Illusion Or Reality?
Dear reader, this book serves as a beacon in the darkness of despair and a compass in the light of hope. If you look closely, you will see our differences. But from a distance, you will realize the truth: that we are merely scattered pieces of a puzzle that, when brought together, form humanity.
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Diplomatic Communication Of The United Arab Emirates In The Face Of The Information Revolution
The topic of smart communication, particularly in modern societies, holds significant importance in executing tasks and communication duties using electronic and digital networks. This has enabled the entry of diplomatic institutions into the virtual world of communication. As an active member and partner in this system, it is not surprising that these institutions are affected by these changes to avoid falling behind.
Consequently, they have sought to obtain smart privileges to carry out their local and international missions. The UAE’s diplomacy has not been exempt from this influence, having engaged in a substantial process of modernization and technological upgrading of its operations. It increasingly relies on digital media, communication networks, and smart applications to advocate for the country’s external propositions and to provide diplomatic and consular services to Emirati citizens. This readiness has positioned it among the leading countries in the realm of modern diplomatic communication.
Highlighting the modern diplomatic role of the United Arab Emirates, we observe that the varying stages of development it has undergone over the past decades have contributed to the shift from traditional to smart diplomacy, relying on digital and smart means to offer services to both local and international communities.
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اعقلها - Be Wise
This book serves as an expanded horizon to explore the questions in our minds and personal conclusions that are not subject to the judgment of right or wrong. It encapsulates the process of searching for the keys to understanding all the ambiguous questions and experiences of life that we encounter, in the hope of finding solutions to our boundless inquiries.Consider this book a brief journey into your own world, where you may open the doors to questions that will help you reach yourself and what you aspire to achieve in life.Everyone is inherently aware that we were created for a purpose. Some of us may have begun early in our lives to establish our goals and have already embarked on the search process to reach the stage of maturity, achieving our objectives and success. Others, however, may still be in the stage of self-conflict, striving to attain that level of self-awareness and success.Within these pages, we affirm that you are not alone in this struggle and that there is still hope and time for self-awareness. You can rise again to assert yourself and achieve internal, intellectual, physical, and psychological maturity.In essence, this book is a tour of our minds, an opportunity to reset, and perhaps search for the self that we have often forgotten as we navigate through our daily experiences.الكتاب عبارة عن مساحة أفق ممتدَّة للتعبير عمَّا يجول في خواطرنا مِن تساؤلات واستخلاصات شخصية ليست بموضع حكم الخطأ أو الصواب؛ فهي عبارة عن خلاصة مسيرة البحث عن مفاتيح فَهم جميع الأسئلة والتجارب المبهمة ضمن محطَّات الحياة التي نَعبرها على أمل أن نجد فيها الحلول لجميع تساؤلاتنا التي لَم تنتهِ.تستطيع أن تعتبرها جولة سريعة في عالمك الخاص الذي قد تفتح فيه أبواب التساؤلات التي قد تساعدك لتصل إلى ذاتك وإلى ما تريد أن تصله في الحياة.في الواقع.. الجميع على يقين بأنَّنا خُلِقنا لهدف، ولعلَّ البعض منَّا قد بدأ في مرحلة مبكِّرة مِن حياته في تأسيس أهدافه، وبدأ بالفعل عملية البحث للوصول إلى مرحلة النضوج الداخلي وتحقيق الأهداف والنجاح، ولعلَّ البعض الآخر لا يزال في مرحلة الصراع الذَّاتي مع النفس للوصول إلى ذاته ومعرفة مُبتغاه.وهنا في هذا الكتاب نؤكِّد بأنَّك لستَ وحيدًا في هذا الصراع، وأنَّه لا يزال هناك أمل ووقت في استدراك الذَّات، والنهوض مِن جديد لتحقيق ذاتك ونضجك الداخلي، والفكري، والجسدي، والنفسي.خلاصة الكتاب عبارة عن جولة في الذَّات، وفرصة لإعادة صياغة إعداداتنا الخاصَّة، ولربَّما البحث عن الذَّات التي لطالما نسِيناها في مرحلة خوضنا لتجاربنا اليومية.
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Hind's Quotes
Eighty-One Profound Quotes shaped by the inspirations of the mind’s heart and the heart’s mind. A book that expresses my personal philosophy of life and embodies my reflections on the mystery and magic of the universe, in addition to my experiences, expertise, and personal observations.
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When The Idol Committed Suicide
The world-known biologist and very influential member of the American Academy of Sciences until her death in 2011 (Lynn Margulis) says in one of her lectures (The occurrence of a new genetic mutation does not result in a new type of organisms, but rather results in mutated generations of living organisms). [230] She explained this further in an interview with her in 2011, where she says: (The Neo-Darwinists say that the occurrence of new genetic mutations means the emergence of new types of life or useful modifications in the types of life. I have been taught for many years of my life that the accumulation of genetic mutations Randomness leads to beneficial changes and the emergence of new types, and I believed that until I saw that the scientific evidence denying this saying. [231]
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أنا صُنعت من الظلام أنا كُلياً سوداء
أخبرني أبي يوماً بأنني ساكنة كـحلك الظلام ببداية الشهر الشتوي أمرُ باطمئنان، تعتلي سمائي نجومٌ براقة ورياحي باردة، وأخبرني أيضاً بأنها أحب اللّيالي له لأنها مليئة بالحنان..Once Dad told me that I’m calm as the beginning of winter’s nights slowly comforting them and having a sparkling stars.He told me that these are the nights that he loves because of the warm of everyone’s feelings within
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Why I Did Not Die
A Book on a Life of Resilience; a Life of Hardiness; a Life of Pliability
Lessons taught through real-life near-death incidents.
Life & Death.
A simple cycle.Fate
Are Birth & Death not prescribed?
Is Death not a side effect of Living?Fate
Are we given more than one chance, for our last day to be our last?
How does one contest fate?Fate
After life, death has to inevitably follow.
It is simply written. Is this fate?AED45.00AED 36.00 -
Discussing The Problem In Long-Lived And Emerging Philosophical Issues
This book presents philosophical problems with no definitive solution to them yet. From Zeno's paradoxes in fifth century BC, to the twentieth century dilemmas of quantum physics, the author presents the problem in a language accessible to the Arab reader, and then presents solutions to most of them.
The author collected the outcome of twenty years of research and reflection, and presented it to you, dear reader, away from the language of complexity and affectation, close to the heart.AED40.00AED 32.00 -
Notes And Comments
This is another attempt that might add something to your understanding of life.
As much as thinkers think and philosophers philosophize, nothing could quench the existential thirst, but thought remains and philosophy remains both the disease and the cure.
Why? I believe that they embody attempts to reach the truth, and it is the wisdom of the Creator that there are multiple facets to the truth, in the sense that every human grouping and every nation has its own view of the truth, of the absolutes, of the final things, and as long as we maintain our respect for this difference, communication will continue to exist between all continents and cultures.
This book does not aim to impose a certain point of view or a system of values, but rather aims to enable intellectual advancement and enable progress.
So, yes to difference, yes to diversity, and no to everyone who wants to impose an idea on the world.
I would like to point out that the topics dealt with in this book are only an attempt to present and shed light on, and not an attempt to impose a point of view. And, I offer all respect and appreciation to the reader.
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The Way Book
In this transformative book, explore the wisdom of Laotzu, a philosophy rooted in the concept of ‘doing not-doing,’ often misconstrued as passive or defeatist. In reality, it is a powerful, active state of being that is misunderstood.
The concept may seem paradoxical at first: the less we are attached to what we love, the more love manifests within us; the less we are consumed by notions of good and evil, the more innate goodness we embody.
How does this philosophy manifest in the real world? Consider the elite athlete who, in a pinnacle moment, acts without conscious thought, striking the winning blow or executing the perfect move. This exemplifies ‘doing not-doing,’ a state in which the actor and action become indistinguishable, like fuel transforming into flame. This ‘nothing’ is, in fact, everything. It happens when we fully trust the universe’s consciousness, much like an athlete trusts their body’s higher awareness.
In a radical departure from conventional ethical norms, Laotzu offers an ethical framework free from the concept of sin or evil. Rather than seeing these as forces to be battled, he views them as symptoms of disharmony with the natural world, akin to a stained-glass window that blocks the illuminating rays of the sun and moon. In refusing to box ethics within boundaries, Laotzu opens up a generous space for compassion and understanding toward those who err.
Dive into the teachings of this book and discover how ‘doing not-doing’ isn’t a passive state but rather the ultimate form of action, a path to harmonious living and ethical behavior.
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Effectiveness Of The Political System And National Security
This book deals with the ability of the political system to act purposefully and effectively, which is determined by the extent of its internal and external effectiveness, to ensure and achieve the values of national security, guarantee its requirements, and secure its conditions through its multiple types of
Through developing a comprehensive strategic plan that includes all activities (political, economic, security, military, geographic, cultural, scientific and educational) as inputs, and employing them to ensure and achieve these values and requirements.
And conditions, and transforming them into limited practical goals according to inputs and outputs, and their interactions to secure the political system at a rate that calls for satisfaction, acceptance, and reassurance.AED60.00AED 48.00 -
Philosophy Of Excellence
As told in the oldest story in the human history, a new creature appeared called ‘Adam’. His uniqueness astonished every visible and invisible creature since his arrival. One thing to note was that his descendants were spilt into two parties. The first party preferred to call themselves ‘The Unique’. They believed that they should distinguish themselves from others in every possible way, whether in terms of money, power or authority. The second party, one the other hand, preferred to call themselves ‘The Simple’. They believed that real uniqueness means to be like the first human, Adam, and that’s what every human should strive to be. Also, the word ‘human’ meant a lot to them. The result was and will remain that most people are trying immensely to be unique, while a few are trying to be real ‘humans’ who invest all the ‘goodness’ in their human nature in trying to be a 'simple' human. Nowadays, the problem is that there is a minority that owns money, power and authority, while the rest are fighting over what is left. Hence, there is a severe overcrowding of people who are seeking uniqueness. On the other hand, tranquility remains among the few people who are seeking simplicity and the ordinary.
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