Can’t Take Out Time for Extensive Reading? Get Your Hands on these Amazing Short Story Collections

Can’t Take Out Time for Extensive Reading? Get Your Hands on these Amazing Short Story Collections



The fast-paced world we live in keeps us busy all the time. It is no longer possible to sit for long hours reading a book or spending time watching a full 3-hour movie. People now prefer short and quick forms of entertainment more than ever. With everything becoming digital, it is now easy to read a short story on Kindle and other reading apps. If you are one of the many people who cannot take time out from your hectic schedule to read lengthy books and novels, you don’t need to worry as we have got you covered. We have compiled a list of some great short stories you can read while you are commuting to or from work, going to the gym or sipping your evening tea. So, without further ado, let’s check out our list of amazing short storybooks.




The first short story we have added to our list is the story of a girl who hates her name. Evergreen is her last name and her first name is known to very few people. She lives a different life and finds it extremely difficult to fit in. She is lost in her thoughts and dreams, even when she is around her mother or sister. Although she is different from other people and can hardly get along with anyone, she makes an effort to fit in. To read this interesting short story about an introverted girl who hates her name, buy this book here.




French Fries for Birds

French Fries for Birds

This book is a semi-autobiographical book of poems and short stories. Narrated as seen through the eyes of a young Emirati woman, this book talks about the experiences of grief, loss, depression and other emotions that are difficult and often too much to handle. If you are always busy and in a rush, this book is a perfect fit to read on the go. You can buy this book here.






From the Perspective of a Pen

From the Perspective of a Pen

Our next pick for you is a beautifully written short story told From the Perspective of a Pen. With its carefully chosen words and impressive language, it will surely make it to the list of your favourite books. Buy this bundle of deep thoughts here.





New York Underground

New York Underground

This short story deals with the intricacies of human life and how one should spend his/her life in order to be triumphant in the eyes of God. This story talks about the multiple challenges humans face in their lives and suggests what needs to be done for overcoming those hardships. It helps the readers to understand the true meaning of living. Buy this thought-provoking book here.






My Morals Makes Me Beautiful

My Morals Makes Me Beautiful

Our next pick is a book about morals and how it makes a person beautiful. The book is a collection of 25 short stories that give the reader a chance to go through the events and understand the basic morals of life. The book teaches about basic human qualities like love, courage, satisfaction, being just, vanity and respect. You can get this book here.



Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time

A beautiful collection of 9 short stories, this book is all about basic moral lessons. Each story carries a moral with fictional characters like plants or animals making it an enjoyable and interesting read. The author used to tell these stories to her children to make them learn about the beautiful morals of life. Buy this interesting book for your young kids here.






The Red Juice

The Red Juice

Set in the backdrop of the beautiful country of Morocco, this short story takes us in and out of the main character’s recurring dream in which he is standing near his father’s grave and can see a palm tree like a grey ghost, stretching its arms towards him. To read more of this gripping story of death, demons and despair, make a purchase here.




Wake Up and Open Your Eyes

Wake Up and Open Your Eyes

The next book we have selected for this list is a story of a young girl named Yasmine. She is in that phase of her life where she dreams of doing extraordinary things but somewhere down the road, she loses her focus and ends up procrastinating and delaying things. One day, she wakes up from her dream to an alarm ringing. Would she be able to break free of the monotonous life cycle? To find out, grab a copy of this book here.






The Mysterious Shadow

The Mysterious Shadow

This is the story of an ordinary child named Sophie Bethalion who goes to school every day. But one day on her way to school, a mysterious shadow catches her attention. After that day, Sophie often notices that mysterious shadow. What is that shadow and where does it come from? To find out, grab a copy of this fascinating book here.





Love Stories Short

Love Stories Short

The last pick from our list is this book of love stories filled with lessons. It has many valuable lessons for young minds who are more than often caught up in a wrong relationship. You can gift this book to the young adults around you. Buy this book here.







We hope that now you can easily manage to take some time out of your hectic routines and read these amazing short stories.


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