Basic steps on how to become a successful author



Are you a dreamer? And you want to make your dreams come true? You desire to be the most successful author? This won’t be a piece of cake because writing means touching the people, changing others’ lives and convey your thoughts and deliver it to readers and get their full attention of your words.

Writing is a great skill but it requires a constant fight for shaping ideas, creating interesting worlds and find the best way to capture emotions.

Do you want to win this fight? So your weapon is Knowledge, use this weapon to write in a creative way.

Now we will discuss the basic steps of how to be a successful and a creative author.

1. Let the Idea chip in

When an idea comes to your mind, accept it.

2. Giving Yourself Permission

The time when you decide that idea will bear fruit.

3. A strong Intention

Set the goals particularly to delight your audience

4. Finding the best resources

Gather all the material, the tools that you require to finish your job.

5. Commitment

You have to make the commitment with the idea.

6. Insistence

Keep going besides the difficulties.

7. Communicate

Communicate with other authors friendly. You may find the support from them.

8. Engagement

Allow yourself to enjoy the experience of engagement with your audience

9. Perspective

Assess and analyze your work, take the feedback from others

10. Revise

Refine your work grammatically and lingual

11. Publish

Offer your creation to the world.

12. Marketing

How to write a book in 90 days?


If you practice something for 21 days it will become a habit. And if your writing skills become a habit you will write with passion and power. To produce the best results, you need to transfer your emotions and thoughts into a written work which your audience is attracted to and get encouraged to read it till the last line.

The steps required to be followed in order to write a book in 90 days:

1. Full commitment to finish the book:

As George R.R. Martin said “Ideas are useless, execution is everything”, so you have to be committed to your ideas into a book.

2. Plan specifically:

– Plan for the time that you assign to write daily with no excuses and how many pages for your book.

– Define the word count.

– Determine the Genre.

– Make the writing smooth.

– You can get more details from the similar books.

– If you will write a story or a novel focus on compelling and plotting.

– Choose your characters, data, and information.
3. Write your drafts on a daily basis with sheer consistency

4. Gather a team

You need a team to work with you on design, illustration, proofreading and second writer that will help you if you got stuck.

5. Publishing and marketing process

After finishing the proofreading and finalizing the book and getting the feedback from your trusted first readers, you should think of choosing the best publishing model and a house. By this way you can write book in 90 days.


The Fastest Growing Publishers:

Austin Macaulay Publishers offers a helping hand; our publications range from historical romances to celebrity autobiographies; from illustrated children’s tales to in-depth technical manuals; from hard-hitting thrillers to meditative poetry. We pride ourselves on our hybrid publishing model, a progressively more popular means by which both new and previously published authors can establish themselves in the increasingly competitive world of books.

Writing a book is a creative project which you have to finish it phase by phase and the most important phase is that that how your book is going to attract the readers, and finish it in a specific time period.

You may feel lost and unprepared in the midst of your first book. But after you make a commitment with yourself. your dream come true and finish the book in a time less than 90 days. There are many success stories in which authors finished their books in 90 days and gone on to hit new heights of success. So, are you willing to take on the challenge to write book in 90 days?

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Tips for Kids to Read Books During Summer Holidays


It comes as no surprise that children love summer holidays! Being free of restraints of going to school every day and being able to relax is a valuable part of growing up. The regular reading that is a part of many children’s school day suddenly comes to an end as there are far more interesting things to do during summer vacation than read a book.
After a long vacation, the ability of reading may be affected due to the lack of book reading and getting information from their teachers, therefore it’s necessary to encourage our children to read during their holidays. The following tips may become handy to inspire your kids to read books in this time:

  1. Make it Interesting to Read Books

    Read together in a funny way, act the story by funny voices and expressions to your children, read for them humorous books to engage their minds. Try to make the reading session for 10 minutes and increase their passion to come back tomorrow.

  2. Plan Visits to Libraries and Bookstores

    Plan a visit to bookstores and libraries. Make it a part of the family’s routine as these trips easily increase the children’s passion for reading. Teach them how to borrow books and what are the offers that they can get it from the bookstores and libraries.

  3. Let Them Choose Books

    The most important thing in the reading process is the book choice. Let them have it which in turn will not let them lose interest. Try to let them access a book in their reading level that will prepare them to be strong readers in future.

  4. Make a Book Reading Atmosphere at Home

    During the family reading routine, prepare for a special atmosphere e.g. lamps, special books light this will add the value to reading time.

  5. Give Them Books as Gifts

    Present them books that they want to read as gifts. Encourage your child to lend and swap their books with their family and friends. This would inspire them to gain an interest in books.

  6. Read with Them

    Reading together will inspire kids to read. It’s a great idea to give them the option of how they would like to read. Provide the opportunity for children to choose whether they would like to read aloud or silently. Check if they would like to try paired reading or if they feel like they need extra support with the book.

    The most supportive strategies to inspire a kid to read is reading together and give them the option to read silently or aloud. Also, you can offer them a paired reading if they like it.


    When your children cannot know the meaning of a word or a sentence, remember to:

    Wait: Give them the option to figure out the word and let them have time to guess
    Ask: Discuss with them about the meaning and ask them is it making sense to them

Working with your child to maintain good reading habits during their school break allows you to not only establish your kids as active readers but will give them the best possible start for when they return to school.