Summery Reads to Refresh Your Soul

Summery Reads to Refresh Your Soul

Summers is a time of long, sweltering days. With few outdoor options to entertain ourselves in the scorching heat, we often indulge in activities that we can comfortably carry out indoors. Some of us listen to music or do yoga, some are glued to their TV screens while others read and write. Reading good summer books can take you on a virtual literary tour from the comfort of your home. As the weather warms up and the pandemic is keeping many of us stuck indoors, it is a wise decision to stock up on some great summer reads. Whether you are the kind who stays indoors a lot in summer or the ones who love to hit the beach with their best beach books, we have got you covered. We are presenting you with the best summer reads of 2021. So, let’s get started.


Evergreen by Mahdiya Amira


The first book from our summer reading list is Evergreen. Written by Mahdiya Amira, this is the story of a girl who is an introvert and also a tad bit judgmental. She has an unsettling name which she doesn’t like to be known by many. She also feels she is different from many in her close circle but still sometimes tries to blend in. Being an introvert, she is always lost in her thoughts, irrespective of where she is. To read this entertaining story, you can buy this book here.






Reflections by LP


The next epic read from our summer reading list is Reflections. This book contains eloquently written poems dealing with human interactions, emotions and nature, that binds us all together. Written by LP, this book will prove to be a perfect match for reading on the beach. You can grab your copy by clicking here.







Love Stories Short

Love Stories Short By Nour Alhassan


If you are a fan of love stories with lessons, then this book is for you. Love Stories Short is a book of short stories, written by Nour Alhassan. The author has used a different approach to storytelling. She has written each of the love stories with a lesson. This book will be a great pick to add in your pile of  good summer books’ collection. To get a copy of this book, click here.






Feelings of a Pen in a Cloud Of Sadness

Feelings of a Pen in a Cloud Of Sadness by Khloud AL-Qahtani


This is a poetry book written by Khloud Al Qahtani. Filled with poems about love and sadness, this book can be your best companion in the breezy and bright summer mornings. You can buy this book here.





Lennie & the Three Paper Boats

Lennie & the Three Paper Boats by Mariam bin Tarish


If you are in search of some books for little ones, then Lennie & the Three Paper Boats is a great pick from our summer reading list. This book tells the story of a little girl named Lennie. She has a golden ticket but, unfortunately, it turns her dream into a nightmare. Lennie is stranded on a stormy island. This beautiful tale of courage and patience is written by Mariam Bin Tarish. You can grab a copy of this book here.




From Brokenness To Whole

From Brokenness To Whole by Rema El-Sayed


One of the great summer reads is From Brokenness to Whole that reaches out to the soul-searching people. It talks about keeping a hopeful heart when surrounded by chaos and darkness. Through this book, the author, Rema Al Sayed, asks us to search for courage and unconquerable strength within ourselves, rather than looking for help from the outside world. The pain and chaos that is surrounding us is not our reality, instead, we are eternally invincible. Perfect for the long summer afternoons, you can get this book here.





The Cultural Thought in the United Arab Emirates

The Cultural Thought in the United Arab Emirates by Hazem Hasan Al Arraj


The next pick from our good summer books is an intellectually invigorating book titled The Cultural Thought in the United Arab Emirates. Written by Hazem Hasan Al Arraj, this book puts forward the idea of shaping the Muslim community’s present and future around the globe by following the legacy of Arabs and Islamic culture. The book reviews the prominent features of Arab and Islamic culture, seeking to form a deeper understanding of how their past was linked to the present and the future. To grab a copy of this insightful book, click here.





Caffeine by Hala Al-Saidalani


Caffeine is our next stunning read from our hot summer list. Hala Al-Saidalani with her beautifully written poetry is telling us about souls and their feelings. This deeply thoughtful poetry book will prove a good match for the starry summer nights. You can get this book by clicking here.




mirage water

Mirage Water by Sarab Al subaih


This is one of the good summer books you wouldn’t want to miss. In a beautifully penned down poetry by Sarab Al Subaih, Mirage Water talks about a female soul who is questioning the men of this world who first gave her life and hope only to abandon her later. Through a series of metaphoric questions, the female soul slithers in her miseries. A must-read for summer evenings, you can buy this book here.






Messages by Duaa Mohammed Al-Khawjah


Our last pick from the summer reading list is Messages by Duaa Muhammad Al-Khawja.

It tells about the unread letters written by the main character to someone long gone. To know more about these letters and the untold secrets, you can buy this book here.





We hope our carefully curated list of best summer reads 2021 will keep you company while you relax in the backyard of your home this summer. Buy these books and enjoy the journey they take you on.


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