Economic Randoms

Mamdouh Hemdan

Total Pages: 140
SKU: N/A Category:


Economic Randoms is a series of essays on various interrelated topics regarding economics and business entrepreneurship.

While this book will appeal to a broad and general audience, the reader who will benefit most from it will be those who have a passion for entrepreneurship.

This book contains many useful resources, ideas and guidance for those considering starting their own business project now or in the future when they have financial freedom.

Mamdouh Hamdan, distinguished graduate from the College of Management and Economics from Qatar University. An entrepreneur with some startup projects. A writer passionate about writing, especially in the field of economics and finance. He is interested in economics and entrepreneurship and has managed many commercial projects since his childhood. One of his ambitions is to make the public knowledgeable and knowledgeable about economics. Because in his view, if everyone learned about economics, there would be no poor people in the world.

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