Eid Al Adha: Embracing Sacrifice, Reflection, and Enriching Reads

Eid Al Adha, also known as the ‘Festival of Sacrifice,’ is one of the most significant celebrations on the Islamic calendar. Observed by Muslims across the globe, it is a time of prayer, feasting, and most importantly, remembering the spirit of sacrifice and obedience towards the divine command.


History Behind Eid Al Adha

The celebration of Eid Al Adha is rooted deeply in the history of Islam, paying homage to Prophet Ibrahim’s unwavering devotion to Allah. According to tradition, Prophet Ibrahim was willing to sacrifice his son, Ismail, in obedience to God’s command. In the very act of sacrifice, Allah intervened, replacing Ismail with a lamb from the heavens, symbolizing divine mercy and Ibrahim’s supreme faith. This act of sacrifice is what gives the festival its name and defines its central theme.


Rituals of the Day

On the day of Eid Al Adha, Muslims gather at mosques, dressed in their best attire to offer the special Eid prayers. Following the prayers, the act of sacrifice or Qurbani is performed by those who can afford it. This involves the sacrifice of an animal such as a goat, sheep, cow, or buffalo, emulating Prophet Ibrahim’s act of devotion. The meat from the sacrifice is divided into three parts, one for the family, one for relatives, friends, or neighbours, and the last part for the poor and needy. This act of distribution signifies sharing blessings and promoting a sense of community and equality.


Eid Al Adha Books

Amidst these rich traditions and heartfelt observances, reading can offer a meaningful way to reflect on the values that underpin the festival. This Eid Al Adha, we recommend a range of books that offer readers an immersive experience.


Jeddah… By Peter Pinar takes readers on an artistic journey through the captivating city of Jeddah. It captures the aura of the ancient world and evokes a sense of appreciation for a simple, meaningful life.


From Brokenness to Whole guides readers towards inner strength and resilience. Amidst the festivities of Eid Al Adha, this book is a profound reminder of our inherent ability to overcome adversity.


Messages is a heartening compilation of letters that inspire introspection and self-discovery. The book emphasizes the importance of balanced thought and inner peace, resonating with the festival’s contemplative spirit.


One Day, He Told Me is an exploration of happiness. It beautifully encapsulates the joy in simple things in life, aligning with the ethos of Eid Al Adha.

Eid Al Adha presents us with an opportunity to honour and internalize the principles of faith, sacrifice, and charity. In addition to the traditional observances, the act of reading can serve as a quiet, reflective retreat that complements the spirit of this auspicious occasion. So, as you delve into the festivities this year, do set aside some time to explore these enriching reads.


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Eid Mubarak!

Father’s Day Book Recommendations

One of the most celebrated days in a calendar year is Father’s Day. While in some countries, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June each year, in the UAE, it is celebrated each year on the 21st of June, regardless of the day. It is a day to appreciate, acknowledge, and show gratitude for the tireless efforts and selfless love of our fathers, male guardians or father figures. Naturally, the discussion then gravitates towards an appropriate gift or a present to give them as a token of our gratitude. You could buy them a lot of things, but perhaps the most precious would be, from our perspective, a book written by strong males for towering figures like them. Here are some books for Father’s Day for you to consider gifting to that most beloved male figure in your life.


  1. The Geographical Names – Memory of Generations by Dr Khalifa Alromaithi

This book explores the ancient geographical names in the UAE and how they reveal its history, culture and environment. The author also examines how these names have changed or survived due to urbanization and linguistic diversity.


  1. I Look Hoarse by Mohammed Abd Aladim

This book is a collection of the author’s experiences and insights into life and its various aspects. He also examines how coincidences and messages influence his choices and interactions.


  1. Emirates: Nothing is Impossible by Giovanni Bozzetti

This book is a guide to the UAE, a global hub of business, culture and innovation. The author illuminates the country’s history, realities, customs, etiquette, and mysteries.


  1. Soar with Green Sheikh by Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Ali Al Nuaimi

This book is a motivational guide to help you discover and unleash your inner power and potential. It teaches you ways to use positive affirmations, self-esteem, and faith to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.


  1. Zina – A Girl of Iron and Silk by Ahmed Ali Makki

This book is a heartfelt tribute from a father to his daughter, Zeina, an artist and a fighter. The author recounts his experiences, emotions, and insights regarding Zeina’s life, from her birth through her fight with scoliosis, among other things.


Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs, and submit your manuscript if you want to publish your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form. You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.


Embark on Epic Journeys with these Enthralling Adventure Books

Every book is a portal to a different world, especially adventure books that are loaded with engaging plots, diverse characters, and, most importantly, the spirit of exploration. They take us to a realm of fascinating places, making us part of an epic journey that ignites our imagination and keeps us on our toes with anticipation. This blog post will introduce you to four enticing adventure books, each unique and captivating in its own way.

Benefits of Reading Adventure Books

Reading adventure novels is not only an enjoyable way to spend time but also comes with numerous benefits. They broaden our perspective, enrich our knowledge, and inspire a sense of wonder and curiosity. They teach us about bravery, resilience, and friendship through captivating narratives, nurturing our understanding of these virtues. Furthermore, the suspense and thrill of these narratives are often beneficial for improving focus and attention span. Now, let’s dive into the adventurous worlds of our selected books.


This book unfolds a magical journey of Stefano the Frog who embarks on an exciting forest adventure, heading towards Strawberry Land. As he journeys with his friends, Squinty and Glory, they encounter whimsical characters and overcome mystical challenges. This book is filled with courage, kindness, and a sprinkle of magic, perfect for sparking imagination and learning about the beauty of friendships and adventure.


Next in line is an enchanting tale designed for children aged three years and above. “Mr. Shabhon and the Closet” helps young readers live what we, as adults, can’t, dream what we can’t, and fill the world with beauty. The narrative weaves an immersive world filled with magic and wonder, sparking children’s imaginations and fostering their creativity. This book beautifully showcases the endless possibilities of a child’s mind, creating a captivating reading experience.


Stepping into the world of Young Adults, “Magic McFee and the Legend of the Sorcerer” provides a mysterious narrative. This story follows Magic McFee, a girl whose life takes a drastic turn when her new friend Katie Harrow mysteriously disappears. With a nefarious English teacher and bizarre circumstances, Magic is embroiled in a suspense-filled journey to uncover the truth and rescue Katie. This book is perfect for young readers who enjoy a thrilling tale packed with mystery and action.


Last but not least, “Adam’s Return” offers a thrilling ride for readers. The protagonist, a young man, undertakes a mission assigned by his deceased father in a foreign country. The journey is filled with secrets and mysteries that challenge his deeply held beliefs and help him appreciate his cultural heritage. This book beautifully blends adventure with elements of self-discovery and cultural appreciation, offering a unique reading experience.

Adventure books, with their exciting narratives and engaging characters, offer an exhilarating escape from everyday life. They enable us to live vicariously through the characters and learn valuable lessons about resilience, courage, friendship, and the importance of keeping an open mind. So, gear up and embark on these fantastic journeys with Stefano the Frog, Mr. Shabhon, Magic McFee, and Adam. Happy reading!

Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs, and submit your manuscript if you want to publish your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form. You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on  TikTokFacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Preserving Our Planet: Combating Plastic Pollution on World Environment Day

Every year on the 5th of June, the United Nations Environmental Program organizes events for World Environment Day, uniting over 100 countries in their efforts to protect our planet. This year, we are proud to celebrate the 50th anniversary of World Environment Day, with Côte d’Ivoire as the host. Join us as we address a pressing global concern: finding a solution for plastic pollution. This issue affects us all, and we have a unique role to play in preserving our environment.

Embrace the Three R’s: Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

Minimizing plastic pollution starts with adopting the three R’s principle. In our daily lives, let’s reduce our consumption of single-use plastic items by opting for eco-friendly alternatives like reusable bags, water bottles, and food containers for keeping the environment clean. Let’s also embrace the power of reuse by extending the lifespan of items whenever possible. And finally, let’s prioritize proper recycling by educating ourselves about local recycling programs and ensuring the appropriate segregation of waste.

Say No to Single-Use Plastics:

Let’s challenge ourselves to reject single-use plastic items in our daily lives. When dining out, refuse plastic straws, cutlery, and disposable cups, and carry your own reusable alternatives. In grocery stores, opt for loose produce and bulk items instead of individually wrapped products. By making conscious choices, we can significantly reduce our plastic footprint.

Support Plastic-Free Alternatives:

Let’s support businesses and brands that offer plastic-free alternatives. Seek out stores that provide refill stations for detergents, shampoos, and other household products. Choose products with minimal packaging or those packaged in eco-friendly materials like glass or paper. By voting with our wallets, we can encourage a shift towards sustainable practices.

Proper Waste Disposal:

Responsible waste disposal is crucial to prevent plastics from polluting our landfills and water bodies. Let’s ensure we dispose of our waste responsibly by segregating recyclable materials from non-recyclables. Familiarize ourselves with local waste management guidelines and diligently follow them. By taking these small steps, we contribute to a cleaner environment.

Engage in Community Cleanups:

Let’s actively participate in local clean-up initiatives. If you live near the sea, join organized beach clean-ups that help prevent plastic pollution from entering our oceans. By uniting as a community, we can create a significant impact and inspire others to take action.

Embrace Eco-friendly Products:

Investing in eco-friendly products is key to living a sustainable lifestyle. By choosing items that are designed with the environment in mind, we can reduce our overall impact on the planet. Look for eco-friendly alternatives for everyday items such as household cleaning products, personal care items, and clothing.


Here are some countries that are well-known for their clean environment:


Finland is renowned for its pristine air, water, and forests. The country exhibits a strong dedication to environmental protection and has made remarkable strides in pollution reduction and natural resource conservation.


Japan is another country with a strong commitment to environmental protection. The country has a number of environmental regulations in place, and it has made significant investments in renewable energy.

Costa Rica:

Despite its small size, Costa Rica demonstrates an immense commitment to the environment. The country has a thriving ecotourism industry and has made significant advancements in safeguarding its rainforests and other natural resources.


Sweden has long been a leader in environmental preservation. The country boasts a range of effective environmental policies and has achieved notable success in decreasing carbon emissions.

Preserving our environment and combatting plastic pollution requires collective effort and individual responsibility. By adopting these practical tips, we can significantly reduce our plastic footprint and contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet. Together, let’s honor World Environment Day and protect our precious ecosystems. Remember, every small action matters, and together we can make a substantial impact in preserving our environment for future generations. Let’s unite as residents of the Middle East and take a stand to #BeatPlasticPollution.

We hope that you enjoyed reading about our suggested tips on how to reduce usage of Plastic.


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