Austin Macauley’s Five Lengthy Books to Keep You Hooked


“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”

– C. S. Lewis

Reading long books is no less than a project. It requires dedication and commitment. You do not just read the books; you live within them for a while. Long books have their charm, the characters are described in such detail that the readers get lost in the story. Lengthy books allow readers to live in the world they are offering. Reading lengthy books requires patience and time. However, with the ongoing pandemic and social distancing becoming the new norm reading can be  an entertaining way to lose track of time.

We present to you a list of Austin Macauley Publishers’ lengthy books that will keep you hooked till the very end. With 500 pages or more, these books are definitely worth your time.


Diving with Seven Livelihoods

Book: Diving with Seven Livelihoods
Author: Ahmed Mohammed Bin Thani

Born in a coastal village in Dubai the author was brought up in a marine environment. He grew up hearing stories from the senior sailors about the diving championships that intrigued his imagination. From a young age, he started working with his father making wooden ships and loved his job. He was so in love with the marine environment that he started collecting marine poetry. After joining the Dubai Police Force as a helicopter pilot, he practised air navigation—a branch of marine navigation. The author is very passionate about navigation, maps and everything related to stargazing, which comes through in his work.

Grab your copy of the book at 30% off!



Come On, Let’s Run Away

Book: Come On, Let’s Run Away
Author: Ali Nasser (Bu Mayed)

This book aims to take the readers on a journey through the author’s beautiful memories of his past—the memories of school and the local neighbourhood, the memories that are almost erased, but still live in his heart. The writer narrates, “I dedicate to you a story from the memories of people who lived during those days, so that who didn’t live in that time can live it with us.”

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A Journey Goal: A Step Towards Achievement

Book: A Journey Goal: A Step Towards Achievement
Author: Manal Albassam

This book promotes that the achievement of goals requires good ideas, self-satisfaction and ambition. Presenting a plan for the continuity of business as well as thoughts and ideas on other topics such as social, administrative, and leadership. The plans and solutions presented in the book are designed to support the dreamers of the future.

Get your copy at 30% off online!




Linguistic Planning and Policies in the Baltic States

Book: Linguistic Planning and Policies in the Baltic States: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
Author: Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Tajjo

This book discusses the linguistic planning experience in the Baltic states, pointing out many important questions about the concept of linguistic planning and its impacts. The book also discusses the role of language and the need for linguistic policies. Towards the end, the author talks about the evolution and experiences of Baltic states in linguistic planning.

Order your copy today and get 30% off online!



Aircraft Ground Handling

Book: Aircraft Ground Handling
Author: Subash S Narayanan

This book uses simple language to explain the processes required for aircraft ground handling, giving a brief introduction to airports and basic aviation knowledge. The author has shared all his experiences and knowledge from 26 years of working in the civil aviation industry. This book highlights the most critical functions involved in aircraft ground handling and is the perfect guide for anyone thinking of pursuing a career in the aviation industry.

Grab your copy of the book at 30% off!




We hope that the shared long books will boost your interest in lengthy books. Visit our website to find our collection of long books.

Get all our amazing books online at 30% off from our website.

To stay updated with the newly released titles, follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. If you are a writer yourself, why not submit your manuscript to us and make your dream of becoming a published author come true.

Five Poetry Books You Cannot Resist to Read This Autumn

Austin-Macauley-5 Poetry-Books-for-Fall

Poetry—its creation and appreciation—is a part of our DNA. Since time began, poetry has been our emphatic companion, feeding our minds and healing our souls. It’s like lenses we wear to see the world differently, understand people and emotions more profoundly, and broaden the horizons of our thoughts…more freely.

Poets transform what we see as mundane thoughts into beautiful words. They give life to inanimate objects in such a vivid way as if they are alive, talking to us and comprehending us. And it’s after this transformation that we are able to observe beauty and purpose even in such trivial happenings. They put into words love, romance, beauty, nature, peace, dreams, compassion and humour.

Autumn—the favourite time of the year for poets and poetry enthusiasts—is upon us.  Below we have included a handful  of our poetry books. Dive into this collection and cherish this autumn with these heartfelt and powerful collections of poems.


Hearts Fell Apart

Book: Hearts Fell Apart
Author: Ahmed Saeed

Hearts Fell Apart is a book of moving poems. Standing at the crossroads of his life, Ahmad Saeed asks himself: Where is the beloved, and where is the path to her? Away from his true and innocent love, burning in the cruel period of separation, his words feel like the embers of lost love. The poems in this book will make their way into the deepest corners of your heart. You’ll find yourself in the shoes of the writer, crying when the writer cries, smile when he smiles and express the hopes of his lover’s return when he does so. Order your copy here at 30% off and give yourself a meaningful ride in the wilderness of your own heart.



So Many Hats (or Veils)

Book: So Many Hats (or Veils)
Author: Wid Kattan

So Many Hats (or Veils) is a book of poems which will compel you to ask yourself this important question: ‘Who am I and what is this hat I am wearing?’

Every one of us plays many and different roles in this one and only  life. The author represents these roles with wearing hats. Can you make a connection with someone who wears hats that you can’t understand? Hats that even seem to be intimidating? Could one wear many hats without losing oneself? These are the themes the poet explores in her poetry. Grab a copy of this thought-provoking book at 30% off here.



On Par With Emotions

Book: On Par With Emotions
Author: Daham El mezrab

What makes a book of poems so remarkable is the fact that it stirs various emotions in you simultaneously. One poem can be cathartic, another reassuring; one verse brutal, another very tender. Written to relieve personal struggles and stress, On Par with Emotions expresses emotions that force a connection with the readers. It has violated poetic laws, and has religiously followed them; has poetic madness, but devotion towards Godly mysticism too. Honestly and sincerely expressed, these poems will take you to a world of your own, providing you with the much-needed retreat into your own self. Claim a copy of this beautiful book at 30% off here.



Full Stop

Book: Full Stop
Author: Esra’a Yousef

It’s rare that a spontaneous train of thoughts strikes our mind, giving a continuous flow to words as if these words are a stream of water, liberally coming from a benevolent fountain. But when you notice this much profuse flow of words, be assured that there is a great secret behind the writer—the secret which must carry meaning for you. Full Stop is one such book. Immerse yourself in this amazing read, available at 30% off and live through the striking characters the poet has portrayed in her poetry.




Twenty Five

Book: Twenty Five
Author: Shoaq A. Aljuhani

Twenty Five is a small but beautiful anthology of poems. These poems tell the story of incidents the writer experienced in 11 months—a period covering the transition of the writer. These 11 months shaped her thoughts, her beliefs and tested her sanity in various ways. Get a copy of this perspective-changing book at 30% off here to know what happened to the writer and how she responded to the changes she saw coming.





We believe these popular poetry books will satisfy your literary taste buds. If you want to explore more, we have much more in store for you. Click here and pick your favourite titles at 30% off.

To stay updated with our newly released titles, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you are an aspiring writer, submit your manuscript to us and make your dream of becoming a published author come true.

Infuse Your International Literacy Day With Our Knowledge-Filled Educational Books


“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” – Charles William Eliot




International Literacy Day is celebrated on the 8th of September across the world. Founded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the intention behind the day is to highlight the significance of literacy as an  essential human right, and to further the literacy agenda to create a more informed and sustainable society.

As the population is increasing, the illiteracy rate is increasing as well, with over 100 million people across the globe lacking basic literacy skills. The purpose of literacy day is to tackle this growing concern with the objective of ensuring every person in the world can read and write.

As an internationally renowned publishing house, Austin Macauley Publishers is playing its essential role in eradicating illiteracy.  We have a wide range of educational books for people of all ages, providing the tools to become informed and educated in the literary world.

Below are a few books to add to your bookshelf this International Literacy Day to elevate your knowledge on different topics!

Mutualism, Commensalism, and Parasitism are three naturally existing interactions between two distinct species. Symbiosis is the interaction based on mutualism, where both individuals get the benefit. In business, the term symbiosis occurs when stakeholders act as true partners for mutual gains. This book discusses the key relationships, hospitality management, and the complex operational dynamics of two major stakeholders of a hotel. The critical relationship is examined for improvement, ideal for anyone related to the hospitality industry or looking towards a career in hospitality.

Get this amazing read at 30% off!


After moving to Dubai, the author Cristina  was heavily involved in uplifting the profile of the Arab world. In this book, she talks about her  ambition to bring the king’s parade event —an event celebrated for global peace —to Dubai. The event is currently celebrated in Spain on 5th January to welcome the kings and their lavish entourage. This book is a great opportunity to have a wider understanding of global peace events, their locations and traditions.

Grab this exciting book at 30% off!


This five-chapter-long book discusses multiple factors related to disasters and crisis management. It guides the reader to deal with crisis and informs about the steps needed to surpass their destructive effect. The book includes extensive information on the planning and response management of various entities. With further discussions about disasters that occurred in the past, their effects, and how they were tackled, this educational book uses real life examples and advice to help learn and develop your knowledge of how to crisis manage.

Buy this informative read at 30% off!


The book deals with the significant issue of contemporary zakat. The issue is addressed in two ways—the agricultural production cost and the exploitation of factories. The author has created a beautiful summary of the views of old and recent scholars in this educational book. The book is a wonderful guide on the topic of Zakat.

Buy now to get 30% off!




We hope that these educational books will help increase your knowledge of areas that you might have overlooked.

To stay updated with our newly released titles, follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. If you are an aspiring writer, submit your manuscript to us and make your dream of becoming a published author come true.