Tears Of The Nile
From the heart of Sudan’s revolution, a land deeply ingrained in the poet’s soul, emerges a collection of poetry adorned with the verdant hues of nature and the unwavering resilience of stone. Tears of the Nile is a testament to the power of words, born at the intersection of classical Arabic and the vibrant spoken dialect, on the banks of the mighty Nile.
As the poet’s heart ignites with the embers of language, it simultaneously illuminates and sears, casting a radiant glow upon the verses that flow forth. This collection embarks on a voyage through the realm of meaning, navigating the tempestuous waves of rhyme until both the Nile and the reader are moved to tears.
Within these pages, love and longing intertwine in an intricate dance. At times, the poems sway to the melodies of affection, like clouds heavy with the promise of flirtatious rain. In other moments, they are shrouded in the ache of abandonment and the pangs of yearning.
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Moaning Of M
I have always believed that poetry is nothing but a mass of feelings and emotions that are scattered.
Here is my joy… My sadness and longing… Here is my inspiration and my wailing…
Here is Noah Meem, a collection of poetic thoughts in classical and colloquial Arabic.
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Evening Tales
زِدْ صــــــــــــــدَّك عــــــــــــــنّـــــــــــي وقُــــــــــــلْ لــــــــــــــيكـيف حالك وإنتَ عني غايب؟
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Pulse Of A Scent
Our story has a dialogue
Between those who sold the sun and bought oblivion,
Between a past and a present inspired by imagination.
And if they ask me about you,
I told them you were lost in the dialogue of our story.
And if they ask me about your love,
My silence answered with years of longing.
What should I say while we are having a dialogue?
Days pass and we remain.
The months and years revolve around us,
Our love does not recognize a calendar or a clock.
In our story, the love of eyes,
Songs between the eyelid and the eye.
In our story, you are not my other half,
Rather, you are every part of me.“You are my most important victory.”
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My Style
In this book, I relied on a careful reading of different poetic models and poets from across the Arabian Peninsula, and made sure that the language of the book was simple and smooth.
I started from this research to extract a poetic theory that deals with beautiful situations, such as joy, sadness, love, anger, and others, which contribute to clarifying my goal in writing poetry.
I also hope that this book will provide me with an addition to the field of poetry.AED40.00AED 32.00 -
A Cry Of Conscience And A Heartbeat
I see you and marvel
You are the sky
And fragrance and sweetness
A fountain of giving
So how can I live without you?!
For you are magic
And from you comes splendor
Your eyes are the morning
Invaded by the dawn
Spreading light at dusk
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Stream Of Thought
I started this saga in 2004, scribbling my thoughts on observations, memory, or incident triggers, and how I see myself within it. These 50 poems explain the liveliness of poetry in our daily lives. We enter the mystery of hopes and fears, life and death, relations we adore, romance and friendship, funny and sad, cloud and snow, autumn, winter, rain, mystery - all in a collection of a book of poetry. I hope you enjoy reading and relating them as much as I liked writing them.
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The Pen Says
حروفي هذه ما هي إلَّا بِضعة أَسْطُرٍ مِن حكاياتٍ تَجُولُ وتتحرَّك في أَعيُن أناسٍ قد ظهَرَتْ معاناتهم. وأنا أكتبُ وأُسطِّرُ ما قرأتُ، ورأيت في أعماق نظراتهم المعبِّرة، في كلِّ قصَّة أكتُبُها أشعُر بما يمكِن أنْ يكونَ مِحْوَرُها قد شعَر به، وأُسَطِّرُهُ لعلَّه يكونُ هناك شخصٌ شبيه بِمِحوَر تلكَ القصة، ويعلَم أنَّ هناك وصفاً لمشاعره. إنني لا أكتب عن نفسي؛ فلا يحقُّ لي ذلك، إنما أكتبُ عَن قصصٍ أثارَت فضولي وإعجابي. كلماتي ما هيَ إلَّا مشاعِرَ وأحاسيس، فإن أردتُّم فَهْمَ القلوبِ عَن طريقِ ألسنةِ الأقلام.. فمرحباً بكم بين حروفي.
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Passionate Love
Our story was the most beautiful tale, is it not true that everything has an end?"
"You were my one and only dream, the one I always prayed the universe to keep. But fate played its game... it brought us together in a minute, then kept us apart for years. We can't overlook your actions that went beyond the heart and shattered its peace."
"How did we drift apart? How did the distances become our comfort after being our torment?"
"How did love fade between us?"
"I do not know, but the book will answer for me."
"Here are my feelings."
"Here is my joy and sorrow, my comfort and ease."
"Here is my breaking and withering, my ailment and remedy."
"Here are the harsh blows and disappointments of harsh love."
"Here are messages and emotions I couldn't muster the courage to express."
"Here is the self-esteem of a lover, infatuated in love."
"Here is the music of love and the painful melody of parting."
"Here is my love."
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No Wounds Left To Sing
Friends constantly asked the author for advice as though she is a relationship expert. Although she is far from it, she decided to portray the emotions numerous females experience and the discoveries that shone at the end of their tunnels through poetry and prose. The author hopes her words would offer burning wounds a soothing balm, until no wounds are left to sing.
This book is a reminder for all women in search of a remedy after heartbreak to stay strong. It is a sequence of musings that could find its events unfolding in any woman’s life. It is an overview from the chapters of romantic relationships and an acknowledgment of all its seasons, starting from love all the way to healing, and offering little tidbits of knowledge and insight.AED50.00AED 40.00 -
Green Space
Green Space is the story of an Afghan wishing prosperity and abundance in a place that was once, but is no longer, occupied by someone important. Some western cultures refer to that place as a hole or a void. This is a twist in that viewpoint to see the now-free place as a 'green space'. A fertile area with wonderful potential for new growth and bounty.
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Aurora, The Dawn
This is a book that compiles poetry written over years of observation.
Words are mere concoction of thoughts, thoughts that have been plenty.
These have been threaded together and put forth for everyone to read.
From nature to philosophy.
From darkness to awakening, all enclosed with a feminine touch.
This book, as the title describes, is the dawn of new age poetry.
The five categories of poems touch upon several aspects.
Beyond, has poetry that talks about the extra ordinary, the human responses and the perceptions of human mind.
Melancholy, explores dark poetry. It encompasses the deprived and deeply saddened thoughts.
Life, encloses poetry that brings to light the philosophical aspect of life and its journey.
Essence, envelopes poetry pertaining to nature, our surroundings and their impact on us.
Woman, as the name suggests has poetry regarding women, their strength and the hurdles they face.
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