Top Social Media Marketing Trends for Authors


“I don’t think social media is evil. I think it is a tool just like everything else.”

– John Meese


Today, everyone is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of social media on our day to day lives. Social Media is a great tool for marketing and when executed well can lead to great success for marketing promotion. Social Media Marketing is playing a vital role for every small and large business.

Social Media Marketing helps to establish a strong and fruitful relationship with potential customers. Brand awareness, affordable advertisement, worldwide reach, improved engagement and conversion rates and communication authority are the perks of social media marketing. All of which you as an author can take advantage of. It’s not as scary as it sounds… we promise.

There’s no denying that social media is easily accessible for everyone these days, it can be very beneficial for both, aspiring and established authors. We can understand writing a book is a challenging task, which requires intense amounts of creativity and skill. Therefore, as a writer, you deserve appreciation and acknowledgement from the world.

There are many social networking sites which can be helpful for authors, Here are the top 5 social networking sites for both fiction and non-fiction writers:

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. Twitter
  4. LinkedIn
  5. YouTube

Every social networking site has different trends for promotions and marketing. Below we will be revealing some incredible tips and trends for each platform to help you, as a talented author discover and make the most out of these channels.

Facebook Marketing Trends:

Everyone is aware of the popularity of Facebook. The vast amount of users (1.79 billion) means that there is an audience for everyone, including authors.

Creating an author’s fan page can be beneficial for the promotion of your books and writings. This page will allow you to easily interact with your fans and keep your readers engaged through posting thought-provoking discussions. You can share their unique thoughts and writing styles or the chapter excerpts from your books to attract readers. You can also give updates about different events such as book signings, book launch, reading sessions and interviews.

Readers love to be a part of your personal life. So, keep giving them a glimpse of your daily activities through Facebook stories allows them to have quick and access to the ‘behind the scenes’ of their favourite author.

Giveaways are another great way to attract new reader, everyone wants something for free so would happily share your post for a chance of winning a free/signed copy of your book. This means that their friends will see your post, which could attract new readers.

Instagram Marketing Trends:

Instagram is famous for its outstanding features to promote content. You have slaved over ensuring you picked the right cover for your book, this is the ideal platform to show it off!

Although the benefits of Instagram for authors does not stop at the cover of your book. You can post pictures of your writing stations or what book you are currently reading, or post a picture from any book events you attended or hosted. Even posting quotes from your book is a great way to attract readers on this platform.

The Instagram story feature provides a great opportunity to interact with readers via various built-in features. You can conduct live reading and Q&A sessions.

All of these ways are great opportunities to boost book sales.

Twitter Marketing Trends:

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms used around the globe. Millions of people use Twitter daily. Authors have a special relationship with Twitter to promote their books, as Twitter is more popular way to share knowledge with the world – a great opportunity for Non-Fiction writers to connect with their audience.

Using relevant emoticons can make your tweets stand out and attract your followers. Interactive polls and gifs work well on Twitter so do not forget to add these, as with millions of people on the platform it is important to ensure your tweets stand out as much as possible.


  • You can follow other writers to gain genuine followers.
  • Announcing your live streams with the link and time on Twitter will let more readers join your stream.
  • Live broadcasting on Twitter does wonders as Twitter shows them on the top of your followers’ feed. Using relevant and popular hashtags help expand your reach.


LinkedIn Marketing Trends:

Linked is well-known for resumes and job postings. However, it is a powerful platform to create effective lead generations and allows authors to build strong professional networks.

As it is very helpful to develop professional brand awareness, you can use your LinkedIn profile to promote your author events and interviews. Creating a writing group in LinkedIn can help improve your writing skills and facilitates in showcasing your talent to others. Groups can also be very helpful in developing a strong image of your books.

An appealing lengthy interactive post tends to perform better on LinkedIn. Use this platform as a way to demonstrate your knowledge around the subject of your book and build creditability.


YouTube Marketing Trends:

When it comes to video marketing, YouTube is always the first platform that comes to one’s mind. It is not only a social media platform but is also a constructive search engine that provides users with a huge variety of videos on different topics.

‘Book Cover Reveal’ videos, book trailers, short videos with the book excerpts are great ways to promote your book. Sharing a 360 degree video which shows the book from all directions will attract readers. YouTube is considered as the best place for learning, therefore this platform is ideal for you to share ‘How to’ videos about writing to help the many aspiring authors out there.

YouTube live streams have 8 times greater engagement rate as compared to a normal video. Authors can host Q&A sessions and podcasts in their live streams. Visual storytelling can also attract viewers.

Sharing your writing journey and struggles with the viewers through a video can leave a great impact on the audience.


We hope that these trends will be helpful for all the aspiring and established authors to boost their social media presences. So, hurry up authors and get connected to the world.

To stay updated with the latest writing tips and marketing trends, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Our Best-Selling Books That Should Accompany You This Autumn


Different readers have different tastes. Some have found a comfortable home in reading romance; others consider poetry their abode for a retreat. Some find solace in reading thrillers; others search for meaning in crime fiction. Some are more inward and go after what induces nostalgia—historical fiction; others are more into the futuristic reads such as Sci-Fi. Some read self-help books for their development and growth; others are biography enthusiasts who are interested in learning more about people.

If you fall in any of the above groups, hang in there, keep on reading. Below, we list six of our best-selling books of various genres for you to read this month. You can choose the genres you are passionate about, or you can try something different—and we suggest you try something new.

Here we go.



Come On, Let’s Run Away

Book: Come On, Let’s Run Away
Author: Ali Nasser (Bu Mayed)

Do you ever wonder what were the old days like—the homes, schools, values and traditions, relationships, people and their aspirations? If your answer is yes then we have a treasure for you. Ali Nasser brings “a story from the memories of people who lived during those days, so that who didn’t live in that time can live it with us…and it remains a memory for every generation.” Let’s dwell in the past, for a brief moment, with this nostalgia-inducing book and relive a part of the life that no longer exists. Grab your copy at 30% off and reminisce the ‘good old days’ with Come On, Let’s Run Away.



Khalid’s Promise

Book: Khalid’s Promise
Author: Amna Ibrahim AL-Badwawi

If you need a strong stimulus to continue despite the challenges, Khalid’s Promise is written for you. It details the life of Amal, an Emirati girl living in a conservative household, from her childhood to her marriage. Her life is not as she always fantasised but altogether different, with difficulties and challenges taking their turns, one after another. The loss of her mother at a young age and her father’s marriage to a foreigner sends her to an abyss of mental pain. She feels alone and isolated when she loses her favourite friend and confidante, Manal, who used to be a source of relief for her. She begins to enjoy her life only after she meets and marries Khalid. Embedded in this story is a homage to the martyrs and their sacrifices for the sake of their homeland.  Would Amal’s newfound happiness last long? What is Khalid’s promise to Amal—and would he keep it? You can tell. Get your copy of this riveting book at 30% off.




Book: Dot
Author: Lubna Mohammad Altamimi

Life isn’t always one smooth ride. Most of the time, one’s life is characterised by the highs and lows, failures and success, accomplishments and setbacks and love and abandonment.

If you are someone whose life features the latter elements in abundance…if you are grappling with your own set of challenges…if you are disturbed by the modern fast-paced life…if you feel isolated in a bustling city of millions…if you dream of achieving lasting happiness and peace of mind…Dot is for you. Give yourself a break, read this resourceful book, lighten up your path and live your life with a reinvigorated passion. To facilitate you, we are offering 30% off on this best-selling book. Buy your copy now!



Hiam Is the Life

Book: Hiam Is the Life
Author: Yasir Alnasir

This book of contemporary fiction is based on the life of a young man. He prefers to live in solitude, detached from the outside world, inside his own state of mind. But his solitary habits are interrupted by a girl, with whom he dearly falls in love. Her arrival in his life dramatically alters the trajectory of his life. Whether this ‘change’ is for better or worse, the reader will tell. How did the girl meet this reserved boy? And more importantly, how did he fell in love with her? To find out, purchase your copy at 30% off.




For the Bound Hearts

Book: For the Bound Hearts
Author: Tasneem Zeyad Abu Shawish

For the Bound Hearts is a book of romance. But what if we told you that this book contains ingredients of a recipe that will heal your wounds? That’s true! Written with ink mixed with tears, this book will cheer you up, show you the path to a fulfilling life and enable you to stand up to your demons. The plot is interesting and the characters striking, many readers will find it relatable to the milieu they find themselves in—whether being simply sad, feeling dejected or not being able to chase their dreams—and take the corrective measures as the story moves forward. Buy a copy of this enchanting romance novel at 30% off and give yourself a treat you needed since long.



Love Pirate

Book: Love Pirate
Author: Rania Nimr Eitah

Love Pirate is a collection of heart-warming poetry. Written by a literature enthusiast, who closely observes the day-to-day life, this collection presents a realistic worldview of our existence to you—the reader. The words are woven together delicately, but given the power to make their way to your heart and arouse those emotions that lay dormant until now. Get your copy of this soul-stirring book at 30% off and be able to look at the world differently.




We hope these best-selling titles will add to your intellectual horizon. If you want to explore more, we have much more in store for you. Click here and pick your favourite titles, whether fiction or non-fiction, all at 30% off.

To stay updated with our newly released titles, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you are an aspiring writer, submit your manuscript to us and make your dream of becoming a published author come true.

Eight Tips for Writing a Best-Selling Romance Novel


Of all the genres of fiction, the most popular is romance. And rightly so—it’s a genre almost every reader can relate to. It talks about a passion that we all long for—love. We love being in love, loving someone or being the beloved of someone. When these love experiences are written on paper, they have the power to transform the perspective of generations to come. Wuthering Heights, Jan Eyre, Pride and Prejudice and Love in the Times of Cholera are some of the best romantic books that continue to influence us to this day.

Ever since romance novels appeared on the scene, the same basic story is repeated. Boy and girl meet. Their interactions evolve into love. A romantic relationship is developed. The usual conflict sets in. These adversities are overcome, sometimes against all odds. Both find solace in each other and start living happily ever after—or for the foreseeable future. Sounds familiar? It is. But still, the readers’ appetite for this genre, if anything, is growing day by day.

If you are passionate about writing fiction, romance should be the genre to start with. How to do that? In the succeeding paragraphs, we’ll try to offer you our help on how to produce a gripping work of romance.

Here are a few tips for writing a best-selling romance novel:

1. Choose Your Subgenre

Romance is a big genre. While anything you write on love will be called romance, there are subgenres you can choose to focus on. These are contemporary, historical, young adult, supernatural, fantasy, religious or spiritual and erotic romance. Which one should you go for depends on your taste and your audience (we’ll discuss the audience later.) Some subgenres such as historical fiction need extensive research about the period of history where the novel is set. But whatever you decide to write should broadly conform to any of the above categories.

2. Know Your Readers

Probably, you aspire to write your novel, publish it and sell it to the readers. Thus, you are not only a writer but a businessperson as well. And what is the most significant factor that determines the success of a business? It is to know who are your prospective customers. In this case, who are your readers? Their culture and values? Demographics? Their sensitivities? These also determine the point of view of your story. Most of the time, the narration of events is from a woman’s point of view. It’s because women make up the vast majority—about 80%—of romance readers. Naturally, they’ll be interested in reading the story from their own perspective rather than a man’s.

3. Plot, Characters and Tropes

In the introductory paragraphs, we discussed how the plots of a romantic story have been, broadly, the same. However, it is the details that you would work on. For instance, what is the trope of your story? “A trope in literary terms is a plot device or character attribute that is used so commonly in the genre that it’s seen as commonplace or conventional.” Below are some common tropes in romance.

  • Enemies to lovers. A boy and girl are enemies at first. The enmity is converted into friendship and eventually into love.
  • Damsel in distress. A girl is grappling with her problems. The hero comes and frees her from the clutches of these problems and she falls in love with him. Or vice versa.
  • Friends to lovers.
  • Forbidden love. Both boy and girl, for whatever reason, are not allowed to love each other.
  • Soul mates. As if they were made for each other.
  • Love triangle. There are three characters, two of them competing to prevail upon the third one.


There are many others too. You can choose any trope. However, it is not the trope but your plot that will define your success.

Does your plot have the necessary tension—something that stops the protagonists from becoming one—that will engage the readers? What about your characters? Do they relate to your target audience? Let’s take the example of Pride and Prejudice. Its trope is enemies to lovers, and the tension is the social hierarchy—Mr Darcy is from nobility, has a large estate while Elizabeth Bennet is a middle-class woman and if both come together, Mr Darcy’s acquaintances would not appreciate his choice. In Nicholas Spark’s The Notebook, it is the class difference that doesn’t allow Allison and Noah to unite in marriage. The characters in these stories are not superheroes but ordinary people and therefore, many readers can relate to.

4. Setting – Time and Place

The setting means the place and time in which the story is based. If it’s a historical romance, the writer must have the necessary know-how of that era. Where the story takes place should conform to the ambiance of the day including the dressing, the architecture, the scientific developments, and the prevalent attitudes of people towards all the things discussed in the story. Try to create vivid imagery of your settings, one that will arrest the imaginations of your readers.

5. Intimate Scenes – Yes or No?

Here, the writers of romance find themselves in a perplexing dilemma. There are no fixed rules for including intimate scenes and very much depends on your subgenre and target audience. In Young Adult, intimate scenes are usually avoided. In any case, unless you are writing erotica, the intimate scenes serve a specific purpose—to help the story move in a clear direction. If you have decided to include these scenes, they should be progressive and implicit—leave much to the imaginations of readers.


6. What About Secondary Characters?

Though much of your energy will be spent on the main characters, secondary characters should not be ignored. They help the story as much as the protagonists do. Friends, family, foes, neighbours, colleagues, and whoever else you have given the role of a secondary character contribute to making your story great. The only rule here is, the attention given to them shouldn’t obscure the leads.

7. A Good Ending

Romance readers expect the author to give a good ending to the story. A favourable ending is in which both the protagonists come together. As in ‘Love in the Times of Cholera’ (Spoiler alert ahead!) it takes decades for Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza to overcome the tensions and come together. In Pride and Prejudice, despite the initial dislike, both come together eventually. But it is not a rule that both the lovers should unite in marriage. For instance, the endings of The Fault in Our Stars and A Walk to Remember are not what we would call a ‘happy ending’. Still, they’re popular among the readers. However you bring the story to end, it should satisfy the readers, evoking the necessary emotions, that what they read was worth it.

8. Read More About Your Genre – and Subgenre

For any aspiring writer, reading is a must-to-do thing. No ifs and buts here. The reason for this is, the readers are not only interested in learning about what happens to a couple. When they pick a work of fiction, they expect a good drama, catchy sentences, compelling metaphors and a positive message at the end of the story. To help you understand what we just described above, we have listed some of our best-selling romance books below. While we won’t reveal the tropes and settings of these novels for the fear of spoilers, they have all these ingredients carefully woven into them. These stories would spark your imaginations and help you in generating worthwhile ideas for your own work of romance.


Book: Behind My Strength is a Weakness, Loving You
Author: Dina Al-Saigh

Book: For the Beloved
Author: Rania Nimr Eitah

Book: Rose Marie
Author: Badriah Al-Ahmad

Book: What Do You Know About My Love, Baby?
Author: Shaikhah Kaseb

Book: In Love with Dracula
Author: Nadine Jameel Omar


Other than these, we boast of a resourceful collection on a variety of subgenres in romance. Explore this treasure here. Don’t forget, we are offering 30% off on all paperbacks!

We sincerely hope these tips and books would encourage you to take your pen and notebook (or your laptop) and start working on your masterpiece. If, however, you have already prepared the manuscript, we are just a click away. Send us your manuscript at or explore more by visiting our submissions page.

To stay updated with our newly released titles, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Five Best Thrillers and Crime Novels to Curl Up with at Home


Books are amazing. Why? Because they allow you to live through the experiences of others. As George R.R. Martin once said,

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”

True, motion pictures do the same job but since everything is in visual form, it doesn’t offer much room for curiosity and speculation. It’s a book that gives us room to go on a never-ending voyage of imaginations. It’s a book that stirs our curiosity as we progress from one page and one plot to another, left to ourselves, wondering what the next page is about to bring.

The human brain is hard-wired to absorb information in story form, analyze it, and store it away for future use. In this context, the utility of reading thrillers and crime fiction can become handy. They put you in a mental simulator, keeping you engaged and mentally active. As this New York Times article shows, “fiction — with its redolent details, imaginative metaphors and attentive descriptions of people and their actions — offers an especially rich replica. Indeed, in one respect novels go beyond simulating reality to give readers an experience unavailable off the page: the opportunity to enter fully into other people’s thoughts and feelings.”

Secondly, it brings the good out of you—especially crime fiction. Humans are blessed with willpower, and thus, we are capable of doing both good and bad things. But our good side gets a value boost when we read a consequential thriller on crime. For instance, you read a good crime thriller, you question your core values—such as social and legal justice, fair-play, liberty and freedom and human dignity. It gives you a chance to reflect upon your own beliefs and receive renewed strength to carry on.

Last but not least, it offers us avenues to release our stress through. Although it sounds hypocritical, it’s true. A study by the University of Sussex showed just six minutes lost inside a thrilling book could reduce your stress level by as much as 68%. You journey through a tension-filled story but at the end of the story, it’s catharsis—the tension that was building up is finally released. When good finally triumphs evil, you feel vindicated, as if the world comes back into balance.

Below we give you an overview of some of the best thrillers we have in store for you. Read them, get curious and stay inspired.



Black Cat

Book: Black Cat
Author: Aesha Raja’an Al-Harashani

If you are a fan of supernatural thrillers, Black Cat is for you. It revolves around the story of a black cat, Rex. A magician loses his bewitching powers, and to regain the powers, he has to turn Rex into a vampire. Rex, now with immense powers, embarks on the mission to save his parents and take revenge from the evil magician for the wrongs he has done to him and his family. The magician has magical powers, but Rex is fast, furious and bloodthirsty. Who will win this battle? Will Rex rescue his parents and make them proud? To know how the tussle between Rex and the magician unfolds, grab your copy at 30% off here.




The Moon

Book: The Moon
Author: Khamis Mohammed Ali Alabdouli

The Moon is a captivating story of a king, named Robert.  He is ruling upon the subjects who are not humans but another species living on the surface of the moon. The only attributes this species share with the humans are cunningness, betrayal, and penchant for killing. Robert betrays his subjects and descends to the planet earth, a forbidden journey for which he is severely punished. But before bowing to his fate, Robert plants his seed in the womb of a human girl. Would his blood go to waste? Would Robert’s offspring avenge these lunar civilians for the death of his father? How would this fight between two different species unfold? Order a copy of this book at 30% off here and find out if Robert’s child would make his father proud.




Come On, Let’s Chase Him to Tunisia

Book: Come On, Let’s Chase Him to Tunisia
Author: Qais Ghanem

When Salem, a Yemeni boy, returns to London, he finds out that the love of his life Brigitte has left him and is with Peter now. A battle of words ensues when Salem confronts Brigitte in his apartment. In a fit of rage, he punches her; she fells on the steel table and succumbs to her injuries. Salem flees to Yemen where his father has great political clout. While the Yemeni authorities dodge Interpol’s requests to hand him over, the story takes a turn when Salem has to travel to Tunisia. It’s here that Peter sets a trap for him, with the help of his beautiful sister, Antonia. What is the trap? Would Salem fall for it? Would Peter give solace to Brigitte’s soul by taking the revenge? Don’t hang from the cliff! Order your copy of this page-turner at 30% off and know the complete story.





Book: Grandmother Fran’s ACCIDENTAL ARSONIST
Author: Carol Moxham Boot

Grandmother Fran’s ACCIDENTAL ARSONIST revolves around the life of Frances Plum, also known as Grandmother Fran. It features many characters and includes in its plot a range of issues such as pride, prejudice, bullying, domestic violence and much more. Grandmother Fran has to address each issue on her own. But her plans, are much easier said than done. There are significant twists and turns in the story, which will keep the readers gripped until the very end. But who—and what—is this ACCIDENTAL ARSONIST? Grab your copy at 30% off and go on an imaginative ride with Grandmother Fran and be privy to how she tackles her adversities.




There’s a Secret I Didn’t Tell You

Book: There’s a Secret I Didn’t Tell You
Author: Nora Sami Al-Thumairy

There’s a Secret I Didn’t Tell You is a gripping story of a young boy, Ali, and his struggles. His life is full of difficulties, hopping from one challenge to another. The final blow comes when he loses his mother to cancer. He’s alone, without anyone beside him. He doesn’t know who his father is. This story follows Ali’s journey to find his father. Would his father recognise him—and if he does, would he love Ali as his mother did? Would Ali’s share of trials and tribulations come to an end? Would he find the tranquillity and peace he so dearly deserves? Grab a copy of this full-of-suspense novel at 30% off here to know How it comes to an end.



We believe these thrillers would serve your brain well. If, however, you are interested in more of the same genre, visit our website and find the best titles for yourself. We are offering 30% off on all paperbacks!

To stay updated with our newly released titles, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you are an aspiring writer, submit your manuscript to us and make your dream of becoming a published author come true.

World Teachers’ Day: Paying Homage to Teachers Around the World


If we could ask you to attribute the massive developments we see today to a single fact, what would you choose? The rapid progress in science and technology—coupled with the progress in other fields at the same pace, right? We got you. That is right. But have you imagined, who made it possible? The teachers. Teachers were the medium which transmitted these learnings from one generation to another, eventually bringing us to here. Aristotle was a teacher, and so was Socrates; Newton, the founder of classical physics was a teacher, and so was Einstein, the founder of modern physics; Jabir Ibn Hayyan, the father of early chemistry was a teacher, and so was Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, the father of algebra. If we carefully skim through the human history, we can safely presume that every positive change-maker in history has been a tutor—though these roles were not strictly delineated back then like today.

Recognising the roles teachers have played—and continue to play—in shaping our collective history and individual lives, an event, the Intergovernmental Conference on the Status of Teachers was held on 5th October 1966. The world leaders, for the first time, sat together to deliberate upon how to universalise and “supplement [the] existing standards by provisions relating to problems of peculiar concern to teachers and to remedy the problems of teacher shortage.” The Recommendations of this conference “established benchmarks regarding the rights and responsibilities of teachers, according to UNESCO, and set standards for their training and continuing education, recruitment, employment, and teaching and learning conditions.”

In 1994, to commemorate the signing of the 1966 UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers, 5th of October was designated as World Teachers’ Day, also known as International Teachers’ Day. This day also celebrates the adoption of the 1997 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel which sets forth the rights and responsibilities of teachers and researchers in higher education. Like every international day, WTD too celebrates an annual theme and the theme this year is “Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future”.

The theme pays homage to educators all around the world, who, despite this deadly pandemic, managed to keep their pupils engaged in the process of learning. When schools closed without any prior warning, they tried, collectively and individually, to find solutions to bridge the gap between themselves and their students that was beginning to widen. They provided remote learning, founded groups and communities online and in some cases, uploaded their materials online for everyone to access. Where there was no connectivity, they prepared take-home packages to be delivered to students.

You can read more about the rationale behind the theme here.


How You Can Celebrate World Teachers’ Day?

Your celebration depends on who you are. Here are some ways to observe this day:

  • If you are a teacher, be proud of the role you play—imparting knowledge, moulding lives and shaping dreams. It’s a hard job with a lot of challenges. We, at Austin Macauley, thank you for your commitments and dedication towards this respectable profession. It is people like you who can ensure that every child is well-read and qualified for the 21st century’s fast-paced life.
  • If you are not a teacher, you must have been a student once in your life. Reach out to your teachers and thank them for the positive role they have played in your life. If you cannot visit them, send them a text, an e-mail or a letter. This way, they’ll feel valued with a reinvigorated passion to do more.
  • If you are a student or an administrator, arrange events at your school which would glorify the role teachers play in directing our destinies. Given that COVID-19 has disrupted our lives, thus if schools are closed, such events could be arranged virtually as well.
  • Use your influence on social media platforms and pay respect to the teachers around the world. Take to Twitter and post pictures of your favourite teachers, anecdotes related to this profession or some interesting incidents with the trending hashtags on 5th October.
  • Start a conversation. Irrespective of who you are, a parent, a student, or anyone else, initiate conversations about this profession at home, school or in your workplace. How they change our lives; and for this, how much underpaid and -valued they are; how you, as an individual, can make it better. Discussion on a certain topic usually leads to some interesting conclusions. This day is the perfect day to discuss teachers and their profession.
  • Read, Read, Read. One of the best ways to honour this day is to read more. Reading anything is learning something new every day—this is what teachers precisely do, teach us what we don’t know.


Visit our website and find a range of books that will quench your intellectual thirst.

Happy International Teachers’ Day!

If you are a teacher who has a story to tell the world, let us help you. Submit your manuscript to us and make your dream of becoming a published author come true.

To stay updated with our newly released titles, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.