The Fall Of The Wings Of Death | Austin Macauley Publishers
The Fall Of The Wings Of Death-bookcover

By: Hani Ahmed Al Hashemi

The Fall Of The Wings Of Death

General Fiction
menu. 144 Pages Ratings:
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How harsh is life's grip when it squeezes without breaking, and how difficult are those moments when someone demolishes the sandcastles you built with your own hands on the seashore! How beautiful it is to pass away in the embrace of those we love, or what we call a beautiful death; it has a different flavor, but only a few will experience it. I have begun to feel that fleeting isolation, and the coldness of the thorny darkness with its faint blue light, and the power of the approaching storm. I leave you with this narrative, along with the sorrow and regret it conceals.

Hani Farid Ahmed Al Hashimi, lives in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Born in the 1980s, he graduated from the College of Accounting at Al-Hosn University and currently works as an administrator in a government agency. What drove him to write this novel was his passion for storytelling and his obsession with video games. He is distinguished in his writing by an emotional sensibility, and his personality is characterized by mystery.

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