
Hala Al-Saidalani

Total Pages: 164
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The souls and the feelings they hold. How do I like to feel or don’t… How to love myself with all the feelings I hold? How do I control, understand and acknowledge? How to allow or not? How I can let my heart fly? How to love myself, the souls and circumstances that surround me? How do I breathe a healthy life to all my beautiful senses, like a unique and resilient palette? If life happens, then love too, and feelings, with all their bitter sweetness.

Born in February, the author writes modern poetry in both languages: Arabic and English. She is an astrology researcher and passionate about it. She is fond of philosophy. She writes about everything related to self-description and emotion in general. She is also a good leader and speaker, and she loves arts of all kinds.

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1 review for Caffeine

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Filled with passions and various emotions.
    Smooth and enjoyable read

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