The Best Books to Read for Ramadan 2023

With Ramadan 2023 around the corner, Muslims worldwide look forward to a month of reflection and retrospection. The month provides the Muslim Ummah a time to press the re-start button and connect with the Almighty in ways they may not be conscious of during the rest of the year.

This Ramadan, why not take some extra time to read Islamic Holy Books that will bring you solitude and peace? This guide not only lists some good reads but also provides five ways you can build that strong connection with your Maker while bringing inner peace and tranquillity to your lives.


Ramadan 2023 –  A Great Time to read Islamic Holy Books

The holy month of Ramadan 2023 is upon us and provides us with an opportunity to become closer to Allah and reflect on how we interact with others. With so many activities that include opening and breaking your fast, it is sometimes very easy to forget what we should focus on during this holy month. This month allows us to bring the essential things in life to the forefront and change our priorities in life.

For those that want to make a conscious effort to connect with themselves and the Almighty, the following are five tips you can quickly implement to bring solitude into your life this Ramadan 2023.

Ways to bring Solitude to your Routine this Ramadan 2023

Five simple ways to bring solitude and peace into your life:

1.     Learn New Dua’s

Learning new Dua’s is sometimes time-consuming and not something you can easily do during the rest of the year. But Ramadan is the time to slow things down, and having a list of essential prayers that you can learn will make it easy to memorize new ones. Making dua is also a great way to ask Allah to help you keep this connection strong long after Ramadan.

2.     Reflect on Your Day

Reflecting on your day is a meaningful way to bring things into perspective. It will also help you realize what you are giving the most importance to and whether worshipping and remembering Allah is part of your day. The best time to do this is right before you go to bed, and keeping a diary is a great way to remember to do it and keep a record. Soon you will be able to see how your day is spent and if you are happy with the activities you participated in. Did they give you peace and solitude? If not, make changes to do that.

3.     Commit to Making Worship a Habit

If you make a verbal or written commitment to maintain a routine where worship is included, you are more likely to follow through on it. This is a great way to start if you are trying to make this a new habit. On average, it takes about three weeks for new habits to stick. During this time, you may forget some prayers or not find the time to open up the Quran every day, but with time a habit can be formed where you feel the need to do it.

4.     Involve your Peers

Telling your friends and family about your new goals and commitment to worship during Ramadan 2023 is a great way to make yourself accountable. Your relationship with Allah is sacred between you and Him and does not involve anyone else. But knowing that others are aware of your journey may help to make it easier for you and remind you that you are on a mission to build a strong relationship with the Almighty.

5.     Don’t Worry about Falling

Falling is part of the journey and not something you should fear. If you miss a prayer or face a few hiccups, do not fear. You will get back up and re-establish that connection with your Maker eventually. Please do not give up; it is essential to keep the faith in order to build your faith.


Celebrate Ramadan 2023 with these Quran Reads

These books to read are a great addition to your Ramadan 2023 reading list. If you are interested in getting a handful of books to read, now is a great time to purchase. Having peaceful and insightful literature to read during this Holy Month is a great way to bring inner solitude.

These books can be bought online at the Austin McCauley site:




Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs, and submit your manuscript if you want to publish your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form. You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Tips For Enhancing Your Storytelling Skills as an Author

Storytelling is a powerful tool that allows authors to connect with their readers and bring their stories to life. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, there are always ways to improve your storytelling skills. In this blog post, we’ll share seven amazing tips for enhancing your storytelling skills as an author.


Tip #1: Build a Strong Foundation

The first step to enhancing your storytelling skills is to build a strong foundation. This means understanding the basics of storytelling, such as character development, plot, and pacing. You should also read widely and study the techniques used by other successful authors in your genre.


Tip #2: Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience is crucial to telling a compelling story. Before you start writing, consider who your target audience is and what they want to read. This will help you tailor your story to their interests and preferences.


Tip #3: Create a Vivid Setting

A vivid setting can transport readers to another time and place and make your story more immersive. To create a vivid setting, use descriptive language that engages the senses and paints a clear picture of the world your characters inhabit.


Tip #4: Use Dialogue to Reveal Character

Dialogue is a powerful tool that can reveal a character’s personality, motivations, and conflicts. Use dialogue to show rather than tell, and make sure that each character has a unique voice and speech pattern.


Tip #5: Edit Ruthlessly

Editing is a crucial step in the storytelling process. Once you’ve finished your first draft, go back and edit ruthlessly. Cut out anything that doesn’t move the plot forward or reveal character, and make sure that each scene has a clear purpose.


Tip #6: Show, Don’t Tell 


One of the most common pieces of advice given to writers is to “show, don’t tell”. This means using descriptive language and sensory details to paint a picture of what’s happening, rather than simply stating it outright. For example, instead of saying “She was angry”, you could show her slamming a door or clenching her fists.


Tip #7: Create Compelling Characters 


Compelling characters are the heart of any good story. To create characters that readers will care about, give them strengths, weaknesses, and flaws that make them feel like real people. Also, give them goals and motivations that drive the plot forward and make them relatable to readers.


Enhancing your storytelling skills takes practice and dedication, but with these seven tips, you can take your writing to the next level. By building a strong foundation, knowing your audience, creating a vivid setting, using dialogue to reveal character, and editing ruthlessly, you can craft compelling stories that will captivate readers and keep them coming back for more.


Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs, and submit your manuscript if you are looking for publishing your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form.


You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on FacebookTwitter, Instagram, and Tiktok.

The Role of International Women’s Day and Female Authors in Promoting Gender Equality

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated annually on March 8th to honor the achievements of women and to raise awareness about the challenges they face globally. This day has been observed for over a century, and it has become a global platform for promoting gender equality and women’s rights.

Emirati female authors have been making significant contributions to the field of literature, especially in promoting gender equality and women’s rights. At Austin Macauley, we’d like to take this opportunity to celebrate all of our female authors for contributing to the world of literature and endeavoring to share their voices with the world.

International Women’s Day 2023 Theme

The International Women’s Day 2023 campaign theme highlights a crucial issue that needs urgent attention: the realization that equal opportunities alone are not enough to achieve gender equality. Despite significant progress toward gender parity in education, employment, and politics, women still face numerous obstacles that prevent them from realizing their full potential. This year’s campaign aims to deepen our understanding of these obstacles and challenge the systemic and cultural factors that perpetuate gender inequality. By acknowledging that equal opportunities are not enough, we can begin to address the root causes of gender discrimination and create a more equitable world for all.

History of International Women’s Day

The history of International Women’s Day dates back to the early 1900s when women began advocating for better working conditions and voting rights. In 1908, a group of women marched through New York City to demand better pay and working conditions. The following year, the first National Woman’s Day was celebrated in the United States on February 28th.

In 1910, an international conference of working women was held in Copenhagen, and the idea of an international women’s day was proposed. The proposal was supported by over 100 women from 17 different countries, and the first International Women’s Day was celebrated on March 19th, 1911.

Significance of International Women’s Day

Over the years, International Women’s Day has grown into a global movement for gender equality and women’s empowerment. It is a day to celebrate the progress that has been made in advancing women’s rights and to acknowledge the work that still needs to be done. Women continue to face significant challenges around the world, including discrimination, gender-based violence, and limited access to education and healthcare. This day aims to amplify such causes for the greater good of overall humanity.

Contributions of Female Authors to Women’s Rights and Gender Equality

One cannot deny the power of words when it comes to smashing the prevalent patriarchal culture, and nobody does it better than authors. Through their writing, they have challenged societal norms and given voice to women’s experiences. Many female authors have used their platform to address issues such as gender-based violence, reproductive rights, and workplace discrimination.

We’re celebrating this International Women’s Day by selecting some of our favorite books by or about inspiring women. These books offer a plethora of unique and different aspects of women’s experiences, from working top-notch jobs to finding their true selves; these stories are a powerful punch of feminism that will bring out the superwoman in you.



In conclusion, International Women’s Day is an important day for celebrating the achievements of women and raising awareness about the challenges they face. Female authors have played a vital role in advancing the cause of women’s rights and gender equality, and their writing has given voice to women’s experiences and challenged societal norms. As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we should take the opportunity to reflect on the progress that has been made and the work that still needs to be done to achieve gender equality and empower women around the world.

You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on FacebookTwitter, Instagram, and Tiktok.

The Benefits of Reading – Celebrating UAE Reading Month

Reading is a leisurely activity that one should engage in and something good for your brain and well-being. March is celebrated as UAE reading month when various activities are scheduled to encourage children and individuals to read. The goal is to make reading an everyday habit and explore ways to enable communities to participate.

Making an effort to take time to read is essential, and this guide will tell you how to do that and the benefits of reading. Knowing how to make time is necessary, so let us look at a few strategies.

How to Carve out Time to Engage in More Reading?

You can join a reading group or circle with other individuals who are all reading the same book. This will hold you accountable and further motivate you to read. You can create a family reading hour where everyone in the home puts down their tablets and phones and picks up a book to read for an hour. With March being marked as UAE Reading Month, it is essential to look at some of the benefits of reading and why you should participate in activities scheduled throughout the month to encourage you and your family to pick up a book.

Importance of Reading Books

Why should you go through all the effort to make time to read for yourself and your family members? Here is why:

1.      It is Good for the Brain

Reading has been scientifically proven to be good for your brain. How? Well, by reading, specific networks in the brain become stronger with time. These networks, over time, become more active as an individual reads more and becomes engaged with the text they are reading. Certain areas of the brain are used when reading, and as an individual starts to become invested in the book they are reading, their emotions and feelings begin to develop, impacting their brain. This is one of the most important benefits of reading and is number one on our list.

2.      It is Important for Children’s Reading Habits

Reading to your children is extremely important for cultivating reading habits. The benefits of reading to your children not only introduce them to the practice of reading but also builds their vocabulary build, good self-esteem and improves a child’s communication skills. It is well-known that if you want your child to be introduced to books early on, they must be read to from infancy.

3.      It Increases Empathy

Reading is essential because it introduces you to the turmoil of others and emotions you may never have experienced. Seeing different perspectives and viewpoints puts you in the driver’s seat. This way, your empathy towards others will increase, and you will see things differently. Reading biographies and learning how individuals have succeeded and triumphed builds motivation and increases positivity. Self-help books are a great way to learn about others journeys and important ways to learn how to navigate life’s trials and tribulations.

4.      Decreases Stress

If you want a natural stress reliever, then reading is economical and something you can do all independently. You do not need to depend upon another individual to do it, nor must you make a significant effort. All it involves is a book and some free time. Did you know that 30 minutes of reading decreases blood pressure and lowers heart rate? This national reading month, why not try a natural stress reliever?

5.      Can Help with Depression

This is a big claim but one that should be taken seriously. Reading fiction can take your mind away from current turmoil and past traumas that, as individuals, we tend to focus on when our mind is left to linger. If you pick up a book every time you feel triggered or think about past events, it can distract you and help you shift your attention elsewhere.


Celebrate UAE Reading Month with these Great Reads

Find out what activities are taking place during UAE Reading Month by checking out this site and buying these books to enjoy this month and throughout the year. Having a list of books to buy from is a great way to motivate yourself to purchase one. Add these to your list today, and you will be ready to participate in March’s reading events.

These books can be bought online at the Austin McCauley site:



Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs, and submit your manuscript if you want to publish your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form. You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram.