5 Helpful Books to Improve Mental Health

5 Helpful Books to Improve Mental Health

‘What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, more unashamed conversation.’
– Glenn Close

It’s okay to feel blue some times. But the hardest thing about feeling down, is that all people don’t necessarily understand how it feels to suffer with mental health problems. In such a situation one needs understanding and compassion. Unfortunately, even in 2019, the stigma around mental health issues, compels people to hold back their emotions. Whether you have ever experienced it yourself, or have had someone close to you go through mental health related problems , you must be familiar with the term, counselling.

Counselling is also termed as psychotherapy which is carried out by a psychologist. It is a process of providing a ground for patients to speak up about what they are going through.

There are a plethora of clinical psychotherapies that are practised by professionals, but today we will discuss how reading helpful books can improve mental health and how reading can be used as a counselling techniques.

Books have been shown to improve mental health.

The techniques or approaches used by writers, authors, and bibliophiles to support mental health sufferers are as follows:



Autobiography and Personal Memoirs

Religion and Spirituality

Austin Macauley has brought you a collection of mental health book suggestions, that surely will help support you when your feeling blue.

Happiness: Get It, Keep It, Oh…And Enjoy It! by Dr Louise Lambert

Not just a book but a practical workbook that enables the readers to understand the science behind staying content with what life offers. Dr Louise has compiled some helpful strategies to tackle the challenges and issues of daily life; those issues that make you anxious and depress. Strategies include the psychological adaptation, self-compassion, capitalization, giving and taking. The strategies discussed are simple and work best in anyone’s interest. A very well researched work of the author makes you understand the science behind happiness and successful life.
Get a copy of this amazing book to learn more about these useful strategies.

Overpower Your Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Hanan Al-Bastaki

Negative thoughts are generated as a result of tension, depression and anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Most of the time negative thinking ruins and affect our daily tasks and interaction with friends and family. The author has applied all the cognitive behavioural therapies on herself that helped her get rid of the negative thoughts and negative energies. A must-read for all who want to change their negative thoughts into positive ones.

A Practice by Judith Marti Baumrin

A book that aims at bringing forth the solutions to the learning problems faced by many children in school. Twelve students work one-on-one with their tutor who is a psychologist, to resolve their problems. Through the psychologist, the trials and triumphs of therapeutic teaching are described in the book. A brilliant book that helps teachers to understand their disabled students and how to manage them. Click here to get a copy of this book.

Is Life as We Know It? by Palak and Pooja 

A book that helps you to ha a fresh look at life. Life has much to offer, sometimes it feels like a pleasant day and it also gives you rainy days. In whatever situation you are in, try to grasp the messages nature is sending you. Re-evaluate your decisions and beliefs as Palak and Pooja let you see the other beautiful side of life. Grab a copy of this book to know how to tackle the darkness of life.

My Spiritual Silo by Hanan al-Bishi

A book that assists you in getting out of the dark and become a successful person. There no obstacle greater than ourselves, if we don’t know what we want and how we can achieve it, we will always receive failures. This book helps those who are down and depressed because they are unable to succeed in life. It is time to reconsider your approach and perspective on life. To read more click here.

Let us know your favourite pick from our collection of mental health books on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts!

For our full collection of the books please visit: https://austinmacauley.ae