. She starts noticing that a guy lives in her room, who is only visible to her and no one else can see him. She feels unsafe in his absence and is comforted by his presence. All is going well until he starts talking to her. To read more of this bone-chilling horror book, buy it here.






Heptagram by A. Jihini


The story of losing loved ones, Heptagram follows Ghassan’s journey who is in trouble after Yassine goes missing in the early hours of a holiday. A story full of surprises and a soul finding journey, this is undoubtedly one of the best horror books. You can get a copy of it here.





Count Dracula's Society

Count Dracula’s Society by Yousria Abomosallam Elsayed


When the world gets sick and tired of the evils of society, they start making pleas and prayers, and then a miracle happens. Suddenly, the media stops broadcasting its usual high rating news about war, its atrocities and destruction. Entertainment has also become free of all immoral programs. They are more focused on rebuilding the spiritual and moral supremacy of man and establishing peace and justice throughout the world. To read this book, buy it here.






End You Story with a Twist


Just as the beginning of a story needs to be impressive and engaging, the end also needs to be a memorable one. Try adding an unexpected twist to the end of the story such as a character who was helping the protagonist to get out of trouble was the villain’s friend who was trying to mislead the protagonist. Or make the love interest of the hero turn out to be a member of some cult. Adding an unexpected twist to the story will leave a memorable impact on the readers.

So, get down to writing a horror story by using these tips and tricks. Let your imagination lead you to craft an engaging story and soon you will have written a spine-chilling horror storyline.

If you have more tips to share, feel free to connect with us on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

If you are an aspiring writer and want us to become a part of your journey, then submit your work to us. You can also submit it online by filling out our Online Submission Form.

Summery Reads to Refresh Your Soul

Summers is a time of long, sweltering days. With few outdoor options to entertain ourselves in the scorching heat, we often indulge in activities that we can comfortably carry out indoors. Some of us listen to music or do yoga, some are glued to their TV screens while others read and write. Reading good summer books can take you on a virtual literary tour from the comfort of your home. As the weather warms up and the pandemic is keeping many of us stuck indoors, it is a wise decision to stock up on some great summer reads. Whether you are the kind who stays indoors a lot in summer or the ones who love to hit the beach with their best beach books, we have got you covered. We are presenting you with the best summer reads of 2021. So, let’s get started.


Evergreen by Mahdiya Amira


The first book from our summer reading list is Evergreen. Written by Mahdiya Amira, this is the story of a girl who is an introvert and also a tad bit judgmental. She has an unsettling name which she doesn’t like to be known by many. She also feels she is different from many in her close circle but still sometimes tries to blend in. Being an introvert, she is always lost in her thoughts, irrespective of where she is. To read this entertaining story, you can buy this book here.






Reflections by LP


The next epic read from our summer reading list is Reflections. This book contains eloquently written poems dealing with human interactions, emotions and nature, that binds us all together. Written by LP, this book will prove to be a perfect match for reading on the beach. You can grab your copy by clicking here.







Love Stories Short

Love Stories Short By Nour Alhassan


If you are a fan of love stories with lessons, then this book is for you. Love Stories Short is a book of short stories, written by Nour Alhassan. The author has used a different approach to storytelling. She has written each of the love stories with a lesson. This book will be a great pick to add in your pile of  good summer books’ collection. To get a copy of this book, click here.






Feelings of a Pen in a Cloud Of Sadness

Feelings of a Pen in a Cloud Of Sadness by Khloud AL-Qahtani


This is a poetry book written by Khloud Al Qahtani. Filled with poems about love and sadness, this book can be your best companion in the breezy and bright summer mornings. You can buy this book here.





Lennie & the Three Paper Boats

Lennie & the Three Paper Boats by Mariam bin Tarish


If you are in search of some books for little ones, then Lennie & the Three Paper Boats is a great pick from our summer reading list. This book tells the story of a little girl named Lennie. She has a golden ticket but, unfortunately, it turns her dream into a nightmare. Lennie is stranded on a stormy island. This beautiful tale of courage and patience is written by Mariam Bin Tarish. You can grab a copy of this book here.




From Brokenness To Whole

From Brokenness To Whole by Rema El-Sayed


One of the great summer reads is From Brokenness to Whole that reaches out to the soul-searching people. It talks about keeping a hopeful heart when surrounded by chaos and darkness. Through this book, the author, Rema Al Sayed, asks us to search for courage and unconquerable strength within ourselves, rather than looking for help from the outside world. The pain and chaos that is surrounding us is not our reality, instead, we are eternally invincible. Perfect for the long summer afternoons, you can get this book here.





The Cultural Thought in the United Arab Emirates

The Cultural Thought in the United Arab Emirates by Hazem Hasan Al Arraj


The next pick from our good summer books is an intellectually invigorating book titled The Cultural Thought in the United Arab Emirates. Written by Hazem Hasan Al Arraj, this book puts forward the idea of shaping the Muslim community’s present and future around the globe by following the legacy of Arabs and Islamic culture. The book reviews the prominent features of Arab and Islamic culture, seeking to form a deeper understanding of how their past was linked to the present and the future. To grab a copy of this insightful book, click here.





Caffeine by Hala Al-Saidalani


Caffeine is our next stunning read from our hot summer list. Hala Al-Saidalani with her beautifully written poetry is telling us about souls and their feelings. This deeply thoughtful poetry book will prove a good match for the starry summer nights. You can get this book by clicking here.




mirage water

Mirage Water by Sarab Al subaih


This is one of the good summer books you wouldn’t want to miss. In a beautifully penned down poetry by Sarab Al Subaih, Mirage Water talks about a female soul who is questioning the men of this world who first gave her life and hope only to abandon her later. Through a series of metaphoric questions, the female soul slithers in her miseries. A must-read for summer evenings, you can buy this book here.






Messages by Duaa Mohammed Al-Khawjah


Our last pick from the summer reading list is Messages by Duaa Muhammad Al-Khawja.

It tells about the unread letters written by the main character to someone long gone. To know more about these letters and the untold secrets, you can buy this book here.





We hope our carefully curated list of best summer reads 2021 will keep you company while you relax in the backyard of your home this summer. Buy these books and enjoy the journey they take you on.


If you want to access the whole range of our books, then connect to us on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

If you are an aspiring author, you can submit your manuscript for review. You can also submit it online by filling our Online Submission Form here.