Mindful Futurism: Paving the Way for Future Generations

Rakan Brahedni

Total Pages: 82
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What is the common root of the most significant crises facing humanity today? And what is a simple, universal tool both individuals and businesses can apply to create the most leverage for positive change?

These are the two urgent questions at the heart of this book. Spurred by a turbulent entry into fatherhood, the author walks readers through his rude awakening to the state of the modern world, into the deeper realization of the flawed mindset threatening our future – and the universal system he devised to remedy it.

Relevant to both citizens and CEO’s, Mindful Futurism offers a critical tool at a time we need it most: a compact and memorable framework to guide our decision-making processes; designed to ensure the security and wellbeing of humanity for centuries to come.

Rakan Brahedni is a technologist, futurist, certified health coach, and father-of-two on a mission to inspire others to live more mindful and meaningful lives with the hope of building a better world for future generations. He and his family reside in Dubai where he is currently working on his second book.

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