How to Battle Writers Block

Tips to Counter Writer's Block

We have all been there. In that period when it seems words and phrases you want to write, just do not come to you, no matter how hard you try. You know what you want to say but, you just do not know how to say it. This frustrating, anxiety-causing phenomenon is called writer’s block. And it is not uncommon.

When writing books, we are often pushed to produce pages of the written word on demand. You have to finish the book, your publishing house says. ‘We need that chapter by Friday’ rings in your ears, causing you stress and panic. Other times, it may not be the pressure that is causing your mind to blank on you but just the lack of creativity and motivation to write.

Let us look at what are some of the common causes of writer’s block and how you can overcome it:

Why does Writers Block Happen?

The American Psychological Association (APA) does not think the term, writer’s block exists. They term the issue as more of a time and discipline problem. Psychologist Steven Pritzker told the APA that it’s An artificial construct that justifies a discipline problem.”

Whatever it is, it does happen and below are some of the reasons why:

Lack of Creativity

Sometimes it might just be your lack of creativity even though you are motivated to write. Your motivation might come from your book publisher breathing down your neck or your own will to finish your book. But you just can’t create words that don’t appeal to you, no matter how much pressure you are under.

Lack of Motivation

You lack the willpower to sit down and write a page. Even a single page seems too much for you, and you are not motivated to do it. In these cases, it may simply be burnout, and you need to take time to recharge your brain and mind. Other times you may need a push from an external party to make you finish your book.


Writers sometimes feel they may not be good enough. Who will want to read this, echoes in your ears from time to time? Imposter Syndrome is a very real thing, and something that does not just affect people who are writing books, but other professionals as well.

Unclear About Plot

As a writer, you may be on your way to writing your book and, all of a sudden decide that the plot progression is not what you expected. You may decide to change the ending, but you are not sure of what it should be. This is something that is not uncommon and a reason why many writers have alternate endings to books that they never share.

Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block

Now that we know what causes it let’s look at what we can do to work through it. These strategies may work at different times and can be used together or separately. At the end of the day, your goal should be to get back on track.

  • If you feel that you are lacking creativity or motivation when writing books, why not change your surroundings? Sometimes sitting at the same desk, starting at the same window, just does not do it for you day in and day out. Why not get out of the office or home and go to a coffee shop or even a park? The change in scenery can sometimes make all the difference.
  • Try working for solid periods. This is something that has gained popularity and is referred to as the Pomodoro Technique. You can sit for 25 minutes with no interruption at all. This means turning your phone off and all messaging apps on your computer. After 25 minutes, get up and take a break.
  • Scheduling time to write is a great way to meet deadlines and something that bestseller authors use all the time. Put it on your calendar and stick to it.
  • Reading before you write is a great way to inspire creativity and motivation. Even if you read a chapter or your favourite poem before you write, it keeps you on the path of writing well.

Tested Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block

Knowing what causes writer’s block and how to overcome it is a great way to start to be more productive. These tips will put you on the right track. And, as mentioned, if you believe that it doesn’t exist then half of your problem is already solved!

Here is to productivity and happy writing!

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6 Books to Keep You Up During the Chilly Nights

It is that time of the year again, when the temperature drops and the nights become longer, and it is the perfect time to delve into one of your favourite horror novels. Scary books are the perfect addition to a hot cup of cocoa and a cosy blanket on a long lazy afternoon.

We have the perfect guide to the best horror novels to keep you up during chilly nights. Knowing which books to buy just in time for fall will give you more time to enjoy reading. With the busy holiday season coming up, it is always a good idea to use this downtime to catch up on some fun reading. Keep these horror book recommendations handy the next time you go book shopping:

Getting into a Spooky Vibe

Getting into a spooky vibe is always a good idea before getting out to buy some scary books. A great way to do this is by visiting your local market to find some little additions that can add some spooky flavour to your surroundings.

Here is a great list of items you can find easily at any local retail outlet:

  • Large and small pumpkins are a great way to add some frightening aesthetic to your home.
  • Pre-made cobwebs are also a nice addition to the corners and doorways of your home. Add a few fake spiders to make it even spookier.
  • Lightening is a quick and easy way to change the look of any room or space. Try some nice neon and flickering light additions to the outside and entrance of your home to give that eerie effect.
  • Recorded noises that can be played on command will be sure to get a scream from a few guests!
  • Create some horrifying footprints by dipping your hands in red food colour and printing on tiles, windows and floors.
  • Create some scary mummy candles by wrapping glass jars with white bandages and placing led candles inside. Take a black marker and put yes and a mouth on your candles to make them more terrifying.
  • Create a horror reads corner where visitors can pick up a book or two to read.

Spooky Activities to Celebrate the Season

After creating the aura and environment, why not get into the mood by participating in fun activities with friends and family? We have come up with some great book-related horror activities that you can do in a group or just with your kids.

All you need are some basic craft supplies like scissors, coloured paper, glue sticks, wobbly eyes and glitter.

  • Scary bookmarks – Kids love making bookmarks, and for this season why not try some ghoulish characters? All you need are basic supplies and a little imagination.
  • Book character finger puppets – Why not make some spooky finger puppet characters from your favourite scary book?
  • Make scary horror book A great way for you and your kids to get into the reading spirit is to re-create their favourite chilling book cover.
  • Why not re-create the ending of your favourite horror novel? This is a great creative activity that requires your kids to use their imagination.
  • Carve your favourite book character into a pumpkin. Not only fun but a great way to add some terrifying décor to your home.
  • Create horror book flash cards. You can do this by creating flashcards with book names on one side and horror authors’ names on the other. You can flash the book title and have your friends guess the book’s author.
  • Play charades where your friends or kids can guess the title of your favourite horror book as you act it out.

Host horror book club meetings with your friends. This is a great way to encourage your social circle to read and share your thoughts on a book you can all read together.

Horror Books That Will Send Chills Down Your Spine

Here are six horror novels that are the perfect reads for those long cool nights. You can purchase them by following the links below. So waste no more time and get these before they are gone. Buy a few extra for friends and family, and you can create some great fall gifts.

  1. Jump Scare
  2. King of Darkness
  3. Is it a Ghost?
  4. Heptagram
  5. Count Dracula’s Society
  6. Septagram 2 – Al Arif

6 Horror Books to Keep You Frightened This Fall

With this guide, you are well on your way to purchasing some chilling horror books to curl up with. Grabbing a good book or two from this list to read this fall will put you in a spine-tingling mood.

With so many interesting new horror books on the market, it may seem difficult to choose. Knowing what kind of horror books you like to read will make it easier for you to shortlist what to buy.

Here is hoping you enjoy the cooler weather and read some great new books!

Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs and submit your manuscript if you are looking for publishing your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form.

You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Self-help Books to Keep You Calm

Self-help Books to Keep You Calm

Self-help books are the ones that give a person the internal motivation to get through the hurdles thrown at him by all and sundry. These books keep people focused on their goals and enable them to avoid distractions. Self-help literature comprises different types, like Motivation, Recovery, Progression, Exercise, and many more.

Every one of us is down and upset at times. In these moments of despair, we all need a pat on the back to get going. But unfortunately, we don’t always have SOMEONE to do it for us. During such desperate times, self-help books turn out to be our saviour. They make us realise that if there is none to motivate us, we must do it ourselves. Below, we are sharing the best collection of our published self-development books.

Be Unique

“Be Unique” is a self-motivation book by AbdulHadi Taqi. The book makes its readers realise the pragmatic fact that “Survival is only for the fittest”. To remain in the race of life, one has to put his heart out and learn with each coming second.

The book emphasises how a person should always welcome development and change for the greater good. One must be aware of the reality that his life story is being continuously written. Once you keep it in mind, you become watchful of things.

Forty Pages Notebook

“Forty Pages Notebook” is a self-improvement book by Ismaeel Alsayed. The book mentions the elements which are responsible for constituting an individual. In life, everyone goes through different phases and experiences. The author underlines that the people who are on the road to self-development must extract maximum benefit from these experiences. An individual can achieve personal development only when he is ready to learn from the happenings of life.

The book gives the message that if a person is up for personal growth and acts accordingly, then not just him but people around him can also benefit from his development. With its small size and personality-building traits, it is a book you will always want to keep around you.

Greet Me with Your Heart First

“Greet Me with Your Heart First” is a great self-help book to read, written by Dr Tahani Alkhyyat. The author wants to take her readers on a spiritual voyage: one which uplifts their existential status. Humans have been elevated by God as He awarded us with a soul, unlike other creatures.

The book encourages its readers to explore their spiritual aspects, by diving into the affairs, otherwise termed as no-go and beyond-matter. The author believes that if an individual is set on the journey of spirituality with full zeal and enthusiasm, he can, by all means, reach the spiritual heights as above as the sky!

Be Inspired

“Be Inspired” is a self-motivation book by Erika Cristina. The book teaches its readers about appreciation and recognition of the bounties of life we relish. A word of gratitude, a good intention, a prayer, and a friendly gesture can add a whole new spark to life. They all add a little more to life: the little we mostly lack and end up living a hectic life.

No one is free of problems in this world, but to keep going with life, we need to keep an eye on the brighter aspects of life. The ones which are fulfilling and wholesome. If there is tragedy and irony around, there is also joy and compassion. The author suggests that being thankful for what one presently has, is the right mindset for achieving success.

Soar with the Green Sheikh

“Soar with the Green Sheikh” is a book on self-love by Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Ali Al Nuaimi. Sheikh urges his readers to have faith in their abilities and never degrade themselves. If a person has self-belief and trust in himself, that does not necessarily mean he is a cynic who cannot see beyond himself.

The book emphasises that self-doubt creates a lot of hurdles for a person. To become successful, one has to start trusting himself. This self-trust can lead an individual to achieve his destiny. The author suggests his readers recognise their talents and strengths, through which they can cross any obstacle.

Live It Right Tips

“Live It Right Tips” is another interesting self-help book to read, written by Alia Dongula. The author motivates her readers by telling them that everyone is capable of achieving everything. You only need to know the path and remain steadfast on it. It is our low self-esteem and self-created shackles that don’t let us believe in reaching our destinies.

This self-help book recommends that we must stick to our vision, and keep broadening it. If our vision is clear enough, we can always find a path to actualising it. “Live It Right Tips” is all about the tips to live our lives to the fullest of our potential.

Self-help books are one of the leading genres of modern times. People of all ages and geographies are interested in reading them. These books attained this overwhelming fame because they offer a clear picture of life and make an individual self-made!

We hope that you enjoyed reading about our suggested tips and that they will be helpful to you.

We hope you enjoyed the blog. Get these books as soon as possible to work on your personal-development.

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