Tips to be an Environmental Friendly Book Lover

Tips to be an Environmental Friendly Book Lover


Reading E-books and listening to audiobooks is a fantastic way to add a new dimension to your reading life environmentally friendly. Take a look at these easy tips through which you can be an ecofriendly book lover.

On June 5, the environmentally-conscious from all over the globe will commemorate World Environment Day. It’s a day to raise awareness about protecting Earth’s natural resources. There is no doubt that with rising environmental problems like global warming, we all need to do our bit and adopt environmentally sustainable practices in our daily lives to take care of the environment and protect our homes. Even the smallest things such as saving water or recycling materials, taking bikes, or walking instead of driving can make a huge difference. So what can we take on as readers? Let’s look at a few ways bookworms can aid the Earth… and not just on June 5.

Is Reading Eco-Friendly?

Sometimes, it feels like being an avid reader is the exact antithesis of a sustainable lifestyle. Every book is printed using massive, energy-consuming machines glued with potentially harmful chemicals, then shipped around the globe (increasing the carbon footprint). And don’t forget, every page is printed using a natural resource: paper. It’s certainly enough to pause eco-friendly readers and cause them to question whether the pleasures of reading really are worth the risk. But then, naturally, we realize the pleasure reading is, and the issue seems much less appealing than relaxing with a good book and forgetting about it.

Planet-Healthy Alternatives

Do not worry. We’re not suggesting that people stop reading! There are a variety of ways for readers to continue enjoying their books but with less impact on the world.

Audiobooks and E-Books

The easiest way to change how you consume your books is to move from paper books to ebooks and audiobooks. Downloading books eliminates the carbon footprint from the manufacturing and transportation of physical books. It also occupies virtually none of the space at home. A single device can house hundreds, or even thousands of books, providing you with the chance to read without guilt. Audiobooks are more beneficial as they allow you to take in more books than you would otherwise since they let you perform other, less fun tasks.

Borrowing Books Instead of Buying

If ebooks seem less enjoyable than the feeling of those beautiful pages you hold as you read, consider borrowing books instead of buying them. The library is an excellent method to access any kind of title. Book swaps are another fantastic option to read without spending extra. This means you can save money on books and only purchase an original copy if you know it will become the book you’ll keep for a lifetime and not just read it once.

The “Second-Hand” Option

Borrowing books is great, but if you want to have a copy you can hang on to for a long time, you might consider purchasing a second-hand. A used book can be the best way to make sure that a book that’s been used won’t be tossed into the garbage, and it also will mean that fewer books will need to be produced. Garage sales are an excellent option to fill your weekend, and second-hand books can be treasure troves that offer a unique setting.


What would you do if you ever wanted to get rid of your book? Think about donating it to a library, a small no-cost library, or even selling the books you’ve loved to other readers, and that’s not the only thing you could do. Books can also be recycled and turned into crafting supplies or even furniture! Covers and books that have been upcycled into notebooks and jewelry are plentiful at Etsy and fairs for the craft. This is a particularly good alternative for damaged books, missing parts, or out-of-date textbooks.

The Green Topics

There are many books to help us learn how to become more sustainable. From ethics books to farming, from food to healthy lifestyle, take a look at several books on environmental conscious subjects, and then learn about other ways to save the environment.

The Benefits of Being a Book Lover

There are several ways that being a bookworm can benefit the environment regardless of whether your home is really a library with a kitchen. If you are unable to let go of all those books, consider that having bookshelves lined up on the walls can help keep your home more insulated and helps to make it more energy-efficient. Paper books require the least amount of electricity, unlike watching television or playing video games, or logging on to the laptop at night. After the book is in your hands, reading a book while sitting is carbon neutral and completely waste-free. Fantastic!

Outside of the home reading, people are more likely to travel on the bus to work and squeeze in a little more time to read. We’ve had the privilege of taking advantage of a bus trip to sneak in one or two chapters in the past. It’s not just our commutes getting greener due to reading. Also, you’re supporting authors when you purchase their books. Helping writers is about those who work from home, which means less environmental impact.

We hope that you enjoyed reading about our suggested tips on how to be an environmentally friendly book lover. If you wish to be a part of Austin Macauley Publishers, then you’re welcome to share your manuscripts here for review. You can also submit online by filling out this Online Submission Form.

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