A Study In Myself
كتاب قراءة في ذاتي كتاب يمثِّل المشاعر النقيَّة في الذات البشرية بكافَّة متغيِّراتها المستمرة.
قُسِّمَ هذا الكتاب إلى ثلاثة فصول، بحيث يُعَبِّر كلُّ فصل عن حقبة مشاعر متغيِّرة في الحبِّ بحسب المرحلة التي تعيشها.
فيكون التعبير في الفصل الأول عن الحبِّ في مرحلة الغرام والوقوع في الحبِّ.
أمَّا الفصل الثاني فيُعبِّر عن الحبِّ المتضارب والمشاعر المختلطة بين الإيجاب والسلبية.
والفصل الثالث والأخير يتكلَّم عن مشاعر الحبِّ الناضج ومرحلة السلام في الحبِّ .
هذا الكتاب عبارة عن مشاعر خالصة طبيعيَّة تمثِّل ذواتنا في مراحل مختلفة كلَّ يوم، هو للأشخاص الذين يجدون الحب شيئًا غير مفهوم، لعلَّه يساعدهم في فهم ذواتهم.
AED 25.00 -
My Spiritual Silo
Letters lined to reach by self, high in the sky between lines of self-development, cosmic laws and surplus feelings we write. What is positive of them we keep and develop, and what is negative, we smile, be grateful, understand its message and delete; and to know that success starts with an idea within us after trust in Allah, there is no real obstacle to success but us.
AED 45.00 -
Never Stop To Find Your Own Special Place
The moment you read my book, you will be sure that I was reborn. I consider each obstacle and turn in my life as a sign of resilience and determination for achieving my dream, empowering myself and fulfilling all the great things that are related to my name.
AED 25.00 -
In this book of mine, I wrote to you what I felt one day, and perhaps you will find yourself in my letters when reading the book… you will find it between the lines. I wrote these letters for you and me; to reassure our hearts with the words, and to reconsider our lives. By reasoning, we can open closed doors, so how nice it is for a person to live with a satisfied heart and a balanced mind.
AED 30.00 -
Soul Talk
The morning tells us a story that optimist people love, as the morning has a different flavor, taste and color when we have dreams and aspire to achieve them.
Be one of those who loves the early mornings and plan their path. Be like the bird who starts his day early, flying around, looking for his needs.
Don’t look outside and everyone is running to advance, while you are sitting on your balcony, perhaps you will see someone you know and point at him, and tell people around you that you know him, and you are proud of knowing him, it is unfair to destroy yourself in this way.
How awful it is to see everyone progress, and it is enough for you to know someone, and he doesn't even know that you see him, he is immersed in his dreams, devoted to developing himself, preoccupied with his ambitions, knowing him does not mean anything to him.
AED 35.00 -
Thirty Emotions Getaways!
Who is he? It is said that he embodies the coldest degrees, more intense than summer's heat, and warmer than spring.
Of an unknown gender, he might be the most wonderful young man for a girl, and the gentlest girl for a materialistic man turned into a liquid in tears, solid in every joyful occasion, and vapor in the breath of lovers.
The urgent need is hard to satisfy with what?
The preoccupation is more than any profession, the definition that does not possess the knowledge of the one place where the soul reaches before the body, the greatest joy if one owned a Disney world that accompanied every development on Earth, witnessed the oldest trend in Roman times, and witnessed the latest trend in the twenty-first century."
AED 40.00 -
Get To Know Yourself - تعرّف على نفسك
The soul is like the sea, there are many mysteries in it, buried and undeclared things, and to elevate yourself you must first understand them.
AED 60.00 -
Heart's Rhythm
This book is for optimistic people who care for life. The book contains articles and stories of daily life experiences or the fear of mistakes made, intentionally or unintentionally, and to abbreviate these situations in your life. Read the book, Heart Rhythms, and make sure that happiness lies in the simplicity of your heart without any cost.
AED 40.00 -
When the heart blushed with love and gratitude, when life does not spare it dream-like moments, then life picks for us the most beautiful harvests of destiny.
Then how can a spring not pass through the heart? How can autumn not pass through the heart? When those we love dry up, and names that meant life to us fall from the sky of the heart, carrying with them in the folds of memory moments that were written with rose water.
How can winter not pass through the heart? When you are alone and cold, they think you are empty, dull, and indifferent, and you, whose heart was full of life, companionship, and love, have been repeatedly let down to the point that you have become extremely sensitive to delving into any relationship.
How can a summer not pass through the heart when warmth surrounds us and the destinies of God surround us, so we calm down and relax?
When the heart blushed with love and gratitude, when life does not spare it dream-like moments, then life picks for us the most beautiful harvests of destiny.
Then how can a spring not pass through the heart? How can autumn not pass through the heart? When those we love dry up, and names that meant life to us fall from the sky of the heart, carrying with them in the folds of memory moments that were written with rose water.
How can winter not pass through the heart? When you are alone and cold, they think you are empty, dull, and indifferent, and you, whose heart was full of life, companionship, and love, have been repeatedly let down to the point that you have become extremely sensitive to delving into any relationship.
How can a summer not pass through the heart when warmth surrounds us and the destinies of God surround us, so we calm down and relax?
Seasons pass through our hearts, shaping us, shaping our moods and the features of our relationships, changing the curvature of our lips, caressing us at times, and ravaging us at other times.
AED 35.00 -
Understand, And You Will Be Happy
Each one of us has one life only, so choose the correct path for your life and appreciate the value of time. Unhappiness comes from giving up, it is not destiny! Life is like a car – if you learn how to operate it correctly and follow safety rules, you will survive, with God’s will. But if you misuse it, don’t blame it on destiny!
AED 40.00 -
Oh My God!
Life is full of hope, and it is beautified by trusting God. We find ourselves by honesty. It is covered with chastity, purity and simplicity. Its beauty lies in humility and good manners, and its treasure is God’s satisfaction... Patience relieves the pain of life’s suffering... This is why I wrote this book. These are stories of hope, inspired by imagination. These are thoughts and memories that are stuck in mind, despite the passage of time. Contemplation pauses on a Quran verse and the Hadith from the Prophet's guidance. It is about beautiful things and positive thoughts, from optimism and peaceful coexistence with the self to the painting of an engraved smile in the faces of the readers.
AED 45.00 -
Hear Yourself
Finding the Antidote to Fear, Anger, and Worry
“Imagine if everyone around you could gain this deep connection with who they are. Imagine if everyone could hear and play the music of self-knowledge. Think of the impact on individuals, on families, on communities, on politics, on war, on our world. Well, it starts with one person at a time – in this case, you. Let’s begin.”
Prem Rawat, from Hear Yourself.
“Prem Rawat’s insights into life provide many of the answers I have sought for decades.
This book inspires and elevates the reader with wisdom and a practical approach to
finding peace within, rather than seeking it in this crazy world.”
Michael Bolton, Grammy-Award winning singer/songwriter
“Prem’s words are a soothing balm to those yearning for true contentment.
A gem of a book!”
Susan Stiffelman, MFT, author of Parenting Without Power Struggles.
“Prem Rawat is the Einstein of consciousness.”
Claudio Naranjo, MD, author of The Enneagram of Society.
"There are songs in this book, the melodies of possible joy and the harmonies of a life of true peace - if we “hear” ourselves. Let us take this book, hold it up with knowledge renewed and joy blazing out from our heart. Let us sing for the first time.”
Juan Felipe Herrera, Poet Laureate of the United States, Emeritus.AED 60.00