Friendships are Forever – World Friendship Day 2023

There isn’t a better time than July 30 to cherish and remember your friends. International Friendship Day falls on July 30, as designated by the UN. The day has a deeper meaning than remembering friends from school or colleagues from work.

International Friendship Day is a chance to remember and acknowledge individuals from different cultures and ethnicities. The day was initiated in 2011 when the UN wanted to designate a day that would help people from around the world to take a step to remove barriers and prejudices that sometimes form between people from different cultures and backgrounds.

The bond of human solidarity is an essential part of celebrating this day and acknowledging that no matter where we live around the world, we are all humans and have the right to peace, safety, security and mutual harmony.

The Importance of Friendship in Our Lives

Friends are not only an integral part of our lives, they are essential for our mental well-being and social structures. Having companionship can actually prevent loneliness and isolation. This Mayo Clinic article goes as far as to say that friendships can play an essential role in your overall health.

Having friends from different backgrounds and cultures is a great way to learn more about different religions and ethnicities. Friends from different countries can be an essential gateway to learning about a completely different culture, language and religion. Strong bonds of friendship between people from different countries are a great way to enrich our lives and learn about people from around the world.

Why not take the time to treat your friends this International Friendship Day? Here are five ways to do it:

7 Ways to Treat Your Friends this International Friendship Day!

If you have friends from a different culture or background, you can make them feel special this World Friendship Day. Small tokens of appreciation can go a long way to make people from a different country feel welcome and special:

1.     Make Something from their Culture to Gift

Why not make something at home that reflects their culture or religion? This is a great way to break the ice and form a close bond with something you value. It will also show them how much you appreciate their friendship because they will realise you went out of your way to make something for them that reflects their heritage.

2.     Learn a New Phrase in Their Language

Learn a new phrase in their local language and say it to them on World Friendship Day. Being a good friend means making people feel welcome and accepted, which is a great way to acknowledge their diversity. It is easy to learn new phrases from different languages by searching a few on the internet. Write them on a card and when you meet your friend greet them in their own language!

3.     Cook a Dish from Their Country

Why not explore what foods are eaten in your friend’s ‘home’ country and make something for them? They will love the effort and time you spent researching and cooking something special for them. It will also allow you to learn a new dish and polish your cooking skills.

4.     Gift a Book

Why not purchase a book you can gift to your friend this World Friendship Day? This will encourage them to read more and give you an opportunity to learn what their reading tastes are like. You could start a book together, which will make it even more interesting because you can share your impressions of the novel as you read it.

5.     Appreciate their Diversity with a Note

A simple note can make people feel accepted and special. Why not write a special note highlighting the great qualities of your friend and your appreciation of the diversity they bring to your life?

6.     Create a Memory Book Celebrating your Friendship

Create a scrapbook of memories of your special friendship that you can share with your friend. This will show them that you value their strong bond of friendship and appreciate everything they have done for you.

7.     Write a Poem for your Friend

Why not write a poem for your friends that you can dedicate to them via social media or read aloud at a gathering? This will make them realise how much you appreciate their presence and companionship in your life.


Mark International Friendship Day by Acknowledging Diversity

We have given you some great ways to appreciate your friends this year on World Friendship Day. Now go out there and mark the day by appreciating all the diverse individuals in your life that add colour and meaning to your life.

Spreading more tolerance and understanding between individuals can promote love between each other.

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Best Religious Books to Read this Month

Books are an essential part of our lives. They provide both spiritual and mental satisfaction to many of us. Different genres of books have specific and disparate value propositions for us, the readers. The genre that carries the spiritual fuel for our souls is that of religious books. We at Austin Macauley UAE have a wide repertoire of genres and titles in our collection. In this blog, we will suggest some of our religious books for you to read and soothe your soul.

Discourse Levels is an analysis of the Hadiths of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him). This analysis is based on different levels of discourse analysis such as grammatical, lexical, semantic, and deliberative. The purpose of this book is to invite the reader to contribute to the understanding of the Hadiths of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him).

Sada-e-Haqq is a compilation of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s Urdu letters translated into English. The main thrust of the writings of one of the most eminent scholars of India is the explanation of the Islamic concept of M’aroof and Munkar, two all-encompassing and comprehensive terms for right and wrong.

This book is the first logical proof of the existence of God the Almighty. It answers most of the complex and ancient questions about God.

Pillars of Islam is an introductory book to Islam and its central tenets. It is for those who want to start their journey of understanding the religion of Islam and Islamic literature.


These Islamic books are sure to make your reading a fulfilling experience. Happy reading!

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Celebrate Islamic New Year 2023 the Right Way

Muslims worldwide will bring in the new year on July 28th, when the new crescent of the moon will be sited. This will signal the first day of the Islamic month, Muharam. Many do not know why this month is essential to the Islamic faith and how Muslims worldwide celebrate the beginning of the New Year or what is known in Arabic as the Hijri New Year.

In Islam, Islamic months signify a unique and vital milestone for Muslims worldwide. Each month in the Islamic calendar brings opportunities for Muslims to renew their faith in the Almighty.

This guide not only explains what the Islamic lunar calendar is, but it also suggests five great ways you can join in celebrating Islamic New Year with your Muslim friends and family.

What is Islamic New Year and the Lunar Calendar?

The lunar calendar signifies the important Islamic holidays and religious events, while the Gregorian calendar is what most countries run administrative matters under. The Lunar calendar is about 15 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar.

Islamic countries worldwide are therefore running on two calendars governed by two different celestial bodies. They make things run seamlessly by combining both and making sure to note critical Islamic holidays on Gregorian calendars.

It is important to note that even though many important Islamic lunar holidays can be determined beforehand, the Islamic faith requires Muslims to physically site the moon to signify the beginning of an Islamic holiday. This sometimes causes conflict between what is marked on the Gregorian calendar, and so many Gregorian calendars use the phrase ‘or determined by moon sighting’ when adding an Islamic holiday that is marked on the calendar.


5 Ways You Can Celebrate Islamic New Year with Friends & Family

If you are looking for ways to celebrate the new Islamic New Year, then you are not alone. Many Muslim families want to mark the date and involve their children to learn about the beginning of the New Year and Muharam.

Below is a list of great ways you can start some new traditions in your family and invite your friends to participate as well:


1.     Learn How the Lunar Calendar Came About

A great way to start the Islamic New Year is to learn how the Muslim calendar started. Hazrat Umar initiated the practice of establishing a calendar so that Muslims could organise all of their religious activities. The first year of the calendar is 622 C.E., an essential year for the Muslim faith. There are various videos and interesting documentaries you can watch to learn more.

2.     Learn about Muharam

Muharam is the first month of the Islamic New Year and an important one. Learning about why is one of the few months when Muslims are not allowed to engage in warfare and are instructed to engage in family time and reflection. The month of Muharam is a time when Muslims can attend sermons and religious gatherings that mark the ten days of Ashura. Muslims fast the 10th of Muharam because Moses (Musa AS) was saved from the Pharoah this day. And they fast the 9th to contradict the Jews fasting.

3.     Learn the 12 Islamic Months

Create flashcards of the 12 months that you can learn with your children. This is a fun way to help children learn the names of the months and a lot of fun. For older kids, add interesting facts at the back of each card that took place in that specific month. You can make it even more competitive by creating teams and keeping a treat for each team that can get the correct answers.

4.     New Year Resolutions

We always make New Year resolutions but what about Islamic resolutions? The New Year is a great time to reflect on what you have accomplished during the past year concerning your devotion to the Almighty. Why not create a list of ways you can do better this year? This is a great practice and something you can do as a family. Have everyone sit around and read their resolutions aloud to inspire everyone to share.

5.     Islamic New Year Greetings

Why not get the younger kids involved in creating cute little Islamic New Year greetings you can deliver to your neighbours and loved ones? You can find some easy-to-use templates here. With a pair of scissors, some markers and construction paper, you can create something that will keep your kids busy, and others will appreciate.


Islamic New Year 2023 – New Beginnings

The Islamic New Year 2023 will be marked as a new beginning for Muslims around the world. It signifies a year close to our final destination but also another opportunity to decrease our distance from Allah. We can participate in activities that will bring us closer to our Maker and reflect on the past 12 months.

Knowing that we can rely on our family and friends to support and motivate us to do better is always essential. Share your struggles with others and learn how they overcome their struggles to build a closer relationship with the Almighty.


Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs, and submit your manuscript if you want to publish your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form. You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.





Best Fiction Books to Immerse Yourself In

As the sun shines brightly and the breeze whispers stories of adventure, what better way to enjoy your summer than by diving into some of the best fiction books? This summer, the literary world is brimming with a host of fascinating tales that promise to transport you to new worlds, with plots that are captivating, relatable characters, and storytelling that is spellbinding. Here, we present the top fiction reads you must add to your collection this summer.

We open with an enthralling novel, Magic McFee and the Legend of the Sorcerer. When Magic McFee joins her new school, she hardly expects to face the strange and sinister events that unravel throughout the school year. With a teacher who seems to harbour an irrational hatred towards her and her friend Katie Harrow mysteriously disappearing, Magic must navigate a maze of horrors. Aided by her friends, Magic delves into the sinister plans of her teachers and seeks to rescue Katie. This book is a riveting read that combines suspense, magic, and the triumph of friendship. Grab your copy and join Magic in her daring adventure.

Next, we have Septagram 2 – Al Arif, a sequel that continues the dark and mesmerizing journey through the shadowy realms of demons and ancient forces. As Lilith wanders, and Lucifer and his brothers sow chaos, the story transports you through time and places in a hauntingly beautiful narrative. This gripping tale is infused with mystique and is bound to keep you on the edge of your seat as you traverse a landscape filled with interrogations of dead bodies, and the sinister dreams of Satan. This is a must-read for those who seek a blend of dark fantasy and riveting storytelling.

Set in medieval times, The Royal Falconer is a historical mystery that engrosses readers with its intricate plot. After the death of her husband, a young Norman lady named Lady Adela Fitzgerald faces a treacherous journey back to France. Along the way, she is embroiled in a web of conspiracy, secrets, and peril. Arrested and tried for theft and murder, her fate hangs in the balance. The arrival of the king’s royal falconer may hold the key to unravelling the mysteries and saving Lady Adela. With twists and turns that keep you guessing, this novel is a grand tapestry of historical drama and mystery.

Lastly, A Land Without War beckons readers to ponder an age-old quest for peace. In a world where conflict seems to be the norm, the book leads us through a journey for something we all desire deep within – a land without conflict.

These fiction books are sure to make your summer reading an unforgettable experience. Whether you are a fan of fantasy, historical fiction, or reflective literature, these books cater to a wide array of tastes. So, grab a cold drink, find a comfy spot, and lose yourself in the worlds created within the pages of these incredible stories. Happy reading!


Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs, and submit your manuscript if you want to publish your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form. You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.