6 Romance Books That Build A Better She

6 Romance Books That Build A Better She

Every woman loves to read. And when it comes to reading, romance books can revolutionise a woman’s      life miraculously. Take the first step right now. Start reading good romance books that teach you how to live your life to the fullest. Stuck in past thoughts? Your thoughts and feelings follow a persistent pattern. Probably, they will appear, reappear and… It is only you who can get yourself out of comparative reasoning threads like well or unwell, optimistic or pessimistic, and cynical or credulous.

Our prolific writers at Austin Macauley Publishers compose books that promote the well-being of our valuable feminine readers. From their pen, you get insightful romance books that help you get in touch with your inner self. Their eloquence empowers you to embrace your feelings and emotions, not to seek escape from them.


Robbery of Another Kind

Robbery of Another Kind by Dr. Najat Sultan’s

Dr. Najat Sultan’s      Robbery of Another Kind is a post-modern love novel. It relates the story of Rovan, a      teenage      romantic girl, who has no choice but to let technology drift into her life. Like every one of us, she receives      gazillions of emails every      day – solicited and unsolicited. The shrewd author      carefully selects the earthy human theme of love and romance as manipulated by information technology in our times. Soon, Rovan daydreams about her soul-mate. Love is in the air. She finds herself in the warmest arms, carried by and spun into the air. Deceived by the fake lover, she cries bitterly, jailing herself in poisonous thoughts of self-prison. Now she is stuck in her past bitter thoughts. She decides never to fall in love again. The story twists when a future email inspires the heroine and the reader to rediscover their lost authentic selves. Light of romance shines always. It guides those lovers who seek their true selves. Rovan sets on to rediscover authentic true-self. Robbery of Another Kind teaches you to observe adverse effects of information technology on your personal feelings and emotions, and then embrace them openly. Ironically, robbery empowers you to accept your feelings and emotions as influenced by technology. Could this technological way of strengthening feelings and emotions be justified? Get your copy of the book to find out.


Secret Concern

Secret Concern by Dr. Ibtisam Hashim Farran

Are you stuck in your feelings and emotions?      Secret Concern      by Dr. Ibtisam Hashim Farran is a unique postmodern love story novel that challenges scepticism      caused by      psychological penetration into your romantic familial life. The novelist merges medical      science and literature as part of the healing process of Roa’a – a 30-     year     -old married school teacher, suffering from chronic personality disorders. Roa’a stands for every modern working woman paralysed by the nuisance of modern jobs and familial disorganisation. She symbolises every modern household who has turned pompous, sullen, self-centred     , and quarrelsome. Like every modern girl, Roa’a is stuck in an inconsistent pattern of romantic feelings and emotions that cause chaos, confusion and havoc in her life. Symbolically, Roa’a teaches young girls how to live a free life – a life filled with feelings and emotions, a life full of romance, joy and abundance. She encourages you to embrace your feelings and emotions, and not to      avoid      them.


After a While

After a While by Ghaim

Ghaim’s      After a While      is one of the best romance novels. It tells the      story of a hundred winters old lady. Did you ever notice when the sun shines early in the morning, you too start shining? Definitely, yes. We human beings are predominantly driven by changes in days, nights, and seasons. The lady in this story is winter-obsessed. Winter shapes the way she lives; how she sips coffee; how she breathes a sigh of relief; how she hugs him; how she trembles in downpours without him. Deviating from the days of a fragmented lady, the winter lady offers you more humour     , sense of happiness, candlelit romance, and warmth during blue winter.



Behind My Strength is a Weakness, Loving You

Behind My Strength is a Weakness, Loving You by Dina Al-Saigh

Behind My Strength is a Weakness, Loving You is a poetry book.  It takes you on a journey of self-romance. It is through self-romance that you love others.      Dina Al-Saigh’s pen uplifts you by opening you to your true self. You’re a holy temple of love, built by pains, suffering, screams, tears and sighs. When you start engaging with sorrows     , you take the first step to beautify your life. You begin strengthening yourself, thus regaining the lost kingdom of love.      Pain teaches you to embrace your feelings and emotions, in the first place.





Momentums by Majd Radwan

Momentums      are an irresistible set of  poems on love      that play on divine music. In recent years, there’s been a strong urge to sing, ring and listen to such super, sublime music. Majd Radwan composes      perfect poetic verses, filled with divine romance, mesmerized by human passion. Short rhyme, flowing with consistent rhythm initiates the singer and listener alike to move on to a higher world.





On Loss

On Loss by Razan H. Abdul Majeed

On Loss      stands out as best poetry book that becomes a beacon of light for all of us – we all love, loose, and grieve to make sense of our losses. Razan H. Abdul Majeed interweaves themes of life, death, and time to rediscover lost paternal romance. Would she succeed? To find out, get your copy here.





Feel free to choose some of these ultra-modern books and reflect on them to transform your mindset. When you’re resisting inner war, there is another way too – open yourself to your limitless infinity by reading a good book.

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