Where Is King Edward? Part Two - Series (It Rains Rabbits) | Austin Macauley Publishers
Where Is King Edward? Part Two - Series (It Rains Rabbits)-bookcover

By: Arwa Hamed Alaujan

Where Is King Edward? Part Two - Series (It Rains Rabbits)

General Fiction
menu. 40 Pages Ratings:
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If you’ve read The Sky is Raining Rabbits, you’ve probably wondered what happened to King Edward, the ruler of Planet Carrot.

You’ll find the answer here in an entertaining adventure, featuring Maria and her family on one side, and King Edward on the other.

And if you haven’t read the first part, no worries – this story stands on its own, offering a delightful tale about King Edward, who once had a homeland… until it was devoured by rabbits!

Dr. Arwa Alaujan is a mother of three and a Saudi dentist. She loves telling and writing children’s stories and mixing reality with fantasy. Her first literary work was published in 1996, an awareness story about oral and dental health directed to schoolchildren within King Saud University’s community service projects. The writer has also published several scientific studies in prestigious international journals.

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