Romance Books to Get You into the Mood for Love!

Romance Books to Get You into the Mood for Love!

It takes great emotional strength to read romantic books. The best romance books are ones where you just can’t put the book down. The characters pull you into their world, and you feel as they feel, becoming a part of their world as they become a part of yours. Love stories are the best way to spend your time, especially with there still being restrictions on going out at the moment. Good books are hard to come by, but when they do, you can bet they’ll become a permanent part of your collection. So, read ahead and find a new book, a new experience to lose yourself into!

Whether you’re an avid or a new reader who has fallen in love with romance books, we have something for everyone in our collection of love stories. Below are some of our recommended books for you to get going.



From The Heights Of Heaven To The Depths Of Despair

From The Heights Of Heaven To The Depths Of Despair
Grace Lagos

Kacey, a Greek girl with a free spirit, falls in love with an Irish boy. Her controlling and disapproving parents want her to marry a Greek boy as soon as possible. This becomes a problem for Kacey. Will love be enough to transcend the cultural boundaries and the pressure on Kacey by her parents? To find out, grab your copy of the book here.
The author, born in a town outside Brisbane, Australia, was three when her parents bought a farm where she grew up. On the vast and empty farm, she had her books to keep her company, providing an escape into another world. She works now in the public service and lives in Brisbane with her husband, two children, and grandchildren.



Single Mother

Single Mother
Mohanachandran T

A love story about two people who could not get married despite being in love with each other due to social differences. They surrendered to the fact that they’ll enjoy what little time they have together and move on with their individual lives. Only years later, their past reunited them, albeit in a very different and unexpected way. Check out this interesting romantic book here.

The author is a civil engineer by profession with an interest in writing. His first book was published in 2016 and his second published in 2017, both being self-help books. The author has also established an Indian school in the UAE, which is now one of the best in the country.



Robbery of Another Kind

Robbery of Another Kind
Dr Najat Sultan

This story is about a young girl called Rovan living at a time when development in technology allowed After receiving a message, Rovan was taken back into the past, where she fell in love and devoted herself to the one she loved. Suddenly, however, things changed, and she found herself alone. This is a story about love and the meaning this word carries. Order your copy of this romantic novel now.

The author holds a PhD in Public Administration. She is a lecturer at the Institute of Administrative Development, UAE, the Acting Director of Research and Consulting as well as the Head of Admission and Registration Department at the Institute of Administrative Development, UAE. Her passions include reading, drawing and writing.



The Battle of Love

The Battle of Love
Nagham Mohammed Alsamarqandi

A romantic novel revolving around the lives of different girls as they face the struggles of life. Their ambitions and dreams stopped in their tracks as each girl experienced injustice from loved ones. How they cope with these situations and the events that unravel will culminate in the practice of black magic and the loss of innocent lives. Learn more about the story here.

The author is a Saudi poet and writer with a bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature.



She Was

She Was
Nura Alhamadi

She Was is a novel about love and loss. She gave him a home when he had nothing.  But fate has its way. She was snatched away from him and taken to a place from where there is no return!





Rose Marie

Rose Marie
Badriah Al-Ahmad

Arthur’s pain is unbearable. He cries for the woman he loves, the distance between them and his inability to see her has turned him into an insomniac. What has Arthur done for her to behave this way towards him? Has he wronged her? Will his pain ever end? Find out in this romantic story, Rose Marie.

She has an interest in short stories and prose.




Me and His Wife

Me and His Wife
Maryam bin Sultan

The past has a funny habit of coming back to haunt you when things are going well. After almost three beautiful years of marriage, there is now a storm coming, filled with hatred and contempt. Will our characters and their lovers escape this storm unscathed?

She started participating in writing competitions at a young age. She also got the first position for her short story at Ras Al Khaimah.





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