Soul Talks

Sheikh Mohammed

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The texts of this book were collected through thoughts scattered over the course of days, which carried in their meanings a solution and a cure for every matter that afflicted people, and whose meaning and conclusion were not yet well-understood.

These thoughts were recorded on the piece of paper closest to the writer, such as a purchase invoice or a text conversation, in the hope that the writer would not forget them because of their importance.

When they were collected, the writer found that they carry a clear message for our contemporary way of life, justify some of the difficulties, and contradict some of the harmful, unhelpfully inherited traditions.

Sheikh Mohammed began his career writing articles in a local newspaper in the United Arab Emirates, and his love for reading left him with a modest treasure of knowledge from different eras, which he rearranged and compiled to form ideas that some may feel are nascent, but are certainly of benefit in this era.

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