The ten best books about poetry

The ten best books about poetry

A group of people believe that the interest in Arabic literature in general and poetry in particular has become weak. What they do not know is that poetry is one of the most powerful and eloquent literary genres, and is considered one of the most enjoyable branches of the Arabic language and one of the most widespread and knowledgeable fields today.
The Arab poet is distinguished in his poems by his precise selection of beautiful and sophisticated vocabulary, because Arabic poetry helps in opening a person’s mind, developing his talents, increasing his creativity, and increasing the opportunities for learning the language and its rules.
Reading poetry will increase our enjoyment, make us travel with imagination, make our senses sensitive, elevate our taste, and develop our ability to read.
One of the most important results that results from our reading of poetry is that it increases literary taste and increases the vocabulary in a more eloquent and sophisticated way.
Therefore, reading poetry books is necessary to obtain the maximum benefit we aspire to. Let us begin our quick tour to learn about the best ten books that we have collected for you from the distinguished Austin Macauley Library.

  A Combination of My Midnight Thoughts
  Golden Al Muhairi

The first book among the best poetry books on our list is the book (A Mixture of My Thoughts at Midnight) by the author (Dhahabia Al Muhairi). This book has the power to make it one of the most influential and useful poetry books for you. The book contains within its folds all the sublime and beautiful words of virtue and wisdom. The author shows us the importance of communicating ideas that can radically change our lives. To get this wonderful book click

  An interview with Al-Mutanabbi
  Abdullah Al-Hammad

The second choice for you from the list of the best poetry books is written by (Abdullah Al-Hammad). He discusses with us the phenomenon of reluctance to read, which is one of the most important problems facing our society at the present time. The phenomenon of reluctance to read has worsened day after day, and it has a major impact on the new generation. As it results in corruption of morals and the spread of ignorance, reading is one of the most important reasons for development and growth of society, but what are the reasons that led to reluctance to read? What exacerbated the problem? Many questions searching for lost answers.
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  Every sanctuary
  Wasf Obaid bin Nasr Al Zaabi

If you are a lover and fan of poetry magazines, this book is the best medicine for you. Every Sanctuary is a book written by Yousef Obaid bin Nasr Al Zaabi. The author used an interesting style in narrating the verses of his poem. We hope that the book conveys to you the hesitation, order, and darkness that lies within the writer. Get a copy of this wonderful book by clicking

  Delightful Complex
  Samar Marghani

  The writer tells us how unable she was to answer the crucial question that she had always hesitated within herself to reveal the answer to, but did her hesitation stop? Or did she have enough courage to reveal it?
You can learn more about Delightful Confusion by clicking

  A dream

The Book of Dreams is a book inspired by realistic events. Its events revolve around a child who drifts into a different world that her eyes do not know, to a world that has no connection to our reality, a world beyond the borders of the earth. What is this other world? Is it a world filled with the creative power it carries within it? this is unbelievable!
Let's read this amazing book to learn more, click

   Feelings of a pen clouded with sadness
  Kholoud Al-Qahtani

Feelings of a Pen with a Cloud of Sadness is a poignant and poetic novel that revolves around an unexpected separation between two people, their separation and the pain in the hearts that accompanies it, the fading and dispersal of feelings little by little, and reaching the finish line. Will that lover return again after becoming a stranger?
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   No to Abandonment
Dr. Shehata Al-Sharif Al-Banoubi

Feeling sad or happy is a natural response to difficult or happy events in the lives of all people. Although it is a natural feeling, obtaining happiness or getting rid of sadness is often not easy. “No to Between” is the best book of poetry that conveys through its verses the writer’s suffering in his life, and the situations he endured, whether happy or sad.
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  Once upon a time in a dream
  Fatima Al-Saadi

How many times has someone tried to convince you that achieving your dream is impossible? (Once upon a time in a dream) is a wonderful book that aims to stimulate feelings of belief in the dream, optimism, and enthusiasm for achieving the expected goal. If you feel that you are going through a state of despair, confusion, and ambiguity, do not stop dreaming until you achieve your goal. Put a goal before your eyes and work to achieve it to feel the meaning of life. And its importance.
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  A cry of love
Kholoud Bashir Khadrawi

The writer tells us about the passion, magic, and creativity she carries in her words, as you can travel through her verses to a barren desert or to the shore of oblivion. The book A Cry with the Flavor of Love includes the most beautiful verses and literary masterpieces.
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  Spiritually broken
  Yara A. bar

Every joyful moment of love is met with frustrating moments of anger. I present to you the book (Spiritually Shattered), one of the best books of poetry that inspires enthusiasm because of the conflicting feelings of love and hate it contains.
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At the end of our talk about the best poetry books, we leave you to choose one of your favorite books, and to read the latest news about Austin Macauley Publishersand our latest releases. You can follow us on our pages on
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