The Moving Type, One of the Biggest Writing Collaborations From Writers All Over the World!

The Moving Type

Releasing on Thursday, The Moving Type is unique in storyline written by over 100 contributors from around the world. Created amid a global pandemic, the strongest chapters were born from the toughest times.


The Moving Type was a project coordinated by Devika Sharma, a marketing professional from Dubai and took six years for The Moving Type to move from a concept to a year-long digital collaboration between writers from the UAE, Australia, UK, Canada, India, USA and more.

Due to the nature of the narrative, The Moving Type takes readers through a journey of adventure, thrill and romance following the main character Nadia, who becomes unwillingly entangled in the pharmaceutical corruption of Lifalabs, after receiving cryptic messages from an anonymous source when a virus continues to spread across the city of Matana. Taken against her own will, Nadia becomes the test subject of a grueling medical trial and is injected with a deep purple dose of Budlyt-19. With friends turning to foes, loyalty turning to betrayal and antidote turning to obsession in a capitalist pursuit of Matana, will Nadia ever escape the hands of corruption? Or will the colour purple stay true to its meaning of wealth, power and ambition for the corrupt?

The idea for a relay-style book struck Devika Sharma when she was in university, still finding her feet and playing with the idea of becoming a writer, or a publisher/editor. But as luck would have it, she found a way to become all three.

It took six years and a lockdown in a pandemic for The Moving Type to move from a concept written on the back of a ‘Fundamentals of Finance’ textbook to a year-long digital collaboration between writers from the UAE, Australia, UK, Canada, India, US and so many more.

According to Devika Sharma, “The key message from this book is simple: The strongest chapters are born from the toughest times. In the midst of a pandemic, it was incredible to connect with complete strangers from all over the world who couldn’t be more different from each other, and yet, here we were creating a beautiful little cocoon that we could escape to by just doing what brings us unparalleled happiness and purpose.”

Devika praises the unique characteristic of the book as each chapter carries its own style, its own agenda, its own voice. Even if there wasn’t a big heading separating each chapter, you would immediately be able to tell that a new writer has begun working on the story. In theory, this seems like a potential disaster but it was fascinating to see how the storyline could pass from one writer to the next seamlessly.

The book has been written by many authors from all over the world. Authors of The Moving Type have come forward and shared their experience of contributing to this book. One of the co-authors of this book, Zaha, a soon-to-be graduate of English and Cultural Studies said, “Since childhood, I have had a passion for writing. Whenever I had the chance, I would write short stories and poems. It became a goal of mine to share my work publicly. When I found out about this project and read the first few chapters, I was intrigued by the mystery of how the story was unfolding and how I, myself, would push the plot forward. The idea of people from all around the globe building a story together was so thrilling that I jumped at the opportunity to be a part of it!”


Talking about how she felt about writing only a chapter, she said, “At first, I approached this project with excitement at the idea of writing one chapter of a larger novel. However, once I sat down to write, I began to feel constrained. Secondly, I felt stressed to not only be carrying a plot further, but at the realization that I was paving the way for the next writer to build off my work. To ensure that my chapter flowed smoothly from the previous, I noted down key themes and character traits so as to not create any plot holes.”

Furthermore, she added, “The previous authors had already done such a fantastic job of creating an ominous and mysterious tone throughout their chapters. I was especially fond of the themes of survival and discovery. Therefore, I tried to carry those themes out in my chapter.”

Another incredible author of this book, Elisabeth Ten Cate, was also asked why she opted to become involved in the project. She added, “During lockdown, my world felt a lot smaller than usual, so I felt a craving for interactions beyond my usual network. The idea of working on a story with a group of random strangers sounded great.”

Talking about how she felt by writing only one chapter, she added, “I read the previous chapters and took notes. There were a few points that had been touched on in previous chapters but weren’t developed further, so I wanted to reference these to make them feel deliberate and not overlooked.”

When asked about the themes she envisaged when pulling through to her chapter, she said, “I wanted to refer back to things that had been mentioned in earlier stages of the story so that they felt deliberate and I wanted to add something that would make the plot appear less black and white.”

Elizabeth is from the Netherlands but has lived in London for the last seven years. She studied philosophy, worked in marketing and communications for a few years, and is currently training to become a UX designer. Her primary goal was always to become a published novelist.

Another talented author, Julia Malone, was interviewed and told that she wanted to be involved in this project because she loved a creative challenge. Writing is her solo hobby, and with the pandemic, she has been spending a lot more time alone than ever before. This opportunity gave her a wonderful way to collaborate with creatives around the world, as she stretched her writing skills to co-produce a work built by the varied unique imaginations of many.

When asked how she felt by writing only one chapter, she said, “Writing only one chapter was exciting. I had no idea how it would influence the narrative moving forward and reading each week to see how strands were woven together from the ideas of each author was a wonderful interactive journey to go on. To make sure the chapter flowed through from the previous, I picked out key character details and expanded upon them, like Tara’s social media presence. I asked myself, how could this be a part of the story?”

Julia Malone has majored in English at the University of Toronto, exploring many different areas of literature. Julia has been teaching third grade for four years and has started up a Microfiction after school club for a number of creative students at her school.

Talking further about her experience, she told, “One of the big themes I saw pulling through to the chapter I’d written was that of isolation. We have e obvious isolation of characters in a lockdown, unable to meet in person, but we also have the stark sense of isolation that is apparent in the characters’ video calls as they try to grasp on to a piece of each other’s lives and find that each seem so futile. Ron tries to escape his isolation through video games and Tara does much the same through her social media following, reaching out to hundreds of others, trying to connect while they all feel lost in the unknown of the pandemic. Adi and Nadia seem to be lucky to have each other at first glance, but we soon realize that the two cousins know little of what’s truly happening in their personal worlds. Adi’s isolation comes out through his desperation for control which sends him down a possibly controversial path, thereby influencing Nadia’s fate.

From there, the story takes off! How do these four characters deal with their sense of isolation? How does it influence the plot? This theme seemed timely to explore and I’m eager to discover how it may or may not have influenced the conclusion of the book!”

Jeremy, one of the co-authors of The Moving Type, was also interviewed. When asked why he wanted to be involved in the project, he said, “I hope to one day become a novelist; it has been my dream for the last 12 or so years, I had written this during a time when I was uncertain about this dream being within reach. However, I did this for fun too, to see what would happen!”

Jeremy also shed light on writing only one chapter and how he made sure it flowed through from the previous, he shared, “I had read the previous chapters which gave me an idea of what could happen next. That’s part of the fun, crafting the unknown, a scenario that is up to the interpretations of the beholder! For me, I took inventory of how the characters were feeling, and where they were. It then became a matter of improvising and planning where to take it from there.”

Jeremy also gave an insight into his background. He said, “This is quite an extensive one. I have just graduated from a course I didn’t particularly want to do, having had to pick it because my original choice (English Literature) required what I did not have.

I am deaf, born to divorced parents with a love for books and a dream to be a full-time novelist someday. Currently, while I wait to start my masters, I am working by submitting manuscripts to agents and publishers. I write dystopian, mysteries and drama.”

We also got the opportunity to talk to Leanne Price who took part in the project, she said, “I’ve always loved writing and wanted to push myself during the pandemic. Seeing that this was for a good cause made it even better! I felt nervous writing only one chapter, but it was amazing to see how one page could change even the genre of the story. I wanted to show character development and emotions through a very tense scene. I wanted to show themes of friendship and science fiction, my personal favourite in books!”

One of the co-authors of this book, Matt Fudge who has written a chapter in the book shares his thoughts as well. He said, “I wanted to be part of this project to get my writing out there in whatever way I could! Writing one chapter was odd; it felt like sending my baby out into the wild, not knowing what the rest of the writers would do with my character and the plot ideas I’d set up. I connected my chapter to the previous ones by just looking into one character that hadn’t really been touched yet, so that it was both continuous and progressive. This is definitely the first thing I’ve had published, so even if only one little piece of it is mine, it’s cool to be a part of. I really tried to talk about loneliness in my chapter, and the effect it has on people who can’t escape it.”

Another co-author, Rebecca Steele added, “The idea of working together with various people across the globe to create a story was exciting. It was something good in a pandemic where so many things were uncertain and so much negativity was in the air!”

The credit of coming up with such a grand concept goes to Devika Sharma. Unique in storyline and creation, this book project was written and illustrated by over 100 contributors from around the globe. It is a must-read book and we’re sure you would not want to miss out on this one, in the collaborative nature of the book all proceeds will be donated to the Lions Club. You can grab a copy of this book here.

Happy Reading!

Empowering Teachers and Students Alike with Our Educative Reads!

Empowering Teachers and Students Alike with Our Educative Reads

As teachers play a vital role in imparting the knowledge to the younger generations, so it is of the utmost priority that they get authentic information. The teachers must be careful while delivering lectures to the students as they contribute to make them an asset. Furthermore, the students must also listen to their teachers to get the required and updated information. They must learn from their teachers to read the best books that will bring confidence in them to participate in healthy discussions.

As Colleen Wilcox says,

“Teaching is the greatest act of optimism.”

Here are some of the recommended books for the teachers and students to read this International Teacher and Student month.

Phonological Error Patterns from a Clinical Perspective

Phonological Error Patterns from a Clinical Perspective

It is our first recommended book for the teachers and specifically for the students as it provides an understanding of the phonological error patterns. The systematic errors by children are common during the learning process and expressing the knowledge. It identifies the common phonological errors neglected by children. This evaluation assists in the diagnosis of common phonological and articulation disorders. It also discusses the differences between phonology and speech. Other dimensions include normal speech development, phonological mistake patterns, and ways to diagnose speech sound abnormalities. It also examines speech sound abnormalities more thoroughly.

Teachers and students must click here to improve their phonological errors.



A Practice

A Practice

It is one of the best books for students studying in school. It helps in learning as it describes the stories of twelve children having learning issues. Each of them gets help from a tutor to improve their learning problems. Their tutor is an expert in The Clinical Teaching Model, and she delineates the achievements and the issues of curative tutoring. The journey of tutoring comes across modern theories and techniques of teaching.

Click here to practice the best learning and tutoring methods.




Adam’s First Day at School

Adam’s First Day at School

It is the story of Adam who is excited about his very first day at school. He is happy to make new friends in school and to learn from new teachers. A new chapter of life is going to start for Adam. Find out what he will learn on his first day.

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Aisen’s School Diary

Aisen’s School Diary

This is one of the best books to read in October, the International month of teachers and students. The book has described the story of the school life of Aisen and her friends. They have got admission in an international school where they get exposure to students of different nations and religions. It comprises the memories of daily events in school. By reading this book, you will enjoy the entertaining journey of Aisen and her friends in school life. Eventually, they learn from some incidents that occur one day.

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Is It Uncool to Go to School

Is It Uncool to Go to School

It is a story about Peter, a boy who does not like to go to school. It is difficult for him to wake up early in the morning every day. So, his mother decides to assist him. It is a thought-provoking book that will make little students mindful of the need and importance of going to school.

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Effective Leadership and Performance Effectiveness – Leadership to Ward Off Harm and Bring Interests

Effective Leadership and Performance Effectiveness – Leadership to Ward Off Harm and Bring Interests

This book falls under the category of ‘books for leaders.’ It motivates students to develop leadership skills and encourages teachers to utilize their leadership skills effectively. Abdullah Hussain Shugaibel discovered in his book that the magnitude of response depends on the acts of persuasive power. An effective leadership determines the performance of an institution. Effective leadership is achievable by making bold decisions to avoid harm and dedicating oneself to bringing interests together, which leads to progress by the execution of the necessary actions promptly. This book gives the concept of successful leadership, and performance effectiveness is based on making courageous and dedicated judgments and then doing the right things in the right way.

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Smart Architecture

Smart Architecture

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Get this thought-provoking book here.


The Four Levels of HR Excellence

The Four Levels of HR Excellence

This book facilitates the knowledge of HR management. It provides an easy and innovative way of bringing change in the development of HR departments in the present era.  This book is based on the four levels of the HR excellence model. This book can help any HR department in strategy formulation, previewing the concepts of HR into easy illustrations, and to make a framework to keep a check on HR effectiveness.

This is a specifically recommended book for educators.

Get this beneficial book by clicking here.



TV News 3.0

TV News 3.0

This book describes the journey of media advancement. The news of every happening gets digitalized on the news channels. All the developed news channels have competitors. In this growing era of technology, it is hard to trust authentic information as we do not know the facts of every happening. From an educational perspective, this book helps teachers in understanding the logical information that may facilitate the teachers to gather factual data. In this way, a teacher can provide quality knowledge to the students that will ultimately develop their future opinions.

It will be a good read for the teachers to tackle the fast flow of information. Click here to get the book.


Pick few books to dedicate to your teachers and students this October. Take this chance and start a hobby of book reading. It will have positive effects on your life with surprising benefits. Get ready to read your compelling book from the collection of our best books!

If you are an aspiring author and intend to publish your writings, submit them on our website. You can also fill the online submission form to win a chance to publish your work with us.

You can connect with Austin Macauley Publishers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to get the best-updated books.

An Essential Guide on Putting Your Life Journey Into an Autobiography

Tips for Writing a Good Autobiography

An autobiography is a self-narrated biography. It is an account of the life of a person written by himself. Autobiographies are not written with the intention of publication, usually. Some authors publish their autobiography in the form of a long book while a formal autobiography is written for a specific purpose like education, job, or business. Autobiographies are of many types including religious, intellectual, thematic, and fictionalized. The major concern before writing an autobiography is how to start it and how to keep coherence and sequence? To tackle these writing challenges, we have listed the following tips for writing a good autobiography.

1- Determine the Category

There are four categories of autobiographical writing. The first and foremost task is to select your category. This can be determined by the life story of the writer. You have to develop an interesting theme for your autobiography. It could be about love, faith, hardship, fate, or any other thing that you feel has impacted your life the most. You have to follow the pattern of the chosen category throughout the events in your autobiography. For example, if you are writing your religious inspiration, you have to add the related incidents in your autobiography. In this way, the content of the autobiography can make the pattern of the story.

2- Explore the Most-read Autobiographies

The next autobiography writing tip is to choose the specific category in which your life story fits well i.e., religious, thematic, fictionalized, or intellectual. This depends mainly on how you choose to write it and also on the most dominant aspect of your life. Read the already existing popular autobiographies on the category that you have identified. Try to understand the flow of the story by reading different autobiographies and deliver your own story in the same way as famous writers have done. By doing so, you get familiar with the content and structure of writing an autobiography. You can also get inspiration and writing prompts from the well-written autobiographies of other people.

3- Select the Target Audience

The target audience must be determined while writing an autobiography. If you are writing your experiences for your family, the choice of words must be different than the autobiography written for a larger audience. If you are writing an autobiography for the general public, your autobiography content must be interesting to grab the attention of readers towards your life story. The choice of words must be effective as the reader is unaware of your story. Write your story in a way that readers can learn from your experiences.

4- Create a Draft

Making a draft is one of the most important autobiography writing tips. The whole story is organized and based on this outline. You have to build your story in a selected category through brainstorming. You must follow a chronological sequence of events of your life. This technique can help get the attention of the readers. The well-organized content of the autobiography keeps the reader’s interest in reading more about your life. Remember that this is not the final draft as you will incorporate changes several times to make it best presentable and readable. The final draft will be created after the completion of the autobiography.

5- Recall and Relive Your Life

When you decide to write an autobiography, you have to sit back and recall your life happenings. Remember, even the trivial details and happenings are important for your writing. Starting from home, the pattern of events goes on. Pick out your most interesting memories of childhood. The unique description of your childhood is effective in making your autobiography different from other autobiographies. Moreover, add some cultural practices performed by your family. You can also add some important moments that may make an interesting start to your autobiography.

6- Maintain Your Pace and Concentration

Spare a specific time for writing your autobiography; a time when you are able to recall your memories in the best way to write them down as the content of the autobiography. Put some motivational quotes in the writing place that keep you focused to complete your life story. Whenever you feel difficulty in proceeding with your story, read the best autobiography books to get the necessary inspiration to proceed. Reading autobiographies of others will help you in mastering several expressions of writing.

7- Make the Story Fascinating

Write a creative autobiography title that grabs the attention of the reader. You must avoid lengthy sentences as readers get bored of unnecessary details of an event. Add some spicy events too and link the story as best as you can. Your life story should be written as a series of both interesting and sorrowful events that urge the reader to read till the end. Let your readers feel the emotions as you have felt them.

8- Utilise Writing Tools

Another essential tip is the use of techniques to reduce the issues in writing. Several helpful tools help in writing including some online websites and dictionaries. Use these tools to write your autobiography without consuming much time. You have to avoid the difficult vocabulary so that the reader can understand your story. It will be easy for the reader to read the story in a flow if you write it in a palatable creative manner.

9- Structure the Compilation

This is another autobiography tip that must be incorporated into the autobiography writing. An organized compilation of events helps in keeping the attention of the reader. You should add inspirational or interesting events of your life consecutively in your story. The autobiography content is arranged in a particular series starting from childhood to adulthood and then goes on to the next phases. In brief, mention the achievements or failures that have changed your life and disclose the lessons you learnt from such incidents.

10- Revise Your Work

After compilation, go through your work to find out the gaps. You can share your draft with your family and friends to point out any major mistake of grammar or spelling. Being an author, you can incorporate essential changes to your autobiography. When you are satisfied with the compilation, place the work away from you for some days. After that, review your work with an active mind. Make sure that you write all the necessary details about yourself. Try to integrate your emotions while writing to make the best autobiography just like other renowned autobiographies.

11- Publish Your Autobiography

When you are satisfied with your story after incorporating changes, then you can utilize several sources to publish your autobiography. You can print your story by yourself i.e., self-publishing. You can also publish your autobiography with any publishing house. You have to be very careful in the selection of a company while publishing your story as you worked hard on your autobiography content. Be careful of some publishing houses that cost you much for your publication.

Examples of Best Autobiography

Wanderers of Nostalgia is an autobiography authored by Ansar Qasim Ahmed, in which she describes the journey of finding happiness. She has used the concept of nostalgia and has written her imagination that nostalgia is observed when any joyful thing is replaced by ugly things.  She has concluded that happiness can be found in past events if you are not happy in the present.

You can get the complete autobiography here. Hope you will find it interesting and captivating!

Another of our publications, With the Long Hair, is one of the best autobiography books written by a young author, Lilith. In her autobiography, she talks about the bookshelves having letters placed in them grabbing her attention. In the proceeding story, she is scared of sadness and dullness. She is afraid of losing someone. In brief, she has written about all her fears.

To read more about this young author’s life, click here to get the book.

The process of writing your autobiography may be both pleasurable and a learning experience. Your life narrative may soon become a reality that will be remembered by your loved ones for centuries. You need to be focused and motivated through a defined strategy.

If you are an emerging author and intend to publish your work, send your manuscripts on the submissions portal on our website. You can also send your work through the Online Submission Form.

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