Top 5 Austin Macauley’s Best Selling Books You Need to Read in 2020

Top 5 Austin Macauley’s Best Selling Books You Need to Read in 2020

So, it’s that time of the year again when we like to cosy up on the couch next to a fireplace in these longer nights and indulge in reading.

Austin Macauley Publishers bring an inspiring collection of books you should read which truly reflects different aspects of life.

So, set back and marvel the beauty of our top picks in Fiction, Romance, Health and Wellbeing, Non-Fiction and Contemporary.

The Silence of London by Muna Alsuwaidi

This story revolves around a girl who is struggling with life. She has been threatened, blackmailed and robbed. This novel explains various events and gives us the aspects of problems that we all face and hear about in our societies. This young lady had the courage and patience to dodge problems every single day and come out stronger.

Click here to get a copy of this book.

She Was by Nura Alhamadi

A story about meeting someone and ending up loving them from the depth of your heart, having good memories, laughter, good times and being together for better or worse but yet again circumstances do not permit to go on with it, bad consequences shred apart the love of his life from him. Grab your copy of this exceptional love story now!

I Believed You by Laila Bashar Al-Kloub 

In this novel, there are some stories to be told from start to the finish, chain of events that fall right in the middle of two believers of different faiths, beliefs and choices. This is a story that exposes the flow of feelings for years. Here is the link to this beautiful storybook.

 Ceen (سين): When My Words Become Useless, I Remain Silent by Sara Abdulrahman Alahbadi

Did you ever feel so hopeless when you wanted to convey your point but your words couldn’t get the job done? Did you ever feel so disheartened when your words got through but not the message? What will you do under such a desperate state of affairs? Will you decide to remain quiet or speak with even greater force? Get a copy of this inspiring book and bag the much-needed motivation.

Is Life as We Know It? by Palak and Pooja

A book that compels you in looking at life from a different aspect. In life you come across different situations, regardless of your presence you might be having good times or bad. In whatever situation you are, you have to seize and have a firm hold on natural circumstances. In this book, Palak and Pooja give you a fresh look of life that will make you re-evaluate everything that you thought you knew. Grab your copy and find out how to tackle the harshness of life in a positive light.

Let us know your favourite pick from our collection of books on our FacebookTwitter and Instagram accounts!

For our full collection of the books, please visit our website.