How to Set Your Children’s Reading Routine?

children's reading routine

Are you juggling work and personal commitments and struggling to make time to impart important life skills that you are aware your children require? Instilling a love for reading in your children from an early age can prove immensely beneficial as they grow up. You’ll cherish the joy your child experiences in reading, and the time you spend helping your child learn to read is worth every minute.

If you’re looking to help your child become an avid reader, there are a few things more crucial than keeping up with the habit of reading for your kid. It can assist in helping to build stamina for reading and inspire a lifetime fascination with books! With just a few easy steps, you will be able to transform reading into one of your child’s most-loved activities for the year ahead.

Here are some tips to help encourage reading at home. They will not only help your child across all subjects but also reintroduce them to the pleasure of reading for enjoyment independently.

Make Reading a Daily Habit

You can ensure to raise a reader as soon as your newborn gets home. DO you know why? Well, babies love the gentle sound of a reader’s voice and being snuggled on a warm lap. If you incorporate reading into your routine, your child will likely adapt to reading while growing up.

Children can begin developing a good habit of reading at home, and if you wish to learn more on how to encourage good reading habits in kids, check out the linked blog.

Read in Front of Your Kid

Let your child watch your reading if you are a fan of magazines, books, or graphic novels. Children benefit from their observations. If you’re enthusiastic about reading, your child will be able to sense your excitement.

Taking Fun Library Visits is a Must

The library is an excellent spot to find new authors and check out books at no cost. A lot of libraries offer reading sessions as well as other reading programs designed for children. Going to the library gives your child an opportunity to build excellent reading habits and observe other children who are doing the same.

Create the Space for Reading

The first thing you should remember when planning routines to read to your child is to designate the space as a separate area for reading. Ask your child’s opinion about what they find most effective. Help them organize the area and personalize it to their taste and interests. Is there any special pet to use as an ideal reading companion or a blanket or hat that you can use to read in? Even the smallest of details can create a more welcoming space to relax while reading a book.

Let Your Kids Decide the Books to Read

The trip to the library is more memorable if you allow your child the opportunity to browse and discover. Children are more likely to desire to read something they select for themselves. If you’re worried about getting the right book or subject for your child’s reading ability, then provide your child with a set of books available to select from.

Create a Schedule

Making a schedule that you adhere to when reading encourages your child to be more inclined to read independently.

“Work with your child to set a specific time each night that supports a regular routine where other things aren’t scheduled,” says Burke.

Remember that this doesn’t need to be a strict process. It can instead be a relaxed family time.

Lead by Example

One of the most significant actions is showing your child good reading behavior. Switch off the television and put down your mobile and enjoy time reading a book. Your child will discover that reading books can bring them pleasure.

Make Use of a Calendar

We recommend using visual tools so your child can see the progress they make using a calendar. You can use calendars where your child can write down the amount of time they spend reading and the days they read on, and it can be a visual aid for them.

Talk About It

While having the meals together, engaging in a lively discussion on the book your kid is reading will bring enthusiasm to their reading habits. This encourages your child’s reading habit as you discuss what they’re reading, and you can both connect over reading books. This is a fantastic method of assessing your child’s reading comprehension. It is important to talk about the book in a way that feels natural and conversational instead of taking a quiz.

Expose Your Child to Different Genres of Books

Find a book that seems interesting to your child. Explore various genres such as mystery, science fiction, comics, science-fiction, etc. The more engaged your children are with the subject, the more they will want to read!

Support Your Child

If your child is struggling with reading and becomes annoyed, step back and look at what areas he or she may be struggling with. Speak to your kids about the issue and resolve it as earliest as possible.

Reading Should Be Fun and Should Not Be Forced!

Follow these steps to help your children become excited about reading so that you can help them become more effective readers. With a bit of concentration and direction, it is possible to get your kids the boost in reading they need.

You can incorporate storytime into your child’s daily routine to encourage the love of books. The book can be a great resource when getting ready for bed. Sitting down to read with your children can signal to them that it’s time to go to sleep. It could also be at the end of the day or whenever you think they need silence. If you’re searching for good children’s books to read to your kids, check out the books from our children’s genre.

If you do this during the exact same period each day, your child will become familiar with the routine and look for pleasure in reading. If they begin to enjoy books, they will be more comfortable with them when they are able to read on their own.

Make sure you stick to your plan. The occasional day off is acceptable, but you should be sure to stick to the routine most of the time.

We hope that you enjoyed reading about our suggested tips to set up you children’s reading routine, and they will be useful to you. If you wish to be a part of Austin Macauley Publishers, then you’re welcome to share your manuscripts here for review. You can also submit online by filling out this Online Submission Form. Stay connected with Austin Macauley on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more updates.

Tips and Tricks For Being Good at Book Hauls

What Exactly is a Book Haul?

A book haul happens when an individual who has (usually recently) bought books decides to post what they have purchased on any social platform. This could be shared via image posts or videos, and it is pretty common for bloggers and vloggers. In most cases, the blogger will present the books one at a time and talk briefly about each.

Book hauls are an excellent opportunity to find out about the latest books. It is possible to pick up books you’ve never known existed or get information about the book you already know but in such an intriguing way that it appeals to you. This is my absolute favourite aspect. It’s also an excellent method to keep track of the books that someone is reading since many people go through all of the books they’ve picked up in a short time. This is typically beneficial to those who don’t post about their TBRs. It’s also helpful to be aware of which books someone has to be able to gift them something, that means you don’t gift them something they already own. If you’re gifting someone a present, it could be pleasing for them to refer to you.

Top 10 Book Reviewers You Shouldn’t Miss

Below are some of the best book reviewers with epic book hauls and whatnot are not missed. If you want to know how they were able to make it happen, then read along to know some tips and tricks you can use to become successful as being a book reviewer.

  1. Shadow of a book – ظل كتاب
  2. Betaa El Kotob
  3. Akhdar
  4. Salefni Ketab or Lend me a book
  5. El Zatoona
  6. Khair Jalees
  7. Nedal Reads
  8. Eithar Al Dibs
  9. Menel Akher
  10. The Novelist

Consider Your Niche(s)

One method to stand out from other book reviewers on different social platforms is to create specific niches. If you concentrate your channel around a specific type of book or genre, you will likely develop a dedicated and specific audience quickly.

It is possible to focus on genres such as fantasy genre, romancesci-fi,  YA fictionmangamanhwachildren’s books, or mysteries. It is also possible to focus on non-fiction if that’s what you lean towards more.

You can also connect yourself to one particular author and be branded as the book blogger who reviews the most recent books of that author.

Strategise Your Content

If you’re looking to increase your reach as a book blogger, consider the type of content you’d like to release. You should think about SEO (search engine optimization). Many book bloggers fail to progress because they only organize book hauls or chat about random books. If you are posting on Instagram, for instance, you have to make sure that you’re using a variety of posts to make your feed look appealing. Posting too many static posts or videos in a row may not be the best strategy. Analyze what works best for your platform and do accordingly.

Let Your Personality Shine

You’ll notice that your subscriber counts begin to rise faster when you allow your personality to shine. This can help build the all-important parasocial connection. Your viewers will be able to enjoy your humour and become accustomed to your personality and quirks. It’s a great feeling.

Do you have kids or pets? Include them in your content and use their names often. It also helps your followers establish a relationship with you and your personal life.

Editing Skills Are a Must

You’ve got to ace your game when it comes to editing your posts and videos. Even if you’re posting a book haul on your website as a blog, making it attractive and cutting off unnecessary gibberish is the key to making people want to pay attention to it.

You’re free to make numerous mistakes and cause as many pauses as you want when recording. Editing is the other half of making a great video. Once you are at the editing stage, take out the ums and long interspersed pauses, and create the rhythm.

Retention of viewers is crucial! Therefore, make sure that your video is clear, swift, quick, and snappy. Create jokes, but make them short; stay within the rhythm of the video.

Get Creative

If you spend more time investing in editing posts and videos, you’ll be more imaginative. You’ll learn the zooming in and out feature, learn how to include text and effects, and how editing tricks can ensure that your jokes and comments stand out. Learn more; be imaginative with your editing. Look at ways to spice your posts and videos.

Most book bloggers adhere to the same structure, which is to make an image of their face talking to the camera. Therefore, be creative with edits and other effects that create something that your viewers can see and hear diverse.

Post Consistently

This is the simplest method to grow as a book-loving person on social media platforms, but it could be a challenge depending on your schedule and routine.

If you are able to post a minimum of one post or video each week consistently, you’ll see more growth on your channel. For example, people who subscribe to YouTube appreciate content that is regularly updated, and, most importantly, it is also the case with YouTube’s algorithm. The algorithm feared by many makes us do things we would instead not do in the interest of growing. Things like making clickbait titles, focusing on the most popular topics, and forcing us to update our content regularly.

Suppose you can consistently make and edit 10-20 minutes of video each time and upload new videos once or twice every week. In that case, you’ll experience more significant and consistent growth than other booktube channels.

Response to Comments

There are two motives for this: it’s an additional aspect that all platforms’ algorithms like and is an excellent way to connect with the community. Learn to get to know your regular commenters, interact with them, and respond to and like their comments. It’s good to have a community.

We hope that you enjoyed reading about our suggested tips and they will be useful to you. We wish you a successful career as a book reviewer.

If you are an aspiring writer and wish to be a part of Austin Macauley, then share your manuscripts here for review. You can also submit online by filling out this Online Submission Form. Stay connected with Austin Macauley on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more updates.

All You Need To Know About Ramadan & Our Top Books To Read

Books to read during Ramadan

Ramadan is here and we could not be more excited! The month of fasting and spiritual care is sure to aid those who celebrate the festival to be more focused in how they worship God. It’s also called the month of reflection and self-improvement.

Every year, as the month of Ramadan comes around it brings with itself numerous blessings, love, gratitude, care and the remembrance of Almighty Allah. According to the Quran, Allah says:

“O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance.”
(Surah Ahzab: 41)

Ramadan permits Muslim to improve the relationship with Almighty Allah. And for this, what more important than remembering Him by means of zikr and reap greater blessings from Him as it is mentioned in the holy book:

“Then remember Me, I will remember you.”
Surah Baqrah: 152)

What’s Ramadan?

The ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar is Ramadan. Muslims celebrate this holy month of Ramadan to commemorate the day that Allah has sent an angel over Prophet Muhammad to unravel the Quran in 610 AD. This event is known as ‘Laylat al Qadar’ in Arabic which means the night of power.

When is Ramadan?

The time Ramadan begins and its end changes each year because it’s determined by the Islamic lunar calendar and moon cycle. The time of the beginning of Ramadan is determined by the appearance of the crescent moon’s new phase by the religious authorities. Even though Muslims are waiting for the moon’s appearance before the first of Ramadan is revealed; however, they can predict the date of its arrival. Ramadan typically lasts from 29 to 30 days, based on when the new crescent moon appears.

What’s The Primary Motive Behind Ramadan?

In Ramadan, Muslims aim to improve their spirituality and be closer with Allah and their family members. They accomplish this by abstaining from alcohol, smoking, and sexual interactions between sunset and sunrise every day. Ramadan is also be a period for unification and spiritual reflection. Muslims devote their time to prayer in the mosque, reading the Quran and performing good actions. They give money to charities and spend time with their family members, and refrain from the temptation to gossip, lie and fight.

What is The Reason Why Muslims Observe Fasting During Ramadan?

Fasting is essential during Ramadan because it lets Muslims be devoted to their religion, grow more connected to Allah, and develop compassion and patience. It’s about feeding your soul instead of just looking after your body. It’s also among the Five Pillars of Islam which constitute the foundation on which Muslims conduct their daily lives (the other are prayer, faith charity, and the pilgrimage to Mecca).

Everyone Muslims generally follow the practice of fasting except for those who are pregnant, sick women, lactating, old, or traveling. If you don’t fast on a particular day, you can make up for them throughout the year.

What Happens at The End of Ramadan?

A three-day special festival known as Eid Al-Fitr signifies the end of Ramadan. It starts with the first glimpse of the moon’s new phase that appears in the night sky. It’s a joyful time that sees Muslims celebrating the end of fasting, praising Allah for all the blessings we have.

For three days, Muslims attend prayers in the morning and spend time with neighbors and loved ones. After that, they can enjoy a tasty traditional meal with families and friends. Children are often gifted with presents and are expected to offer them to those who are in need. In order to symbolize solidarity, Ramadan is a time that Muslims across the world gather to celebrate their faith.

Books to Read During Ramadan

One of the easiest ways to seek nearness with Allah is to recite the Holy Quran. It is the best method to remember and be connected to Allah Almighty, and nothing supersedes reciting the Quran and praying. Additionally, you must also take part in zikr for more blessings from Allah during this holy month called Ramadan.

We all know that the Quran is an essential read for all Muslims; however, if you seek other books to aid in your personal growth, don’t worry! We’ve collected some titles from different genres that you can take a look at. To celebrate unity, humility, and self-improvement, we’ve put together a list to make it easier for you to select which books to read during Ramadan! To commemorate this beautiful month of blessings, Austin Macauley Publishers brings 25% off on the entire stock. So what are you waiting for? Grab your favourite books today and don’t forget to use the discount code: RAMADAN25.

  1. The Modern Statistic of the Most Beautiful Names of God
  2. Pillars of Islam
  3. Sada-e-Haqq
  4. Brief History of Islamic Sects
  5. Brief History of Islamic Civilization
  6. Basics in Children’s Education
  7. Nutrition Plans

Whether you are not well-versed with the concept of Ramadan or you’re just excited at the mere mention of it, these Ramadan books will satiate your thirst for knowledge with some nutritious recipes to keep you healthy during the month and afterward. These books to read in Ramadan have a little something for everyone.

We hope that all your prayers are answered this holy month of Ramadan and that you achieve all the spiritual elevation your heart desires.

Be a part of Austin Macauley by sharing your manuscripts here for review. You can also submit online by filling out this Online Submission Form. Stay connected with Austin Macauley on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more updates.

Happy and blessed Ramadan, folks!

Top Reads This Spring Season

Top reads for this spring season

With the cold and gloomy weather behind us, we cannot wait to step into spring. The winters provided us with many opportunities to hibernate indoors and enjoy some good books. But with spring approaching, we cannot wait to check out some new spring season books.

Creating time and space to enjoy your spring reads is just as important as choosing the right book. We are here to help.

We are going to look at some great places you can kick back and enjoy some spring season books.

Welcoming the Warmth of Spring by Decluttering

Spring is the time for renewal and rejuvenation. After a long cold winter, everyone wants to clean out their closets and declutter their home and life. That means your books too!

A good way to get rid of books you have not read in a while is to schedule a time during your spring holidays to clean out your bookshelves. Instead of disposing of your books, why not exchange them for new ones at your local old bookstore. Better yet, donate to a community library so others can enjoy your favourites too.

You could also lend to your friends who may need something new to read and would love to enjoy a book that you love. Bottom line, if you have read a book then it is always a good idea to clear your shelf for more great books to read.

Now we know everyone sometimes has sentimental value for specific books and you would never want to give away what you consider the best novel of all time. For example, you would never want to give away your first Harry Potter novel. Alternatively, if you have a signed copy from your favourite author, that would not be the book to give away. So before you decide to declutter, ask yourself some questions:

  • Would I ever re-read the book?
  • Do I have an emotional attachment to the book?
  • Is this something that can be replaced with another book that would have more value to me?
  • If it is a technical or educational book, do you still refer to it for guidance?

Once you have an idea, of what needs to go and what does not you can start the decluttering process. Follow the following steps:

  • Do not remove all of your books at once. Do it shelf by shelf. This way you will not feel overwhelmed and will be able to look at each book carefully before deciding what needs to go and what stays.
  • Does a book carry some monetary value because a famous author signs it or because it is an heirloom? Maybe it is considered the best non-fiction book of all time. You can decide whether you want to save it or maybe sell it.
  • Create piles for the books you want to keep and the ones you want to give away.
  • If you have magazines, it may be a good idea to separate them and decide which ones you want to keep. Instead of storing them on your bookshelf, you may want to keep a separate plastic box for them.
  • Any books that are torn or unusable should be disposed of.
  • In the end, after you have created your donate pile, decide to who you will give your books. You want to make sure whomever you give your books to that they will be used.

Springtime Reading: Why You Should Take the Time to Enjoy Spring Reads

Reading is one of the most relaxing and important self-care activities you can do this spring season. What exactly is it about reading that promotes mental health and a sense of peace?

Well, it is more complicated than you think. When we pick up a book, we are focusing on one thing rather than multitasking, something we do throughout the day. Reading a book especially a fiction book taps into our imagination. This results in reducing stress and creating a relaxing mood.

Doctors have started using reading books as a form of treatment for various mental health problems. In the UK, for instance, doctors have started using a therapy called bibliotherapy. It helps patients who are struggling with anxiety and depression.

This spring season is a great time to catch up on any spring season books you missed. With some extra time during spring break or holiday, be sure to pack a few extra spring reads that you can enjoy. Now you know that reading is not only an enjoyable activity it is important for your mental health.

Places You Can Catch up On Your Spring Season Books

Where can you read your springtime selected books? Well, many places can serve as great reading spots, but they might not have occurred to you.

Let us go over a few:

The Train

Is your early morning commute bland? Why not liven it up with a great book. The train is a great place to catch up on your reading. It is usually quiet and a place where you will not be engaging with others. It is a great time to catch up on those spring reads you have been meaning to start.

A Restaurant or Hotel Lobby

If you are eating alone or staying in a hotel for business, why not take along a great book you can read. Often people find it awkward to eat alone, but with a selection of the best books to read, you will not feel all by yourself and can enjoy a good meal and a great book to read at the same time.

A Coffee Shop

The coffee shop down at the corner or in the neighbourhood is another great place to read a book. You visit it often, so it is familiar and probably has a few quiet corners that you can use to enjoy some recommended books to read. Why not grab a coffee and catch up on that reading.

The Park

The park is a great place to read a book, especially in the springtime. You want to enjoy the outdoors while also catching some important sunrays. Why not grab some top books to read, a blanket and make it a picnic.

The Beach

The beach is a great place to read a book. With your blanket, towel, and umbrella, you can enjoy a quiet afternoon relaxing with a great selection of top reads.

Create Your Springtime Reading Corner

Another great way to get into the springtime reading mood is to create or redecorate your reading corner. After a long harsh winter, why not add some colour to your reading corner to liven up.

Let us look at some easy and quick ways to redecorate your reading corner this spring:

  • Adding colour to your walls is a great way to liven up your reading corner. With a few splashes of paint and a bright colour
  • Add colour through accents. You can put down a bright rug or a colourful throw on your reading chair. Even a colourful art piece and be a great addition.
  • Change lighting to make it brighter. Why not add a new lamp or new light fixture with a brighter bulb. It can change the mood of your entire corner.
  • Adding fairy lights or an attractive light globe can brighten up your reading corner. So affordable and easy to do.
  • Add some greenery to your reading corner by bringing in some plants. Plants add a very nice summary and spring feel. Affordable and pleasing to the eye, you will not regret the green additions.
  • Add storage bins that are bright and colourful. Why not increase your storage space while adding some colour to your reading corner.
  • A bright abstract clock can also be a great addition to your reading corner. It will help you keep track of time while also brightening up your space.

Top Spring Reads You Can Buy Today

Let us look at some great books to read that you can buy today to start the season right. We have a great list that includes some children’s books as well. If you are looking to lay back and relax in the warm sun, then these books are just for you.

Whether it is self-help or inspirational stories about faith, we have selected the perfect list of books you can enjoy with your family.

  1. Oh My God!
  2. Pain and Hope
  3. Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) Taught Me
  4. A Father’s Dream
  5. Adam’s First Day at School
  6. After Corona
  7. All Pleasures
  8. Leading the Self
  9. Elena
  10. Unforgettable Love

Welcome Spring this year with a Good Book

Springtime is here and we have listed great-recommended books to read. With the weather warming up and more opportunities to get out and enjoy the outdoors, why not take along your spring season books.

We hope you enjoyed our recommendations for decluttering and livening up your reading corner just in time for spring. With a fresh start and a new year ahead of us, the time is better than ever to create a nice reading space. You can thank us later!

Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs and submit your manuscript if you are looking for publishing your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form. You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.