5 Ways to Inspire Your Children to Read

5 Ways to Inspire Your Children to Read


As parents we envision our children to be well-mannered and want them to engage in activities that push them to have a fresh and unique perspective on life; what better is there than reading? Reading is not only necessary for academic purposes, it is a fundamental need for them, providing them with a gateway of various opportunities. Reading is essential to teach thoughtfulness and imagination in children and helps build their critical thinking, analytical, socialisation and communication skills.

Sometimes it can be difficult to get children to read, especially if they do not enjoy it which can feel like a losing battle, however, reading can be fun and exciting and it is our roles as parents to show them how.

Below we have outlined 5 ways in which you can encourage your children to read regularly.

  • Be Your Child’s Reading Buddy

Children are the mini version of us, they like to copy us in every way. We know they want to do whatever we are doing, they won’t even let us use the bathroom in peace! Reading with them is a great way to encourage children to read. Reading regularly can inspire them to also read on their own. Taking turns to read sentences, paragraphs, or even short stories is a great way to spend time together and get your children comfortable with reading.

  • Encourage Them to Read on Their Own

Have a lot of reading material available at home that will encourage your children to read on their own. Purchase books with intriguing front covers which will grab their attention and draw them in.

  • Recognise Their Achievements

Recognising and celebrating their achievements can help with reading too. Praise them when they have finished reading a book or a school project. This positive reinforcement will work a long way and will motivate and push them further to accept new reading challenges.

  • Expose Your Child to Different Genres

Every child is different, and that being said, they all have different tastes and preferences. Learning a skill becomes easy when you enjoy what you are doing. You can help your children to become good readers by exploring various genres with them. Because the more they like it, the more eager they would be to read it.

  • Buy Books That Interest Their Taste

After exploring these genres with your children and figuring out what they enjoy the most, you can ensure you are purchasing books they like. There are only so many times you would read the same book and this is same with for children. Giving them access to different stories will keep their excitement levels up. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a new book?

Here is a list of our top children’s books to we think will encourage your children to read at home more often:


The Little Nurse

Book: The Little Nurse
Author: Dr. Reem Bent Nasir Aldosari

A delightful and endearing story of a young girl as she finds herself interested in becoming a nurse after she injures her knees while playing. Embark with Hima’s journey as she discovers her interest in nursing after her encounter with Nurse Reem, who later explained the nursing profession to her. Moreover, a great read for instilling your children with nursing knowledge as it makes an introductory exhibit of career they can opt for in the future.



Munir the Millionaire

Book: Munir the Millionaire
Author: Zainab Ali Albahrani

It is a book of adventure, exploration and intrigue; it takes you on Munir’s journey, who is an intelligent kid and a keen observer. His curiosity lands him to realize the significance of money for a prosperous life. So, he starts to manifest unique ideas that will make him a lot of money.












The Strange Ring











Book: The Strange Ring

Author: Ahlam Yahya Jhaaf

It is a fascinating yet enticing adventurous story of a strange magical ring called The Great Name’s Ring, which leads our three heroes on a journey across the Arab countries after finding this ring in an old box. This book is excellent for introducing the spirit of adventure in your children and to ignite the theme of exploration in them.

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