Linguistic Planning And Policies In The Baltic States: Lithuania, Latvia And Estonia-bookcover

By: Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Tajjo

Linguistic Planning And Policies In The Baltic States: Lithuania, Latvia And Estonia

Arabic 300 Pages Ratings: 5.0
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The main question of the book: What is the linguistic planning experience in the Baltic States? There are several sub-questions under this question, which includes: -What is the concept of linguistic policy and its types? -What are the most important stages of the Baltic States to design linguistic policy and build linguistic planning? -How did the Baltic States deal with their national, foreign, and minority languages? -Which government entities are implementing linguistic policies in these States? -What is the impact of linguistic planning on the lingual reality in the Baltic States? – What are the effects of these linguistic policies on the society and the minorities in the Baltic States? – What is the role of language in integration or exclusion in the Baltic society? – Why do the Baltic States need linguistic policies? – Did they plan to implement national language in all vital areas? What is the evaluation of the experiences of the Baltic States in linguistic planning? How could the experiences of the Baltic States in the planning of Arabic language and Arabization be benefited in the Arab world?
Born in Aleppo, Syria, in 1957, the author holds a doctorate degree in Modern French Literature from the University of Poitiers in France, 1989. He is ex-professor at the University of Aleppo and is presently teaching at King Saud University as a certified translator for the Syrian Ministry of Justice since 1995. He is also a member of the scientific and editorial committee in several scientific and cultural journals, such as Synergies Monde Arabe. He is a member of several scientific and cultural societies, such as the Al Adiyat Association in Aleppo, Syria. His most notable work is: - Practical Applications in Specialized Translation, French / Arabic, King Saud University, Riyadh, 2009. Some of his translated work is: - French Literary Criticism in the Twentieth Century by Michel Jariti, King Saud University, Riyadh, 2004. - Understanding and Learning Translation by Daniel Gill, King Saud University, Riyadh, 2009 (Best Book Award at Kuwait Book Fair 2010). - An Introduction to the Translation Linguistics. Translation Contemplation at the Past, Present and the Future by Matthew Guder, King Saud University, Riyadh, 2012. - How Does the Brain Manage My Interests? Neuroscience by Sasha Bourgua Gironde, Arabic Book 175, Riyadh, 2014. - The History and Philosophy of Science, edited by Thomas Lobletier, Arabic Book 195, Riyadh – 2017 (Shortlisted for Sheikh Zayed Book Award, Twelfth Session 2017/2018). From his research in Linguistic Planning and Linguistic Policy: Linguistic Planning and Linguistic Policy in France: A Case Study in the book International Strategies Serving the National Languages: A Study of Different Cases in Linguistic Planning and Linguistic Policy. Editor: D. Mahmoud bin Abdullah Al-Mahmoud, King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Center of Arabic Language Servicing, Riyadh, 2016. - Policy of Translation in France, Journal of Linguistic Planning and Linguistic Policy, Issue 3 – 2016. - Planning and Linguistic and Cultural Policy in Switzerland, Journal of Planning and Linguistic Policy, No. 5 – 2017. - European Experiences in Planning and Language Policy: Estonia, Slovakia and Slovenia in the book Arabization, Reality and Ambition. D. Saleh Belkacem Belhassan, King Abdullah Institute for Arabization and Translation, Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, 2018.
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  • عبدالعزيز كريم

    رواية رائعة تحكي قصة ممتعة سوف تجذب اهتمام القارئ فهي تجمع بين القصة الشيقة والمعلومات التي يمكن تطبيقها والاستفادة منها في الواقع. يحكي الكتاب قصة الشابة ياسمين وكيف تغيرت حياتها بعد لقاء آدم وتتوالى الأحداث الشيقة بعد ذلك. استخدم الكاتب أسلوب رائع في وصف أحداث وشخصيات القصة كما تميز بأسلوب سلس وشيق لتكون اللغة أقرب للقارئ.

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