6 – 6
Life is a novel that we write ourselves, so we choose its characters as life unfolds every day.
And we live it randomly based on feelings or excessive thinking without any balance between them.
We stand daily at a crossroads, between a past that is about to explode if we touch it with the tip of a finger.
And a future that is about to shine from the excess of our dreams and hopes.
A world that we think we rule if we have a prior reading of history, even if it is brief.
And we feel that we are its slaves if our eyes have seen nothing but news bulletins.
And we think that we are free to the extent that foreign and Arab politicians declare before any elections.
But in reality, we are shackled to the extent that policies, discussions, interests and forums can place in a Third World country.
AED 55.00 -
The Snake Around The Piper's Rod
Moosehorn Roosevelt, an employee at a local pharmaceutical company, lives a peaceful life with his son in the quiet shire of Lollipop Avenue. With loved ones close by and a career he enjoys, his days are perfectly content…
Until the sudden kidnapping of a child from the orphanage where he volunteers turns his world dark.
Suspicions slither in,
danger creeps,
and deep bonds break.
Moose knows he must do something…
Moose knows he must take action, but struggles over what to do next. By the time he counts to one in his mind, however, Moose realizes he has already decided his course.
AED 35.00 -
Evergreen Poison
When Adam Raslan, the renowned chief of detectives, loses his closest friend, he finds himself unable to confront his past. Haunted by the tragedy, he makes a drastic career change, becoming a professor at one of Jericho’s prestigious universities.
However, fate intervenes when a young student approaches him with a warning about a forbidden act taking place on campus. This revelation leads to a series of life-threatening events that force Adam to embark on a journey reminiscent of the past he had been running from. As he navigates this treacherous path, Adam discovers how he can approach his next actions differently, learning from his previous experiences.
AED 50.00 -
One Last Find
A story about a helpless detective named Noah who tries to do his best at his job while at the same time dealing with many mental problems. After taking a break from work, he was desperate to help his co-workers with all their cases, but he can’t help but notice that out of nowhere, many crimes are happening near his area. What he finds out in the end truly shocks and disgusts him. His mission is to lock up every person who deserves it and to get justice for those wronged.
A mystery that will blow your mind.
AED 35.00 -
The Murder Of Mrs. Soraya
أنا لا أريد إخافتكِ، أنا أريد كسر أوهَامِك، أريدكِ أن تنجحي في قفز الضفّةِ إلى الضّفة الأخرى.
أريد لكِ النجاة والحياة أيضاً، إن مخاوفنا تتضاءل إذا أفرغناها من جوارحنا، وما الإنسان إلا تفاعل نقيضين، الأول يمنحه أملاً والآخر يحاول كسر ذلك الأمل. وما الإنسان إلا صورة واضحة من صور هذا الكون، فكما الليل يعقبه النهار، وكما الصيف يطمسه الشتاء، وكما الأبيض يقابله الأسود. كما البداية تعقبها النهاية، كذلك الإنسان، يدرك وجوده بعد ولادته، ويدرك النهاية الغامضة بعد موته، لكنه لا يستطيع إخبار الأحياء الذين واروه الثرى عن العالم الذي انتقل إليه، فلا تخافي ممّا هو مقدّر.
جمال، سلمى، ثريا
شاب، شابة، سيدّة
ثلاث شخصيات تعيش صراع الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل. تلتقي، تحب، تكره، تحقد، تتآمر، تضحي.
هل حققّت كل شخصيّة غايتها؟ هل يمكن للحب أن ينتصر على الحقد؟!
قصّة مشوّقة
مشاعر متضاربة
نهاية رائعة!
AED 70.00 -
My Little Mila
As a professional boxer, Yaman believes that stopping his opponent’s blows is not enough to win, and his falling to the ground is not in his best interests. The motive for which he fights is much greater than victory. He is fighting in the battle of life, which requires him to remain steadfast and to stand strong, not for his own sake, but for the sake of Mila.
Yaman and Mila are a story in which the highest, purest, and most beautiful meanings of love between a father and his daughter are evident, as she is who he lives for, and he is her eternal and only love.
Despite the difficulties that Mila faces since her mother’s passing away, Yaman tries hard to accommodate her mood swings with love, but this method of his angers his family, as they think he spoils and coddles her, and no matter how strong his relationship with his daughter is, she still needs a mother, especially since Mila is no longer young.
AED 70.00 -
The Bride Of The Tunnel Of Flowers
Amidst the cheering, the mourning, the wailing and the tainted tears, there came the ringing of pairs of bells from afar, they were so loud that everyone at the funeral could hear their earth-shaking hum.
The ringing of the bells was followed by the sound of drums, so everyone got terrified, and they almost vomited their hearts out of fear, and even Nashwan, who is not usually afraid of this matter that he considers a lie, jumped in his place in terror!
Why all this fear and nervousness? Because there is a legend that says: “If the bells ring and the drums follow, then this means that the Bride of the Tunnel of Flowers will emerge onto the wonderful world, and in her appearance there will be an end.”
And the end of what? No one knows what exactly. Is it the end of their existence? Or the end of something else? Is this ending so scary? Is the end so unfortunate?
Nobody knows. They won’t know the answer until she comes out.
AED 30.00 -
Infinite Justice
What he knows about himself is that he is the adopted son of the family of Abu Muhammad, who took him from an orphanage, and the parents treated him better than their own children who were born after his adoption, to the extent that the father handed over to him the management of the company.
The father’s death turned his life upside down. There was a suspicion of a murder. Investigations revealed the presence of a strange woman in the scene.
Who is this woman who turned the scales and changed the course of Walid’s life and the case, and revealed the true relationship between Walid and his adopters?AED 30.00 -
The Secret Behind The Painting
A story infused with mystery, it brings together an expatriate medical student who encounters a mysterious doctor haunted by misfortunes.. It began with a painting in the park, and ended with a storm of events.
AED 50.00 -
Beautiful world...
To you I write, so carry my words to your pure souls.
Whoever sees them in the huge ground thinks them as one, as if he has exchanged his shadow for a friend that follows him, or that his soul is out of breath, and it rages, so his body splits to free it, but it remained tied to him, following him, moving through the ground, entering it and leaving, avoiding people, as they have their own world, and if he steps on it, it would shake, no place for him there, not now.
The ground is huge, and there are different types of people, he and his companion are among them and not from them, no one knows him, and so it suits him, as if he is a walking secret, a secret that has not been buried, apparent, but by the action of a curse his inner shadow remains hidden, on his back carrying hope, and in his bag a diary with heavy writing.
For the beautiful world, and for its pure souls.AED 40.00 -
Seven Girls + One
Seven girls plus one,
can they become eight girls?
The story is about seven girls isolated from the outside world, and another curious one.AED 30.00 -
Septagram 2 - Al Arif
(Lilith) still wanders among the shadows, (Lucifer) and his brothers are still wreaking havoc on the earth, and (Ulo Azm) are still confronting demons time after time, and you, dear reader, are still on the train of your imagination that carries you between the pages of the book through time and places, visiting countries of tales will not be the first interrogation of dead bodies, and the dreams of (Satan) will not be the last.
AED 70.00