The only difference wasn’t that I was created from fire and Adam from clay.
This mud made me fear the curiosity of his mind and the strength of his contemplation.
I hated Adam who was asking about everything.
The greedy for knowledge, despite the weakness of his defeated body in front of all those present,
Of all I was the desire, the dream and the curiosity,
Until Adam came and my only rival came with him,
I would do what I did,
No matter how repeated the scene, I could not see him hear what I heard,
And know what I knew,
The children of Adam believe that Satan is sitting on a throne of stone.
With tattered clothes, though I am hundreds of years ahead of them,
But they underestimate the unknown,
I will dictate to them my sciences;
To be a weapon that quenches my thirst for their blood,
And their awaited hell...