The Murder Of Mrs. Soraya
أنا لا أريد إخافتكِ، أنا أريد كسر أوهَامِك، أريدكِ أن تنجحي في قفز الضفّةِ إلى الضّفة الأخرى.
أريد لكِ النجاة والحياة أيضاً، إن مخاوفنا تتضاءل إذا أفرغناها من جوارحنا، وما الإنسان إلا تفاعل نقيضين، الأول يمنحه أملاً والآخر يحاول كسر ذلك الأمل. وما الإنسان إلا صورة واضحة من صور هذا الكون، فكما الليل يعقبه النهار، وكما الصيف يطمسه الشتاء، وكما الأبيض يقابله الأسود. كما البداية تعقبها النهاية، كذلك الإنسان، يدرك وجوده بعد ولادته، ويدرك النهاية الغامضة بعد موته، لكنه لا يستطيع إخبار الأحياء الذين واروه الثرى عن العالم الذي انتقل إليه، فلا تخافي ممّا هو مقدّر.
جمال، سلمى، ثريا
شاب، شابة، سيدّة
ثلاث شخصيات تعيش صراع الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل. تلتقي، تحب، تكره، تحقد، تتآمر، تضحي.
هل حققّت كل شخصيّة غايتها؟ هل يمكن للحب أن ينتصر على الحقد؟!
قصّة مشوّقة
مشاعر متضاربة
نهاية رائعة!
AED 70.00 -
The Guardian
In a small town where its people leave in peace and harmony, a fire breaks out in one of the houses and the father dies, leaving behind seven orphans. The town's merchants took care of them, and they appointed the chief merchant as their guardian.
The relatives of the orphans appear, and events follow over the years, revealing the greediness of various parties for the orphans' money.
Events follow, some masks fall and the real face of some characters revealed their true nature.
The plots to inflict damage on other characters and places also revolve around in this story, some plots so surprising that they will not cross the reader’s mind!
AED 40.00 -
The Black Massacre
“I am Shruti Patel, and I want to relay this message to you. I used to live in the British city of Birmingham, until the beginning of the year. My daughter Ciara is all I have left from my husband, Dylan. What I remember very well is that we were in the summer of 1980 in Birmingham, the weather was hot, but my body was boiling hotter inside, I was in maddening pain. My heart was throbbing and beating in overlap with the sound of my mind..."
"Nothing can heal my wound, that wound will never heal, even after I die I will still be able to feel its pain..."
The Birmingham tragedy is not yet over, it seems, as the murderer has disappeared without a trace...AED 25.00 -
Of What Guilt She Was Killed
Our nightmares are nothing but the mistakes we made in our reality.
Our nightmares are like everything we did in the dark.
A closed book written in a language that only us can understand.
The nightmare is a game in which the beauty of the mysterious moments that we must trample... The footsteps of the devil we followed and its traces are everywhere, it will never disappear, it will visit us every night in our dreams to remind us of the crime we have committed.AED 55.00 -
Crime Of The White Castle
This novel is one of the first I wrote, its plot and story may bear some simplicity, but it is the work that I wanted to start publishing because of its memories, and the best is yet to come, God willing.
The novel is a fictional story that tells about the detective (Schneider Kahn) with one of his cases, the strangeness of the case and the way it was resolved, and his confusion in knowing the killer made him remember this case in all its details.
Five people revolve around doubts, suspicion and ambiguity, and the killer is undoubtedly among them, facts that may be changed for the sake of prestige and position, the case of the murder of a person throwing its weight at the wrong person to accuse him without a valid reason!
AED 25.00 -
The absence of Yassine during the early, lazy hours of the holiday was not the last shock Ghassan would have. Several surprises swept him away, like a heavy flood, before they washed him away onto an alien land. He was surrounded by envious men and weird women. His journey to unfold the secrets of the crimson incantations leads him to his lost child. Moreover, he discovers something much more… his unrevealed soul.
AED 75.00 -
Septagram 2 - Al Arif
(Lilith) still wanders among the shadows, (Lucifer) and his brothers are still wreaking havoc on the earth, and (Ulo Azm) are still confronting demons time after time, and you, dear reader, are still on the train of your imagination that carries you between the pages of the book through time and places, visiting countries of tales will not be the first interrogation of dead bodies, and the dreams of (Satan) will not be the last.
AED 70.00 -
Beautiful world...
To you I write, so carry my words to your pure souls.
Whoever sees them in the huge ground thinks them as one, as if he has exchanged his shadow for a friend that follows him, or that his soul is out of breath, and it rages, so his body splits to free it, but it remained tied to him, following him, moving through the ground, entering it and leaving, avoiding people, as they have their own world, and if he steps on it, it would shake, no place for him there, not now.
The ground is huge, and there are different types of people, he and his companion are among them and not from them, no one knows him, and so it suits him, as if he is a walking secret, a secret that has not been buried, apparent, but by the action of a curse his inner shadow remains hidden, on his back carrying hope, and in his bag a diary with heavy writing.
For the beautiful world, and for its pure souls.AED 40.00