You live on the ground, so days will go by you for a long time in your view (only an illusion). Everything in the road calls you and sends you signals that point you in the walking direction and the right way. You find signs on every road pointing you where you want to go, and signs to cross, stop, slow down or change direction. Alia followed the example of my path and your path, and many signs stopped her. She even began to identify them and harmonize with them, and perhaps harmonize and understand the meanings of the signs of life in order to answer many questions that were hidden. Then she left with the range spreading in front of her eyes on her trip to the Badia. If you, dear reader, are excited by the signs of life, learning through the stories, penetrating the worlds, and have the curiosity to know them and to succeed in deciphering the mystery of life, then I promise you that you will enjoy with us the flow between the lines of Alia’s journey to the Badia, stay with it!
Salma Ali Alghafli is an administrative educational researcher, holder of (postgraduate and master's studies) in strategic planning, administrative organization and human development from Britain. She also holds a master’s degree in scouting letters – the science of letters and numbers, global training in speed reading and mind maps, Tony Buzan, Wales, studies in self-development, the dynamics of neuroadaptation and NLP. She is also a lecturer and trainer in strategic planning.
She is the recipient of the following excellence awards in administrative work:
1- President Khalifa bin Zayed Award for Administrative Excellence.
2- Hamdan Bin Rashid Award for Excellence in Management.
3- Sharjah Award for Excellence in Management.
4- Sharjah Award for Voluntary Work.
5- Sharjah Award for Distinguished Social Work.
She is the author of educational literary publications distinguished by their style and purity content, and messages that include a high level of human awareness:
- Diwan (Awsaj River)
- (Al-Hawla)
- (Sand tales)
- (The Stranger and the Shepherd)
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