Your Safety Is In Your Traffic Awareness

Nilouver El-Hefnawy & Azza Shaalan

Total Pages: 60
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Imagine what you might encounter when you step out of the house?

For your safety, always follow safety guidelines!

Your Safety Lies in Your Traffic Awareness is a book for children aged 3 and up.

The concept of safety and prevention is a way of life.

You are the generation of the future, and you deserve all our care.

Come on, together… let’s watch, read, and learn.

The scientific and academic aspect:

- Senior administrative leadership expert.

- International management systems consulting.

- Large references (ISO 9001 + ISO 14001 + ISO 45001).

- Intensive Master of Business Administration.

Diplomas: (Environmental monitoring and inspection + business administration + a professional diploma to develop leadership skills).

Courses: (Environmental Impact Assessment + Waste Management).

In addition to many courses in developing personal skills:

- Technical and Scientific French Certificate - Specialization in Economics / Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Paris.

- Bachelor of Business Administration - Department of Petroleum and Energy Facilities Management.

the school:

Lycée El Horreya - Heliopolis.

The professional aspect:

Current work: Director of quality control and assurance in a company in the petroleum sector in Cairo.

- A license to practice the profession of a quality control and assurance specialist, and the right to judicial investigation in the field of quality - the National Institute of Atmospherics This is the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

NQI TD 11209/2021

The societal aspect:

- Editor-in-Chief (My Son and Me Magazine) to raise awareness of women and children.

- Member of the Human Rights Committee.

- An accredited lecture to train students of the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, in the field of advertising and safety standards while making an advertising product I am.

- An accredited lecturer in quality, safety and occupational health at the Arab Academy for Studies, Consultations and Training.

- Interviewer on Egyptian TV programs and the Nile International Channel.

-Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group of Specialized Experts G-11.

- A writer in various fields, especially community awareness (Arabic - French - English).

The books were not published or promoted in print, but some of them were published electronically.

-The book “Solved Problems” (separate articles to spread positive energy to overcome adversity).

- “Speak a Word” booklet, which are cards for advice and guidance.

- “I am always by your side” booklet, cards with words of lessons and compliments.

- The book “The War of the Internal Organs” for children.

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