10 effective tips for maintaining a writing routine during Ramadan

10 effective tips for maintaining a writing routine during Ramadan

Within days, the holy month of Ramadan will be upon us, which is the most famous season in the Arab and Islamic world. People flock to acts of worship such as prayer, fasting, zakat, and family ties, in addition to gathering to watch artistic and literary works. Naturally, people with talent and those who are able to express themselves through pen find it difficult during the day in Ramadan due to the lack of food and low blood sugar. We find laziness and procrastination in writing and postponing it until after Ramadan.
In this article, we will discuss some of
Austin Macauley publishers tips that may help pen owners and writers adopt a daily routine for literary production and help focus during the day of the holy month.
First: Get ready for Ramadan and plan your day
Ramadan is the month of taking advantage of the small moments between prayers and work breaks. You start your day by moving to your workplace, and taking advantage of commuting times is very important. You can, for example, listen to an audio book to inspire you. To view the paper and electronic audio books page from Austin Macauley House, click here. Or you can listen to what is available from the Holy Qur’an as well. When you return from work, before taking your afternoon nap, you can read whatever you like, then you wake up before breakfast and do some exercise, then you break your fast, complete your night prayer, and spend time with your family. After that, you can allocate half an hour or an hour to writing before going to sleep.
You can allocate this hour at another time as well. There are those who wake up before the morning prayer to eat suhoor, and then start their day after the prayer by reading the Qur’an and then doing some exercise. They can take an hour of writing after the hour of exercise, for example.
The evidence here is the importance of organizing time and allocating a specific time for writing during the month of Ramadan, in a way that suits the writer’s ability. You must be patient in implementing it because at the beginning of any routine there are some difficulties until you get used to it.
Second: Take care of your stomach
As Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: The stomach is the house of disease. All diseases are based and based on the stomach and what you eat. We often find in Ramadan a shift in the concept of asceticism, and we find pride in the types of food, and someone eats his breakfast food until he is full and is not able to work or worship after that, and we often see an increase in the percentage of obesity as a result of the abundance of food and its poor quality. So, general advice: pay attention to what you eat, do not go overboard, do not eat until you are hungry, and when you eat, you are not satisfied. Diversify the types of food between proteins, carbohydrates, and non-hydrogenated fats. If you want to start writing and allocate time to it while you are at full capacity, do whatever benefits you only. Consider the saying of our ancestors: “If the stomach is full, the thought sleeps” and consider its truth.
Third: Drink plenty of water after breakfast
Drink plenty of water after breakfast. Make sure to have two cups of water at suhoor time. An average of two or three liters of water daily will prevent you from feeling dehydrated during fasting hours and will help you maintain your energy during fasting hours.
Fourth: Monitor blood sugar levels
Blood sugar levels decrease as a result of fasting, which makes you feel exhausted and tired during the day in Ramadan. Therefore, we recommend eating some complex carbohydrates in the suhoor meal because they take time to be digested, in addition to some protein, vegetables, and fruits.
Fifth: Sleep well
During Ramadan, the biological clock is always disturbed as a result of the many activities that people do, such as praying, fasting, and meeting with family and friends. In our case, this affects the creativity of the writer, so it is necessary to make sure to get six hours of sleep at a minimum, to avoid feeling exhausted and to continue being productive. .
Sixth: Avoid excessive physical effort
Exercising is a daily duty, but during the month of Ramadan, try to be smart in choosing the appropriate timing and the necessary loads so that you do not lose your energy and feel exhausted. Don't forget to do breathing exercises, which help supply our bodies with large amounts of stimulating oxygen, which helps us focus and increase productivity.
Seventh: Avoid high temperatures
As for Ramadan this year, it will come in clear weather in the middle of the spring season, and the days of the spring season are not the same as the days of Ramadan if it comes in the summer, but rather shorter in time, so the climate will certainly be better than its predecessors. Working hours are always shorter during the month of Ramadan. Here in the
United Arab Emirates, working hours are reduced to five or six hours a day, which helps reduce stress and gives those who are fasting more time to rest and worship. It is best to try to avoid high temperatures during the day in Ramadan, even if the weather is clear, as this may exhaust you and affect your productivity.
Eighth: Reduce your consumption of caffeine and nicotine
Ramadan is a good opportunity to reduce caffeine and nicotine consumption. A lack of nicotine always causes nervousness during the day in Ramadan, and caffeine is a diuretic. It will make you lose a lot of water, which you may need during the day in Ramadan to avoid dehydration. So try to reduce the amount of caffeine and nicotine after breakfast.
Ninth: Do not stop reading and watching
Reading and viewing are the original inspiration for any writer. Do not stop doing them during the month of Ramadan, even if you change the type of input and lean more toward religious readings and observations, given the sanctity of the month. But don't stop, there is no fabric without cotton!
Tenth: Strive to write every day
Write every day, write even if you are tired, write even if you are tired, write and never get bored. This is the condition of the truthful, and as the poet said:
The demands are not attained by wishful thinking... but the world is taken as a result
So, if your goal is to continue writing, show diligence and perseverance in implementing this during the month of Ramadan, and give everything its due, only then will you feel accomplished and successful.