Salma Ali Alghafli

Salma Ali Alghafli is an administrative educational researcher, holder of (postgraduate and master's studies) in strategic planning, administrative organization and human development from Britain. She also holds a master’s degree in scouting letters – the science of letters and numbers, global training in speed reading and mind maps, Tony Buzan, Wales, studies in self-development, the dynamics of neuroadaptation and NLP. She is also a lecturer and trainer in strategic planning. She is the recipient of the following excellence awards in administrative work: 1- President Khalifa bin Zayed Award for Administrative Excellence. 2- Hamdan Bin Rashid Award for Excellence in Management. 3- Sharjah Award for Excellence in Management. 4- Sharjah Award for Voluntary Work. 5- Sharjah Award for Distinguished Social Work. She is the author of educational literary publications distinguished by their style and purity content, and messages that include a high level of human awareness: - Diwan (Awsaj River) - (Al-Hawla) - (Sand tales) - (The Stranger and the Shepherd)
