Popular Book Cover Trends in 2022

Book cover trends 2022

The book’s cover is the first impression for the reader of what’s coming and a promise that needs to be fulfilled. If the book cover design isn’t appealing in terms of colour palette or typeface, the book is likely to be ignored. Since the time of its publication, the book will be struggling to stand out in the sea of new releases it has to be competing with.

In the past, before the latest trends in design and clever marketing strategies prevailed the books’ stories, telling them was the sole job of the book. Nowadays, with readers increasing in both substance and style, the cover has its own tale to tell. It certainly does.

The ability to tell a story by using the book’s cover may seem like a daunting task but it doesn’t need to be. Similar to clothing, book designs are heavily influenced by trends, with certain things “in” and some things “out.” No one individual decides on a trend but rather, trends grow and fade depending on what’s up and coming that excites people and appeals to their aesthetics. Based on the drastic changes we’ve seen over the past few years; let’s check out the design trends that’ll dominate in 2022.

Five of The Latest Book Design Trends

Here at Austin Macauley Publishers, we’re proud to assist our authors in deciding on what suits best for the books they write when it comes to the book covers and their wishes are our utmost priority. We’ve noticed many stunning dramatic trends in book design that have proven to be popular in 2020 and 2021 and are expected to take off by 2022.

Bold Typeface

A popular and striking trend in book covers that we predict will last until 2022 will be the bold typography – the size, font and spacing of the words. In reality, there are many stunning covers that depend almost entirely on typography to convey the message. The heavy sans-serif fonts which are scaled to an impressive size instantly grab the attention and give a sense of credibility. The fonts that are lighter in sans-serif style convey an uninhibited style yet are still dramatic when enlarged to a huge size.

To create a more emotional impact, hand-drawn fonts and hand-lettered titles are a favoured style. Hand lettering is a way to convey an easy-going and wholesome tone that’s appropriate for a variety of topics.

Minimalistic Designs

While in the past, designers would try to incorporate “everything and the kitchen sink” on a book cover that included a variety of colours, fonts, and eclectic visual effects. But now, we’re witnessing an increase in simple, clean, and minimalist designs. The book covers let the titles speak for themselves and are often accompanied by only one image.

Photography That is Creatively Used

When it comes to photographs, we’re seeing the creative usage of photography becoming an emerging trend for book design. In this fashion, the typography stays simple, even dialled-down in which a single, powerful image is the focus. In most cases, this is mixed with a lot in negative space, highlighting the main subject.

Bright Colours

One design style that you’ll frequently see incorporated in other fashions is the usage of vibrant shades. Orange and bold shades of Pink and Yellow in particular is seeing a revival but there are also a variety of shades of blue like the shades of teal, aqua and cobalt. You’ll find bright colours like those often combined with striking typography or even a single striking photo or image.

Retro Imagery

The final book design trend to take into consideration to incorporate into your next book design is the usage of images from the past, such as line art of the past or halftone images. In addition to the other elements of design, retro imagery could create a playful and irreverent tone or serve as an ode to earlier times.

Beautifully Illustrated Books

Although illustrations on cover designs are used for a long time, but the designs in recent times have always been large and heavily inspired by the major illustrators from the mid-century. While these designs continue to be in use, we start to see lighter types of illustration emerge such as Ghost Wall’s delicate flower skull. There is a recurrence of line art as well. In order to create a modern look, Matisse and Picasso’s drawings are incorporated with the usual styles.

Messianic Designs

Although minimalist designs rule the world of book covers, there are some chaotic designs that we could be seeing. Book covers are readily accessible. A chaotic design has decorative items scattered over the cover of the book. The typeface that runs from top to bottom is used to create the cover.

However, a jumble of tiny and bold fonts will be on display simultaneously. Between the text and images, other elements can also be observed. The book’s cover is made to be so intricate that it looks unique, distinct, and memorable.

Integrating Current Trends Into Your Style

When you design your cover, think about what elements you could add to your cover to incorporate some of the latest fashions for a contemporary appearance. While you shouldn’t be a slave to each trend, including some of them will convey competence and professionalism through the design of your book. They let readers know that you’re in tune with the times and can build a sense of confidence.

We hope you enjoyed learning about the latest book cover trends in 2022 and will incorporate these useful ideas while designing the cover of your book. We wish you a successful writing career. Be a part of Austin Macauley by sharing your manuscripts here for review. You can also submit online by filling out this Online Submission Form. Stay connected with Austin Macauley on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more updates.

Celebrating Poetry in All Its Forms — Poetry Books and Much More!

Poetry Books

Every year, World Poetry Day is celebrated on 21st March. UNESCO established it to recognize the unique attributes of poetry that tap into the creative side of human beings. However, how do you convince your others that this is worthy of celebration as it is common to think that poetry is only for academics and posh people! Isn’t that so?

Well, that’s not true. Here are some suggestions to commemorate World Poetry Day and get everyone around you enthusiastic about poetry. We’ve also selected some soulful poetry books from our prolific authors that will tug the strings to your hearts.

Get Everyone Involved

If you’re an academic, one of the great ways to kick off the day is to encourage people to read their favourite poems at an assembly or a special gathering. You can gather teachers and other members from your institute to participate in this endeavour. It will allow students to understand that poetry is enjoyed by everyone alike. In the course of the day, staff may also travel throughout the school and come into classes to read some poems.

Parents can get involved, too. Send a note home to inform them of how your school will be celebrating and encourage them to talk to their kids about the event following the celebration. There’s no need for dress-up because it creates too much stress on parents and detracts from the message that is centred around poetry.

It’s Time to Show off Your Talents

Poetry is intended to be read aloud and experienced in all of its splendour. So make sure that the performance should be the main focus of poetry. It’s not like introducing music to your kids without asking them to listen first. So, when you participate in a poetry reading session, approach poetry in the same as you would music. A variety of videos are accessible on YouTube. Make sure to use sound effects.

Celebrate All the Beautiful Cultures Through Poetry

One of the goals for World Poetry Day is to recognize cultural diversity and oral tradition. Ensure that you’ve got plenty of poetry from all over the globe and not just your mother tongue. Trust us when we tell you; it will open your eyes to a whole new horizon of literary talents missing from your life.

Invite a Poet

If you have time, you can invite a poet. If time isn’t a factor, or on the day, investigate local poets and invite them over to your gathering. It’s much more powerful to connect the content of an ebook to a real person, and this could be a great way to make contact.

Show and Tell

One of the fun activities you can do with your peers is to ask them to bring objects (it could be anything but normal) and use it as a stimulus to show how you employ poetic techniques like alliteration adjectives, verbs, and adjectival terms. For instance, a simple torch could be “A massive torch shining its infinitesimal light across the ceiling’s dark walls.”

Play Guess Who With Friends

Gather in groups and make teams. Write positive kennings about people you all are familiar with or even famous people. Each team then has to determine who the person is.

Start Writing Your Own Poetry

Are you inspired to write your own poems but aren’t sure how to begin? What is a better day other than World Poetry Day to write your own poem, right? You can even write a poem in collaboration with your friends. In the Japanese “Renga” poem, one person writes the initial three lines (following the 5-7-5 patterns of syllables). Then, the person following adds to that by following two lines (both seven syllables).

Concentrate on the Reactions

A sudden emotional outpour does not make good poetry. Art emerges from the depths of emotions and, in return, regenerates emotion; however, it’s not just self-expression. It is an art form: a technique that must be learned and mastered. Experiencing poetry comes different for every individual, and what one person enjoys, others might dislike.

If you’re sharing one of your own poems with others and want some feedback to improve your writing style, ask them how they feel? What do they like or don’t dislike about this poem? However, do not judge their reactions. Instead, consider this as a fantastic opportunity to improve your work. After all, there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to poetry, and it doesn’t even have to rhyme. All it needs is for you to play and indulge in the beauty of language and emotions.

Best Poetry Books to Read on World Poetry Day

Now that we’ve talked about the ways through which you can celebrate World Poetry Day, it’s high time to share some of the best poetry books with our fantastic readers. We have a pandora’s box filled with beautiful collections of poems by our super talented poets.

World Poetry Day is your best chance to appreciate the work of your favourite poet and the joy that poetry gives you. This day, you’ll be able to enjoy the incredible imagination of poets by spending time reading the greatest poems ever written. If you’re not interested in poetry, you can try reading a novel or a poet that you’ve not previously read.

You could also write your own poems and then send them to us via this link. You can also submit online by filling out this Online Submission Form. Stay connected with Austin Macauley on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more updates.

Celebrating Female Power With Inspiring Stories This International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is on March 8th. It is an amazing opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of powerhouse women among us who strive for gender equality and a better world for our future generations to live in. The theme for this year is to #BreakTheBias, a campaign to encourage people to accept responsibility for their beliefs and actions and stand up against prejudice in the communities, workplaces, and educational institutes.

Even though we’ve entered 2022, most of the issues we’re still battling seem to be familiar. It’s depressing to see that we still have to discuss issues like, “Do women have equal rights and control over their decisions?” But, at least, there are a plethora of feminist masterpieces which have already provided great answers to those questions, driven by the will to fight for equality.

Learning about feminism and attempting to incorporate it into your daily life does not happen overnight, but it is a continuous process that involves a myriad of perspectives to consider when you’re learning. Even though reading the top feminist literature isn’t the only method to be involved in feminism, yet it is an excellent way to learn about and consider these viewpoints. Here’s a brief overview of our top feminist books that will help amplify your understanding of the meaning of being a feminist. These titles beautifully celebrate the power of women authors.

Be Inspired

Be Inspired by Erika Cristina

For Erika, her life is a voyage — one with stunning successes and heartbreaking moments. The dreamer in her is determined to achieve her goal of traveling the world as she said, “Our thoughts are powerful, and we are bigger than our dreams as it must always exceed our capacity to achieve them.” Despite numerous challenges, she relishes her journey of self-discovery and welcomes each day with hope and prayers. Be Inspired is her attempt to let the world know that we should break all the confines and live our lives with gratitude for all that we have.


Build & Work

Build & Work by Indu Singhal

Indu Singhal leads Visual Ace Business Solutions and Emirates Business Management International Consultants in Dubai. She developed the distinctive EBM Benchmarking Partners’ Program, which has opened the door for benchmarking in the region and serves as a platform to exchange best practices for businesses. In addition to her professional activities, she is a keen gardener and loves a getaway to the mountain.

As a successful businesswoman, Indu wrote Build & Work that sheds light on the key elements that determine a company’s success. It also provides the key lessons learned from discussions with the CEOs of award-winning companies across different areas.


A Combination of My Midnight Thoughts

A Combination of My Midnight Thoughts by Dhabya Almheiri

Dhabya is a seventeen-year-old Emirati girl who began writing poetry after realizing how important it is to be aware of one’s thoughts. It doesn’t matter if they are all roses and sunshine or overshadowed by darkness; all that matters is one should know. It will be evident throughout the book, A Combination of My Midnight Thoughts, since her poems explore “Nightmares” and “Dreams.”


A Father’s Dream

A Father’s Dream by Jacqueline Al-Towayti

Jacqueline Al-Towayti confronted circumstances in her life that prevented her from finishing her studies after middle school. Her love for novels was the reason she ventured into the world of writing, where she could express her emotions and the pain she endured throughout her life. Writing became her sole outlet to cope with the pain. Her debut novel, A Father’s Dream, took ten years in making.

It tells the story of a girl named Marianne, distinguished by her intelligence and excellence, and honors everything her father says, whether she wants that for herself or not. Little did she know life has a few surprises of its own!


Almost Dead Thoughts

Almost Dead Thoughts by Ramla Jaafar Ali

Ramla was born and raised in Bahrain and grew up in a strict environment. She grew up with much love for writing and penning down her thoughts, which blossomed into a memoir, Almost Dead Thoughts. She loves learning about different languages and treasures reading different genres of literature, such as novels, poetry, and more. Almost Dead Thoughts is a peek into the author’s mind and all her pains and struggles of existence.


And the Traditions Took You from Me

And the Traditions Took You from Me by Albahia

Albahia is a beautiful woman with high spirits who has loved reading and writing since an early age. She learned from books that were useful for her until she stepped into the realms of thoughts and poetry and wrote her heart out. Her words made an impact on the readers’ hearts. She prays to God that her first attempt will be met with success. She is grateful to God for this, and even if the beginning is not to her liking, she will not quit because the journey to success is not a burden but one she aims to relish each step of the way.

And the Traditions Took You from Me encourages us all to cut off negative people from life who do nothing but pull us down and do not deserve our love and loyalty.


Between a Dream and a Wish

Between a Dream and a Wish by Omnia Alqaisi

Omnia Alqaisi has always been fascinated with the idea of exploring self-development and learning new hobbies and skills. She offers activities for women and children in self-defense and the basic principles of martial arts. She also teaches the psychological importance of self-confidence and the best way to combat bullying in peaceful steps. For the past 10 years, she has composed poems and thoughts for this book.

Her book, Between a Dream and a Wish, spreads the message of positivity and how important it is to break the mental cycle of sadness and be the best version of oneself.


A Walk in a World’s Library

A Walk in a World’s Library by Hamsa Hussein Sarmak

Hamsa has worked with several hospitals in Iraq. She has loved reading and the universe of literature since her childhood. In this book, she is sharing her journey with readers, hoping to make a difference and create a beautiful effect on the world and draw greater attention to the benefits of reading. She took on an ambitious goal to read 100 books in one year. She showcases the results of her Year of Reading trip and how it evolved her in the debut book, A Walk in a World’s Library.


After Maturity

After Maturity by Areej Barbari

Areej Barbari hails from Saudi Arabia and is a certified instructor and coach. She is passionate about the idea of self-growth and helping others evolve. Her book, After Maturity, sheds light on different aspects of life. According to her, life is not always about taking; sometimes, it’s about giving in return. Life has its ups and downs, and one learns to appreciate it with all its glory with time.


A Thug in the Corridors of the Past

A Thug in the Corridors of the Past by Asaeyl AL Jarallah

The 22-year-old Asayel Al Jarallah enjoys the perpetual fantasies that are a part of bitter reality. A medical science graduate of the nursing department is a lover of the arts, especially painting. Her book, A Thug in the Corridors of the Past, is a riveting crime story that you wouldn’t want to miss.



We hope you enjoyed this sneak peek into our amazing authors’ inspiring stories and their work. If you’re an aspiring writer and want to become a part of Austin Macauley’s family, then you can share your manuscripts here for review. You can also submit online by filling out this Online Submission Form. Stay connected with Austin Macauley on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more updates.

Happy International Women’s Day!