New Year’s Resolutions for Book Lovers

With December at our feet, it is only around the corner that we will welcome 2023, and a new year will be upon us. A new beginning, a new 365 days we can embark upon to fulfill goals and dreams so we can reach for the stars.

Every year is a new opportunity to make ourselves better individuals and more productive team members. New Year’s resolutions have been around for a long time. Probably as long as New Year’s celebrations and countdowns. The resolution to do better, be better and make a difference is inherently stronger at the beginning of the year.

Take advantage of this new energy and list everything you want to achieve. Even if you cannot accomplish all of these goals this year, you have a list of resolutions you can always refer to next year.

Book lovers are always looking for ways to find time to read more. With hectic work schedules and family commitments, finding the time to pick up a book is always hard. This guide will give you some great resolutions to work towards in 2023.

New Year’s Resolutions for Readers

If you love to read, there is the only thing you want to do more of: read! Reading is considered a luxury for some with so many work and family activities planned. With the New Year fast approaching, avid readers are looking for tactics to get in more time to finish that book that’s been sitting on your shelf for months. Please take note and try them. You can thank us later, after you finish that book!

1.      Make More Time to Read

It sounds easier said than done. But at the end of the day, you must commit to making more time to read. This may mean you have to prioritize your activities. You will spend less screen time in the evening and more time behind a book. You will eventually see that there are ways to make time to do more of what you love.

2.      Read Unfamiliar Genres

If you feel that reading the same kind of books you have been reading for years is boring. It may be time to explore some new genres. If you are a mystery fan, try science fiction. If you only read romance, try historical reads. You will find that your interest in reading the book will increase once you change the genres. You will want to know what those sci-fi fans are going on about.

3.      Make a Book List

Making lists are the way book readers get things done. Making a list of your book bucket list is a great way to start reading again. Try a short, fun list of five books. Pick them and start today. Crossing them off one by one will bring satisfaction and make you feel productive. The best part? Share your list with your social network and see what other people are reading.

4.      Decrease Screen Time

This is an automatic win-win. Not only are you doing something for your mind and well-being you are making time to do something more enjoyable. Often we end our day scrolling through our phones. Try putting the phone down and picking up a book. What is the best way to get this done? Leave your phone in a hard-to-reach place and place your books next to your bed—an easy way to reach for the better choice. Soon you will notice you may fall asleep better because you are no longer exposing yourself to blue light right before bed. You can thank us later.

5.      Share Your Favourites

A great way to get into the mood of reading is to share your favorites with your friends and family. Not only does it cause a ripple effect by encouraging others to read, and it can start a great dialogue around an author or an exciting book.

6.      Try Audiobooks

Audiobooks are a great way to enjoy books even if you cannot take the time to turn pages. You can stick an audiobook in the car on your way to work or when you pick up the kiddos from school. You can hear the book read by the author, which is a treat!

7.      Join a Book Club

Joining a book club is a great way to motivate yourself to read more and enjoy literary discussions with like-minded people. Being in a book club will hold you accountable for reading the book and making time to think about what the book means to you. It is a great way to back on track regarding reading. Try it!

Resolutions to Make This Year if You Love Books

Resolutions are a great way to start the New Year. As a book lover and reader, make a resolution to make more time to read, and you have already started your year better. Check out our resolutions and commit to sticking to them.

New Year’s Resolutions for Book Lovers

We hope you enjoyed these great New Year’s resolutions for 2023. May the New Year bring health, happiness, and peace to book lovers worldwide!

Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs, and submit your manuscript if you want to publish your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form. You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

The love of books connects us all! This year has been fantastic as we participated in the most anticipated literary events and festivals of the year, where we got to meet our amazing readers. This also presented a great opportunity for readers to find our best publications under one roof at amazing discounts. We’re truly thankful to all those who visited our stalls and stopped by. Without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the events we participated in.

Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival

The Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival is a centre for art and culture for all children. This year, the 13th edition of SCRF was held in May, and it was larger and better than ever before. The Sharjah ruler and member of the Supreme Council inaugurated the festival. This festival’s primary goal is to honour outstanding works of young adult literature.

The festival not only brings fun activities but also a range of educational workshops, shows and plays. By exposing kids to famous authors and writers, the events of the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival hope to instil in them a love of reading.

Amman International Book Fair

Amman International Book Fair conducted its twentieth session of the exhibition from 1st September 2022. The book fair is a yearly host of elite Arab thinkers, intellectuals, and innovators from the whole Arab. This event brings together very well-known authors, publishers, and book lovers.

The fair, organized by the Union of Jordanian Publishers in cooperation with the Culture Ministry and the Greater Amman Municipality, is held under the theme “Jerusalem, the Capital of Palestine.” Hundreds of local and international publishing houses from across the globe are attracted to this year’s book fair, with Kuwait as the guest of honour.

Riyadh International Book Fair

The capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, hosts the annual Riyadh International Book Fair. It offers a forum for businesses, organisations, and people with an interest in books and the publishing industry to display their products and services. The fair aims to promote reading habits and skills and to increase knowledge of culture, literature, and arts. Additionally, it encourages people to visit, buy books, and go to conferences, workshops, and seminars about literature, art, and culture.

The Riyadh International Book Fair has developed a reputation as a significant event in the Arab intellectual scene since its founding, which occurred roughly 40 years ago. In terms of attendance, sales, and the number of authors participating, it is one of the top Arab book fairs.

We had an amazing audience at all the events, and we loved participating in these events and meeting you all. Fans had a great time at the meet and greet events with the authors as they got their copies signed by them at our stalls.

We’ll see you all next year!

Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs and submit your manuscript if you are looking for publishing your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form.

You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Our Top Picks of the Year

Our dear readers, we’ve made it to another fantastic year in literature. If you’re anything like us, your love of reading and writing extends beyond the books on your shelf or the notes in your notebook. You’re constantly curious about what’s happening in the literary world, from author interviews and writing advice columns to the most recently published books. We’re here to feed your soul with a dose of literary goodness that 2022 bestowed us with, so keep on reading!

Our 2022 crop of books offer something for everyone, with a wide range of genres published this year. Our reading list if full of enjoyable reads, or try something different from our online bookstore.. You can find books from our vast collection that will satisfy your desire and will provide the guidance to make the changes necessary to bring you what you’ve been waiting for . So without further ado, here is the list of our top 10 titles of 2022!

Top Books of 2022:

New Year is just around the corner and there’s something about the New Year that always motivates a return to reading, regardless of whether you read like the wind over summer or fell short in fulfilling your reading goals. Fortunately, the New Year also brings with it a brand-new lineup of releases to enjoy and we’re sure that with our amazing authors, 2023 is going to be outstanding for reading.

We hope you enjoyed reading our suggestions for some of the top-ranking books of the year. Be a part of Austin Macauley by submitting your manuscript here for review. You can also apply through the online application form.

Stay in touch with Austin Macauley on FacebookTwitterInstagram and TikTok for more updates!

8 Children’s Books to Cozy Up with This December

Winter is in full swing with the colder days starting to creep in, and while we miss the long, bright days of summer, quiet winter nights are ideal for book lovers. It’s the perfect weather to enjoy a crackling fire, a cup of hot chocolate, and a good book.

This December, warm your hearts with our curated list of holiday stories for young readers covering important themes like generosity, self-esteem, and gratitude. Whether you’re looking for last-minute holiday gift ideas or good books to add to your child’s bookshelf, you can’t go wrong with these must-have children’s titles. So, cuddle underneath some cozy blankets and lose yourselves in these imaginative illustrations and unforgettable stories.

Be Careful What You Wish For

Not only does this story have a great message, but it is also full of drama, fun and relatable characters! Siblings Arthur and Martha don’t want to do their chores. Instead, they want to spend time with their friends playing. When Martha casts a spell to make their nagging mother disappear, what was supposed to be a carefree day turns into a disaster.



Cookie and Cream Investigate

Let your cat lead the way to adventure! Packed with humour, excitement and surprises along the way, this novel follows Cookie, a 9-year-old girl and Cream, her 3-year-old cat, on one of their visits to Dubai to track down Cookie’s dad. The amusement continues when they stumble upon a thief carrying some stolen documents.



Ginger and I

People and their relationship with their pets is an attachment that often involves mutual affection and deep emotional bonding. Ginger and I is a heart-warming novel that captures this deep bond between Sofia and her pet cat, Ginger. It illustrates the unconditional love that children can feel for their furry companion.



Let’s Learn How To Eat Healthy With Layan

This children’s book focuses on a little girl who loves to eat sweets, but when her excessive eating causes health concerns, she visits a nutritionist who helps her develop healthy eating habits. Filled with kid-friendly recipes and games, this informative read is perfect for teaching kids the importance of a healthy lifestyle.



I Have a Hump

If your children are tired of being stuck at home, this book might let them know they are not alone. Following a story of a little girl who wants to go to school to meet her friends, this book touches on the difficulties of quarantine – specifically for children. It explores the changes taking place due to the COVID-19 crisis and how best to adapt to them.



Jude And Maymoun The Monkey In The Circus

Celebrate the joys of family gatherings with Jude and Mayoun in this heartwarming book. It perfectly captures how a family reunion helps a child connect with their roots, celebrate family accomplishments, and feel bonded with those they love. It can get a little loud and crazy but the everlasting memories are worth it!



Just Imagine

How about something different for a change? Switch up your pace and discover what lies under the sea while learning mindfulness along the way in this underwater-themed yoga book. It opens your imagination to the world of wonderous underwater sea adventures and illustrates easy-to-follow yoga poses to help kids unwind.


Santa Doesn’t Break House Rules

Christmas is right around the corner, and Grace is super excited! From playing in the snow and decorating the tree to singing Christmas carols, she wants to enjoy all the holiday festivities, but not everyone is embracing the spirit of the season. She is determined to spread the festive cheer to her friend Theo and restore his Christmas spirit, but will she succeed?



That’s our take on the best children’s books to read in the month of December. We hope you found a few gems that will be worth adding to your kid’s books-to-read pile.

Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs and submit your manuscript if you are looking for publishing your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form.

You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.