Tips And Tricks for Self-development on World’s International Day of Conscience

Tips And Tricks for Self-development on World’s International Day of Conscience

April 5th is recognized as the World’s International Day of Conscience by the United Nations to celebrate the importance of human conscience. The human conscience is the human voice from within that discriminates right from wrong. This day reminds us to believe in our inner voice to reach our maximum potential by working consistently on self-development. It is an opportunity to recall the significance of conscience in human development and its role in personal growth.

Austin Macauley has some of the best self-development books in store for you to read and learn from, but let’s see what self-development means before looking over the books!

1. What Is Self-Development?

Self-development is a technique of analyzing yourself based on the abilities you have, the behavior you display, and the ambitions you aim to achieve in life. It is not a mere assessment rather it is a natural need for humans to have. This need is termed self-actualization – the need to become the best version of yourself.

Human development is not only defined by one’s attributes, values, hopes, and dreams but also how well you behave. In addition to that, self-development pertains to not only how good you perform for yourself, but also for the outside world. Such development takes into account your mental as well as physical well-being.

Our habits and skills play a huge role in the progression of self-development in addition to the mental strength of an individual that contributes to the process.

2. Why Is Self-Development Important?

Self-development has a crucial role in human life. Without it, humans fail to operate. But let’s find out how?

Personal growth means being able to make the right choices, maintain the right state of mind, having a nurtured personality in a way that benefits you in building strong relationships with your family, professionally and makes you a confident person in general.

This is why self-development is an elementary process to be a part of.

Let’s have a look at some of  the incredible self-help books Austin Macauley has in store for you.

Best Self-Development Books to Read


A Journey Goal: A Step Towards Achievement

Book: A Journey Goal: A Step Towards Achievement

Author: Manal Albassam

Like the name depicts, Manal Albassam talks about all the ideas and steps needed while working towards the accomplishment of one’s goals. The author walks us through a journey that entails all the factors required for self-development and self-fulfillment alike. The book offers us strategies to cope with problems and guides us in a way that helps us rectify, self-contemplate and evolve as a whole.

Do skim through the book to have an insight into ‘steps towards achievement’ to work towards self-development.



Happiness: Get It, Keep It, Oh…And Enjoy It!

Book: Happiness: Get It, Keep It, Oh…And Enjoy It!

Author: Dr. Louise Lambert

Can happiness be deemed synonymous with personal growth? Dr. Louise suggests why the achievement of happiness in life is a goal itself and how it is deeply related to human-development. The author shares her take on what science has to say about the fact that a happier person easily adapts, evolves and grows in general. It reveals all the ways like self-empathy and gratitude, tailored to bring out the best in you for you!

Grab the book now to learn more about self-development from our very own, Dr. Louise Lambert.



Overpower Your Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Book: Overpower Your Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Author: Hanan Al-bastaki

Hanan Al-bastaki shares her valuable insights on techniques to overcome negative thought processes based on rationality and argumentation. The author also discloses how the health of the mind is as crucial as the body’s when it comes to the functionality of humans in life. The tactics and methods catering to OCD have been implemented by the author herself.

Buy this book and learn how to Overpower Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and embark on a journey towards self-development.



Pain and Hope

Book: Pain and Hope

Author: Maria Ali

Maria Ali explicitly states the tips and tricks to self-love in her book. The book perfectly describes the elements of self-love and nurturing of soul and mind in terms of self-development. She explains how peace of mind is important and shares her perspective on ways to achieve ambitions in life without giving in to hopelessness. The ideas are inspired by her learnings and experiences in life. Let’s read the book to savour the true sense of self-love.



Forty Pages Notebook

Book: Forty Pages Notebook

Author: Ismaeel Alsayed

Forty Pages Notebook is Ismael Alsayed’s take on how to establish and excel in life. He takes his readers on a voyage where he summarizes all methods and approaches that help us succeed as an individual one step at a time. Ismaeel Alsayed guarantees how experimentation, hurdles and their counter-strategies ensure a better future in Forty Pages Notebook. Buy the book to reap the benefits in a way that helps us become a better version of ourselves on an individual level and for society.




Unless we do not work on reaching our maximum potential, we cannot succeed in any walk of life – be it professional life or family life. Self-development essentially dictates our lives, success and failures in life, and how we humans function in general. World’s International Day of Conscience is celebrated to know the significance of conscience. Let’s exploit this opportunity and get your hands on Austin Macauley’s best self-help books to read and relish!

These books are thought-provoking, impactful and bound to leave an impression on the reader’s mind. Stay in touch and follow us on FacebookTwitterYouTube, and Instagram. If you have a story to share with the world, then you’re welcome to share your manuscript with us on our submissions’ page.