Self-Isolation: 5 Productive Things to do during Social Distancing at Home


With the world practicing self-isolation and social distancing during this unprecedented time to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, everyone is looking for ways to stay entertained at home. It might be difficult for many of us to wrap our heads around the notion of staying at home for an extended period. So far, if your life revolves around binge-watching on Netflix and you are getting weary of this routine, it’s time to try a new approach.

Take this time of self-isolation as an opportunity to catch up on all the hobbies and activities that you keep postponing due to your busy schedules. We will provide you with a nifty guide that you can undertake to make the most of your downtime.

Focus on Your Mental Health

Being separated from our family, friends, and colleagues might take a toll on our mental health and trigger feelings of anxiety, loneliness and depression. While taking all the measures to protect our physical health amid COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential to do little things for yourself that reflects positively on your state of happiness and gratification.

Our book, Happiness: Get It, Keep It, Oh…And Enjoy It! by Dr. Louise Lambert provides actionable strategies that can be adapted by readers to live a meaningful and happy life. The book incorporates what science has to say on the subject and how you can successfully achieve a better version of yourself. Grab this fascinating read here.

Pick up a Lengthy Novel

Research shows that book reading for only six minutes can reduce your blood pressure and relax your muscles. It gives you a nice opportunity to enter into the world of storytelling, far from reality and stimulates your imagination.

One of our finest novels, Black Swan Saga by Rod Giblett is a perfect read that will take you to places you could only dream of. The story revolves around the legend of Saint George and the Dragons. When the princess finds out about the twisted version of the events, spread by an evil lord, she attempts to let the truth prevail that ultimately leads to a battle. The author has made a conscious effort to highlight the issues of global warming and climate change in the book. Get a copy of this amazing read here.

Spend Quality Time With Your Kids

Staying at home with limited exposure and activity can put a huge strain on a child’s mental health. So, parents need to ensure that their kids take precedence over work and house chores, by spending time with them to nurture their developmental needs. This takes us to the most fun and productive time in a child’s life, that is, the bedtime story.

Our delightful children’s book, The Strange Ring by Ahlam Yahya Jhaaf will take readers on an adventurous journey of three friends who find a magical ring that grants the desires. They wished for a trip across the Arab countries. To know more about the story, get a copy here.

Reconnect With God

It’s never too late to build your relationship with Allah and submit your will to His guidance. Spend time talking to God and hand your anxieties over to Him. It’s purely therapeutic!

The Knowledge and the Concepts of Creation Between Heritage and Modernity by Abdulrahman Omar Faheel Elbum is a thought-provoking read that contemplates the evolution of Islamic heritage in light of different publications. It argues about the issues of creation of the universe and human beings from these books and compares them with the interpretations of the Holy Quran. Get a copy of this remarkable book here.

Call on to Your Inner Writer

All of us have a writer or a poet inside us that is waiting to be unleashed. It is just the right time to flex your creative muscles. Dabble onto whatever your creative writing interests are, by dedicating some extra time to read a biography that motivates and inspires you to improve yourself.

Listen to Me is an incredible biography of Jawaher Mohammed Alnoami. The book provides a much-needed dose of motivation to the readers. It talks about overcoming the adversities of life and not to give up under any circumstances. Get a copy here.

We hope that you find our self-isolation advice useful and will grab onto some of our best books to read at 30% off, to keep yourself busy. If you are an aspiring author, you can visit our submissions page on our website for all the details related to submitting your manuscript.

Follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to keep yourself updated on all the latest activities. Share the book you are reading or writing by using our hashtag #StayBookedStayHome.

We wish you all a safe and healthy social distancing period!

Our Amazing Book Collection For Your Kids


Humans have been sharing stories and experiences since the start of mankind. Storybooks for kids create magic and a feeling of wonder in the world. It teaches them to love, to forgive others and to laugh. Storytelling is a unique way for kids to develop an understanding, respect and appreciation for other cultures.

Brimming with great fantasies and imagination, here is the list of Austin Macauley’s top 6 children’s books for your lovely kids:

Munir the Millionaire by Zainab Ali Albahrani

Munir is a brilliant and eager observer. Due to his open observation of his surroundings, he quickly discovers the value of money and how important it is for survival and success. Munir then sets about to find out ways and opportunities to acquire lots of money when he grows up. Will he be able to succeed in his mission? Get a copy here to know.

Diversity by Maryam Saqer Al Qassimi

This children’s book is about educating children regarding different people and their opinions. Learning about the difference of opinion and ideas can help children understand different perspectives of the world. Have a look at this great read here.

Blossoming Kindness by Yasmine Hammad

Grandpa Hadid will take you through his one-week escapade with his four grandchildren Nayyirah, Adam, Milly, and Ty. Grandpa cultivates his senses towards the real meaning of kindness, tolerance, compassion, and empathy. Check out this amazingly written book to uncover the advice, lessons and guidance on how to be compassionate to others and yourself.

At Grandmother Hissa’s House by Abdulrahman Mohammed Almahimeed

This is a lovely children’s book written by Abdulrahman Mohammed Almahimeed. The author quotes Jubran Khalil Jubran as, “The nightingale is heard amidst the fields, singing out melodies in the space that the hills breathe a breeze of sweet basil. Don’t fear, my girl, For the stars can hold their tongue And the fog of night in that vineyard can cover the secrets.”

How a Whale and the Moon Helped Me by Sarab Al Ani

Yasmin wants a new personal electronic tablet but her father doesn’t want to buy her one.
Will Yasmin be able to persuade her father? Will she get her desired tablet? And how can the whale and moon help her? Give this book a read here!

Labib and the Freakish by Mahmoud Kehela

Take a plunge down the human body, embark on a mysterious and educational journey inside the human body with Labib and his freakish ghost. Travelling across the body, they encounter different obstacles in the form of organs and other components. Join them for an entertaining and informative ride here.

Children’s books give all young readers an inspiration to read, think and learn something new. These kids’ books mentioned above, like many others on our website, will definitely light a spark in the kids’ curious little minds.

Join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for all the latest updates on some beautiful books being added to our collection.