Resident Of My Thoughts | Austin Macauley Publishers
Resident Of My Thoughts-bookcover

By: Abd Al Ameer Alraisi

Resident Of My Thoughts

menu. 64 Pages Ratings:
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This book carries within its pages a wealth of overflowing emotions.

Dweller of My Thoughts is a collection that captures passion, longing, and overflowing emotions.

The poems express the feelings that reside deep within the soul, blending enjoyment, pain, beauty, splendor, and disappointment – all in a stunning interplay of contrast and harmony.

Written in a simple yet profound style, the poems invite readers to interpret them through their own perspectives, which is where their magic truly lies.

Abdul Amir Al-Raisani is an educational expert with extensive experience in education and teaching, and he has made several contributions in the educational and social fields. A lover of free verse poetry and the Arabic language in general, with a previous publication titled Emotions. He loves community work and contributes to it, and he has several projects in the field of volunteering. He worked in the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman, as well as in the Omani National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science (UNESCO). Founder and President of the Oman Global Chess Academy in the Sultanate of Oman, and a former member of the Omani Chess Committee.

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