Al Hawla: Fearsome Tales

Salma Ali Alghafli

Total Pages: 190
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Al-Hawla is an echo of the desert stories in the depths of the valleys of Al-Bawadi. A true story where the events take place somewhere between Bayatah in the north and Sa’raa in the south, and then go back and forth and folds in its sandy pages of the history of that era, which was scattered in the valleys of the Emirates one hundred years before the publishing this book. Here are the feelings of orphanhood and tragedy, then launch and love, then coexistence and challenge, ideas of persistence and knowledge, and prevailing beliefs, deep conviction, morals and principles rooted in souls, awareness, and human knowledge that rises in human beings at every moment since eternity. True stories with real names from everywhere, they came and each had a soul to carry and letters to draw, whether on land, sea or mountain. What the narration of the novel requires at the disposal of the writer; To know, dear reader, that “read” is the beginning of everything, and “moving straight” is the way, and “patience” is the provision and equipment until you see banners that say “I will win a great victory.”

Salma Ali Alghafli is an administrative educational researcher, holder of (postgraduate and master's studies) in strategic planning, administrative organization and human development from Britain. She also holds a master’s degree in scouting letters – the science of letters and numbers, global training in speed reading and mind maps, Tony Buzan, Wales, studies in self-development, the dynamics of neuroadaptation and NLP. She is also a lecturer and trainer in strategic planning.
She is the recipient of the following excellence awards in administrative work:
1- President Khalifa bin Zayed Award for Administrative Excellence.
2- Hamdan Bin Rashid Award for Excellence in Management.
3- Sharjah Award for Excellence in Management.
4- Sharjah Award for Voluntary Work.
5- Sharjah Award for Distinguished Social Work.
She is the author of educational literary publications distinguished by their style and purity content, and messages that include a high level of human awareness:
- Diwan (Awsaj River)
- (Al-Hawla)
- (Sand tales)
- (The Stranger and the Shepherd)

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